A Sad Day In Alola

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Serena's POV

I woke up, to the smell of food in the kitchen. Probably Ash, who was too excited for his gym battle. I walked into the room in my nightie to find Lillie stood over the stove, cooking pancakes. "Morning!" She smiled at me. I waved back groggily, and sat down at the table. I slowly drifted off again in my arms, as when I woke up, Ash was stuffing his face.

"Morning, sleeping beauty!" He told me. I smiled, remembering my second day in Alola.

"Hey. You excited for today?" I asked. He nodded as he shoved another mouthful of pancakes down his throat. Lillie walked over, with two plates of pancakes. I guessed for me and her. She placed the plates down on the table, and started to pour pokemon food for Nebby, Pikachu, Morelull and Braixen. Unsuprisingly, Rowlet was asleep in Ash's backpack.
"Hoo..." the Owl snored.

I dug into the pancakes and soon, they had disappeared. I looked around, Ash and Lillie had finished and so had all the Pokemon. I looked over at them and decided to get them ready. "Hey! Are you guys ready to support Ash in his second gym badge?" I asked them.

"Hoo..." I facepalmed at Rowlet. He was still asleep in the bag.

I returned Morelull and Braixen for now, I'll let them out again in the gym. Ash was putting his backpack on without returning Rowlet, so I decided to let him know. "Ash! You've left Rowlet in there!"

"I know. He likes it." He told me. I didn't understand, but I never commented on it. We walked outside our hotel and started walking down the street. We made it outside of Hau'Oli City when a black blur came dashing towards us. "Huh?" Ash said, also noticing it. It stopped when it reached us, turning out to be a black and red cat.

"Meow!" It whined, pointing towards an old house

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"Meow!" It whined, pointing towards an old house. It seemed to be upset about something.

"You've been following us! Rotom, can you tell me what Pokemon it is?" Ash asked. The Pokedex flew over and scanned the creature.

The Fire Cat Starter


While grooming itself, it builds up fur inside its stomach. It sets the fur alight and spews fiery attacks, which change based on how it coughs.


Fury Swipes
Fire Fang



She's a starter? How come Kukui only had Popplio and Rowlet? "What's wrong, Litten?" I asked her. She seemed to be trying to lead me to a place. "You want us to follow you?" Litten shook her head and pointed at Ash.

"Just me?" She now nodded. "Uh ok. Sorry Serena, Lillie, but l I guess I'm going on my own. Look after Pikachu, Rowlet and my bag." He told me, handing me his bag while Pikachu jumped from his shoulder to mine.


Ash's POV

Litten led me towards an old house, where I guess she's been staying. I slowly opened the door, when a something barked at me.
"Meowr!" Litten mowed back. The barking started to settle, as I walked over to where the barking came from.  In the corner of the main room, was a Stoutland. I pulled out a Pokeball, ready to catch it. I remembered from my Unova journey that Stoutlands were quite strong. But this Stoutland, seemed to be old and weak. I put the Pokeball away and slowly made my way towards him. I bent down next to him, and started to stroke him. That's when I realised that Stoutland was dying.

I looked towards Litten, who was nuzzling Stoutland. She had a large frown on her face. "Hey Litten? Is this Stoutland looking after you?" She nodded at me. "So you want me to see if I could help. Ok then." I reached into my pocket, to see if I could find any berries. I found an Oran berry, and gave it to Stoutland. He pushed it away and towards Litten. She picked it up and put it down next to him again.

"Meowr..." Litten quietly purred. I looked back towards Stoutland, who had his eyes closed. He had passed away.

A tear fell down my eye, I really felt bad for Litten. The cat also noticed and tried to nuzzle him awake, to no avail. "Meow!" Litten cried, jumping on me for comfort. I put my arms around her, as u could feel my shirt become damp on my shoulder.
"Hey Litten, since you now have nowhere to go, do you want to join our family?" I asked the kitten. She pulled off me and nodded. I pulled out a Pokeball and placed it in front of Litten. She tapped the button and was instantly sucked into the Pokeball.

One roll. Two rolls. Three rolls. Ding! I caught Litten! Well, I don't know if it counted as catching, as Litten willingly went inside the Pokeball. I grabbed the Pokeball and let Litten out. "Stat here for a while, I'll be back in an hour." I told the small Pokemon. She nodded slowly as I walked into the back yard of the house.

It took a while, but I finally had a grave dug big enough for Stoutland. I walked back in to see Litten cuddled up to Stoutland. Another tear fell down my face as I had to pick the Stoutland up. I carried him into the garden and slowly placed him into the grave. "Goodbye, Stoutland. I'll look after Litten for you." I told him as I threw some dirt onto the grave.
"Meow..." Litten said, doing the same.

Litten slowly walked inside as I finished off the grave, patting down the dirt. "Litten, ready to meet my friends?" I said, she slowly noddednas she jumped into my hands. I carried her outside to where Serena and Lillie were waiting. I placed Litten down as I reached Serena, I couldn't hold it in any more. I ran up to Serena, hugging her as I cried my eyes out into her shoulder.

"Oh Ash... what happened?" Her soft voice said. "I... I'll tell you later. Just know for now, I caught a Litten."


Lillie's POV

It was now dinner time, and we sat down in the PokeCentre's restaurant as we didn't have enough time to cook. Ash has been quiet ever since he came back with Litten "Ash... could you explain what happened?" I asked.

"Okay. Litten took me to a house, where he was staying. A Stoutland was looking after her, but he was dying. He passed away right infront of me and Litten, so I had to do a funeral. It's... so unfair, poor Litten, she was left on her own, so I took her in." He told us. Now I understand why he was crying. I know I'm not very good at cheering people up, but I knew Serena was. She reached out for  Ash's hand and squeezed it.

"It'll be okay, Litten would love her new family, with us."

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