Arriving at Akala

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Lillie's Dream

"How dare you steal that Pokemon away from me!? You are going to get a serious punishment!" My mother yelled at me, holding her hand up. She swung it down, hitting me in the face. She was about to strike again when Gladion jumped in front of me.

"Leave her alone! You lunatic!" He shouted at her. Our mother stared him down.

"I am your mother! How dare you speak to me like that."

"No... our mother was actually nice." The blond boy said. The older woman staggered back, not expecting the comeback.

"Enough! Guards! Take him away." She turned to me, with anger. She reached up to hit me again, when I turned to Gladion. He was being dragged by two masked men. I started to scream, when someone was shaking me. My mother was yelling my name, but in Serena's voice.


Lillie's POV

I jolted up, in bed to find Serena stood over my bed. Thank Arceus, it was just a dream. "Lillie! Are you ok?" She asked me. I couldn't speak, so I just nodded. "Nightmare?" I nodded again. I pulled her into a hug, and started to cry into her shoulder. She started to pat me on the back.

We pulled away again, as I dried my eyes. "I am so sorry, throughout the time I've travelled with you, all I've done is cry." I muttered. Serena put her hands on my shoulders.

"No. That's wrong. Remember yesterday? You were starstruck by Luna. You were so happy with her. How about when we arrive in Akala, we go find her?" I nodded eagerly. I couldn't wait to see my girlfriend again. "And also, never say you were dragging us down. Nothing could drag Ash's spirit down and I do believe he is rubbing off on me. You are our friend, and you always will be." She stated.


Serena's POV

A few hours later, when Ash was awake, we set off for the docks. We passed the trainers school, when a familiar yell made us stop. We turned around to see Kukui running up to us with what looks like a large capsule. "Hey! On the next island, there are two gyms. And plus one of them was one of my students in the trainer school. She gave me this." He told us, holding up the capsule. It turned out that the capsule was an egg incubator. "Here, it's for you." He gave the incubator to Lillie.

I looked at the incubator and noticed the egg was plain white, unlike Noiverns egg. "What's in it?" I asked. Kukui just tapped the side of his head.

"Aww come on Sere! Part of the fun is guessing what Pokemon it is." Ash whined. "I think that it will evolve into a cool Alolan Pokemon."

"Hmm... How about a shiny eevee? One of my friends in Hoenn had one." I thought.

"Well I think it will be something cute. No matter what, we are going to love it, right?" We all agreed with Lillie.

"Guys, we're meant to catch the boat at 11:00. We better hurry as it's 10:50 now. Thanks for the egg, Kukui. See you soon!" Ash said, running off. We waved back to Kukui and followed Ash.

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