Seperate ways

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I have a huge question. Do you want me to go USUM or the original way? Luckily, we aren't too far into the story and can easily be changed. I don't really know what's different yet as I'm only up to the trainers school at the moment but I will be playing it all week.


Ash's POV

I heard voices as I ran up Wela Volcano. One of them was definitely Serena, but I didn't want to know who the other voice was. "Well done Serena. Here is your Z Crystal."

That wasn't Apollo's voice luckily. He sounded like a trial captain, which meant she had just completed her first trial. Good for her. I was close to the top now, and I could make out the outlines of 3 people. I now noticed the infamous straw hat of Apollo as he walked up behind Serena. "Heh. Great job, babe. Now, ready for that date?" Apollo said, slapping her butt.

I froze, listening to those words. She accepted a date from my rival?  "Serena?" I started, not knowing what to say.

She jumped and faced me, Apollo doing the same. Apollo smirked and walked towards me. "Aww... Ashy-boy feeling jealous?" I was so tempted to punch him, as only Gary is aloud to call me that. "Meowth got your tongue?" He taunted. I Ignored him, pulled my hat over my face, turned around and walked off. As I was walking, I felt tears form in my eyes and started to run. I passed Lillie and Gladion as left Wela Volcano and decided to find somewhere private.


Lillie's POV

As me and Gladion were making our way up Wela Volcano, Ash ran past us, crying. "Ash!" I shouted. He didn't hear me. "Gladion, go comfort Ash. I'm going to find Serena." I told him. I was also annoyed at Serena. She broke Ash's heart, so I'm going to have a word. Gladion nodded as he followed Ash down the hill. I stormed my way towards the top of Wela Volcano to see a Serena, sat by a rock, crying. Apollo was no where to be found. "Serena, we need a word." She nodded rapidly. "Tell me everything."

"While we were looking for Ash, I arrived here and found a trial. Apollo was there and said that after the trial, we would battle. If Apollo won, he would take me on a date. I completed the trial and Apollo taunted me by slapping my butt and saying 'ready for that date, babe?' That's when Ash saw." She explained. I nodded and pulled her into a hug.

"Come on, let's go find Ash." I told her. I tried her tears and she nodded.


Gladion's POV

I arrived at a beach, and I heard sobbing. I looked behind a rock and saw Ash, in a ball. Pikachu was trying to shake him, but he wouldn't budge.

"Hey Pikachu, let me try." The small mouse looked up to me and nodded.

I petted him between the ears and sat next to Ash. "Are you ok?" I asked. Stupid question, of course he isn't alright. "Look, I'm not the best at comforting, but I'm trying. Tell me what happened."

"I'll tell you what happened." A voice from behind said. "He got jealous I stole his girlfriend from him."

I turned around to see the person Lillie described as Apollo. "Ok Apollo, what do you want? You've made Ash cry, now your rubbing it in his face? You're sick." I retort.

"Back off, emo boy. I don't know you." He started.

I stood up and smacked Apollo in the face. "Nobody calls me emo." I spit. I looked down at him, he looked more shocked than hurt. But what did he expect?

"How about a battle?" He smirked, wiping the dirt off himself. I smiled and grabbed Type:Null's Pokeball.

"Ok then." I replied by throwing the Pokeball. Type:Null roared and stood in a battle stance.

"Huh? What is that thing?" Apollo yelled. Luckily, there are no people around or I would have chosen another Pokemon. I looked over to Apollo, who had sent out a Torracat.

"This 'thing' is your doom. Now, Crush Claw." I stated. Type:Null growled and slashed the Torracat with a giant claw. The Torracat slowly stood back up, so I nodded at Type:Null, signalling it to use Aerial Ace. It used one of its claws and slashed the Torracat with a blue light.

After Type:Null landed, the Torracat hit the floor, fainted. Nobody has ever beaten my Type:Null except Ash. I returned Type:Null and looked Apollo dead in the eye. "Stay away from me and my friends." I growled.

"Freak." Apollo stuttered. He instantly stood up and walked away.

"Gladion?" Ash said, standing up. "That was so cool! Can you tell me about Type:Null?" I sighed and sat on a rock.

"Sorry Ash, Personal. Maybe another time." I told him. He nodded, looking upset. "How about we find Lillie?"


Serena's POV

I slowly followed Lillie down the mountain, when I saw Apollo run away from a beach. We arrived at the beach, and I noticed Ash and Gladion. Ash no longer had the same cheerful look, he now looked broken. He noticed me and turned away, which Gladion noticed as he turned to face

"Ash, Serena wants to say something." Lillie spoke for me.

"Well Ash wants to say something too." Gladion responded.

I decided to start, as no one else was talking. "Ash, I am so sorry. Let me explain." He didn't say anything so I carried on. "All that happened was that I did the trial, and Apollo was there. You have to believe me!"

"But you accepted a date with him." Ash bluntly said.

"He said that if I battle him and lose, I have to go on a date with him. I shouldn't have challenged him I know, it was a stupid mistake but nothing happened between us."

"He slapped your butt and called you babe!" He yelled at me. I was almost in tears.

"How do you think I felt, every time Miette was around? She flirted day and night with you, and you even danced with her over ME!" I screamed back.

Ash looked taken aback, and admitted defeat. "Look. I'm sorry about Miette but that was different. We weren't dating, I didn't even know what feelings were." He was right, but I didn't want to admit it.

"I think we should spend some time apart."

Those words stung. I never expected to hear Ash Ketchum say that, but it happened. I let tears stream down my eyes as he walked off, down to Royal Avenue.

Gladion looked between us both, and followed him. "Serena, meet us in Konikoni city after you complete your next trial. Gladion and I will talk some sense into him. He's just upset at the moment, he'll come around." Lillie told me, following the two boys.

As soon as Lillie left, I leant against the rock, crying my eyes out. I now had no one to travel with.

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