Hau are you, Gladion?

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Lillie's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, as my Pokegear was ringing. Who could that be? I asked myself. I looked at the name, and noticed it was my brother. Serena was fast asleep, next to me, so I crept outside the room and answered his call out on the balcony. "Gladion, what's up?"

"It's Ash. Team Skull are now after him and Serena. Warn him about it, and tell him to meet near Brooklet Hill." Gladion stated.

"Ash? Why are they after Ash?"

"He's been meddling with their bosses plans to steal Nebby and are now wanting revenge."

"Thanks for the warning, but Ash can handle himself. We'll see you tomorrow." I hung up on him, and walked back to my room. I slowly opened the door and placed my Pokegear back on the table, when Serena sat up.

"Who was that?" She asked me. She heard it ring.

"Oh, just Gladion. He wants to meet tomorrow, near Brooklet Hill." She nodded and laid back down again.


Ash's POV

As soon as everyone finished breakfast, I put my hat on. I noticed Serena and Lillie were also ready, as Lillie grabbed the egg and Serena returned Braixen and Morelull. We walked out the front door, and I remembered I didn't know what we were doing today. "So, what's the plans for today?" I asked. Serena looked towards Lillie, expectantly.

"Gladion wants to meet us at Brooklet Hill." Lillie told me.

"Ok, where's Brooklet Hill?" I asked. Serena sighed and dragged me towards a large hill. Lillie followed after us, trying to catch up.

Once we arrived at a PokeCentre on the hill, I took a look around. Close by, I saw a sign saying 'Trial'. I nudged Serena and pointed to it. "Obviously. That's how I knew about this place. In coming here tomorrow." She giggled.

"Hey! Remember me?" A familiar voice said from behind us.  We turned around in shock, and saw Plumaria, with five other Team Skull grunts. She looked towards me and Lillie. "You know, both of you two are wanted. How about you hand yourself in here and maybe this little girl over here won't be harmed." She pointed over to Serena, who was now cornered by two grunts.

"Never!" I yelled, nodding at Pikachu, who understood and jumped off my shoulder into a battle stance. "The only way you can take me is if you beat me." I looked to Lillie, who was stood, protecting Nebby. "Lillie, quick inside the PokeCentre." Lillie did so and ran towards the PokeCentre, only for it to be blocked off by another grunt.

"Hey! Who are you and what are you doing, scaring these challengers off?" A new voice shouted, from where the trial sign was. I turned my head, and saw a girl with her Pokemon.

 I turned my head, and saw a girl with her Pokemon

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