Starting The Journey All Over Again

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This is my first book, I was inspired to make this by SomeguyBehindAScreen. Go check out his book, Secrets and Mysteries.

Ash's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I woke up to my alarm clock going crazy. "Pikachu, Iron Tail please." I mumbled, half sleep. I was starting to drift off again when I heard my mother yelling at me.

"ASH! WAKE UP! YOU'LL MISS THE FLIGHT!" Mom yelled from downstairs. I jumped up out of my bed, realising what was happening today.

"Coming mom!" I said as I got dressed. I looked towards Pikachu, who was asleep on my bed still, probably dreaming about ketchup.

I ran downstairs to see his mother had made my favorite meal, pancakes, for breakfast. I dug in and swallowed a pancake almost every bite. I started to slow down, it seemed a bit greedy. By the time Pikachu was awake, I had already finished my breakfast.
"Pika..." Pikachu said groggily.

"Morning Pikachu. Want Ketchup on your Pancakes again?" My mom asked. Pikachu's head jolted up when he heard the word 'ketchup', he enthusiastically nodded. I chuckled to myself, at the rodents wierd obsession for ketchup.

"Hurry up and get ready, we're heading off to the Alola region for a week." My mother stated.

"Alola? Why?" I replied, confused. All I knew was that Professor Oak had a cousin there, as he talks about him whenever I mention anything about Muk or evolving Pikachu.

I shrugged it off and stood up to video call Gary. He is in Hoenn, and I was bored.


Serena's POV

I ran down the main road in Slateport, waving goodbye to Lisia. She told me that I should go to Alola, as she grew up there, and thought that I might like one of the challenges. Sure, I might be giving up my dream on pokemon performances, but I remember telling Ash that my dream was to make people smile, which I'm going to keep true to.

His name rang in my head. It had been a month since I left to go to Hoenn. I hadn't contacted him since I left. I meant to but my holo caster wouldn't work. Ash probably is upset with me now. He gave me the offer of joining him, but I said no.  I wonder if he is in Alola? He never mentioned anything about being there before Kalos so it could be a possibility.

I arrived at the airport and boarded my flight. I already told my mom about me quitting performances and going to Alola, she seemed upset about it but she still was supportive. I looked out my window and already I saw some pokemon I never recognised. I must have spaced out for quite a while, as Alola was on the horizon.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice made me jump. It was the person sat next to me. I recognised him from somewhere, but I couldn't place my finger on it. "Oh, sorry. I never introduced myself. I'm Gary. Gary Oak." The boy held his hand out to shake. Then it clicked. Gary went to the summer camp with me and Ash.

 Gary went to the summer camp with me and Ash

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"Oh... umm I'm Serena Yvonne." I replied stuttering. Why was I nervous? Is it because he is Ash's friend?

"What you doing in Alola?" He asked, I looked back out the window. I don't actually know. I was secretly hoping I could travel with Ash again but the chances of him not being there are a lot higher than him being there.

"I think I'm going to try the trials." I responded. He nodded, agreeing.

"I'm going to see my Gramps' cousin. Then probably try the gyms." Alola has gyms? That increased my chances of finding Ash a lot higher.


Ash's POV

I arrived on an island in Alola, my mother told me that it was called Melemele, which did sound kind of wierd, but living in a region where all the town's were named after colors was a bit wierd too. It probably has something to do with the culture.

When we stepped outside of the airport, I got a video call from Gary on my Pokegear. I answered the call and immediately saw that he was on a plane. "I didn't know Oak trees could ride planes?" I joked.

"Ha ha ha." Gary said sarcastically. "That's not why I called. I'm on my way to Alola too." He told me. I jumped back in shock. The last thing I wanted was my long time rival to beat the Alolan league before me.

"Mom! Can I start travelling here?" I asked, putting my finger over the microphone so Gary couldn't hear me.

"Sure! You have Pikachu, plus it would make my flight home a lot cheaper." I mentally facepalmed myself at the last comment.

Me and Gary kept chatting until I noticed someone was sat next to Gary, facing the window. She looked very similar to Serena, but it couldn't have been, she was in Hoenn, on Television. She was living the life and probably famous.


Serena's POV

I knew Gary was friends with Ash, so I followed him just to see if Ash was around. I was still following him as I saw him smirk. He turn a corner so I kept following him until a pair of arms grabbed me. I was about to scream when I noticed it was Gary. He must have seen me following him. "Why are you following me?" He asked me, letting go of my arms.

"I... umm..." I couldn't get my words out. "I... I was following you to see if... if you would talk to Ash." I expected him to shout at me but he just smiled.

"Looks like Ashy Boy has an admirer. What did you say your name was again?" He asked me.

"Serena Yvonne..." I quietly said, nervous.

"Oh I know you!" Oh crap he remembers me. "Ash wouldn't stop talking about you. He video called me everyday just to see if I met a 'Performer named Serena'. that's you right?" He said, smirking again. "Come on, let's go find Ash."


Ash's POV

Gary is late again. This is normal for him but he shouldn't be this late. He said he'd be here half an hour ago. I pulled out my Pokegear and looked at the map. "Great. The map isn't updated for this region." I said out loud.

"Why would you need a map when you have the amazing Gary Oak!" I heard Gary say. I was still looking down at my Pokegear, and never looked at him.

"Not that amazing. You're half an hour late." I replied. I heard a thud and a little giggle. The thud was obviously Gary falling over, but i was shocked to hear a giggle, so I looked up to see who it was.

"Serena!?" I yelled, falling over myself.

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