Lillie's Research

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As we were walking through Malie City, Serena started to read through all of the tourist attractions, listing off many different activities.

"Malie Garden... Malie Library..." I looked up at the thought of a Library. Surely there would be some historic texts somewhere that might know of the existence of Nebby. "Malie City Pokemon gym..." Ash jumped up in excitement. Of course he would at the sound of a Pokemon gym. "Recycling Plant... Oh! Theres a clothes store!" Serena stated excitedly.

"We'll be here for a long time, right? How about we do all of that. Kukui wants to meet us in Malie Garden anyway, so lets start there." I suggested. The two trainers nodded at me, and we walked towards the garden.

The garden was beautiful. Full of life, Pokemon, and historical structures. We walked through archways made of gold, and arrived at what seemed to be a cafe in the centre of the park. Kukui was sat on a bench, watching a flock of Pikipek fly by.

"Kukui!" Ash shouted, running towards the Professor.
"Howdy, guys! How is your journey going so far? Catching lots of 'mons?" In response, Ash and Serena released all of their Pokemon, showing Kukui. Rowlet was stood on Lycanroc's head, who also was sat patiently. Torracat was curled up at their feet. Meltan slithered onto Ash's head and Pikipek landed an arms distance away from them. Grubbin arose from the ground, beneath where Shiinotic and Braixen were standing. Snowy was still in her arms, and Crabrawler decided to walk off slightly.

"We ran into a creature from one of those rifts you told us about!" Ash exclaimed. Me and Kukui looked up in shock. They never told me about that.

"Wow, that's superb! Did you get much information about them, yeah?" Ash nodded, and described their encounter. I was in awe, the Pokemon my mother designed my outfit on, it had shown up again. There was a reason she was obsessed with finding perfection, and that wasn't me.

Serena must have noticed me deep in thought, as she turned to me whilst ash was talking, and asked if I was okay. I turned to her and smiled, reassuring her.

Once Ash and Kukui had finished talking, we started to make our way out of Malie Garden. The next stop on our bucket list was Malie Library. I knew what I wanted to do there, so once we arrived and signed in, I dashed upstairs and ran to the books. I started to look through, reading the titles of them as I went.

Myriad Z-Move Notes - All this book seemed to be was notes talking about Z-moves, actually stating where the 'Z' came from, meaning Zenith.
When Terrific Tapu Travel - This was a book depicting the Totem Pokemon communicating with each other.
Springing Forth from Alola - A fiction book talking about a previous Island Challenge winner, testing himself in another region. I wonder which region?
Falling In with the Seafolk - A book about the Seafolk Village residents and how they travel a lot.
To defeat Ground Types - A small book just showing how to beat gro-

"Oh!" I gasped, as an old photo fell out of the book, surprising me. Ash and Serena quickly ran up, to see what startled me. The photo was eroding at the edges, stained and grainy, although I could tell what the photo was. The photo depicted a young girl in a large cowboy hat, with a baby mudbray. The young girl looked very familiar.

"Thats Hapu!" Serena pointed out, and it was. A very old photo, but it was Hapu. "We should give her this back." I nodded and carefully placed the photo in a side pocket in my bag, so Nebby wouldnt crease it. Speaking of, I felt Nebby move as I was placing the photo in my bag. I continued to go back to the bookshelf, scanning the titles of the books.

The Guardians and the Ancient Kings - This was an interesting book, the history of Alola was written, and the wars between the islands kings.
The Tapu and the Island Kahunas - Another history lesson, explaining how the island Kahunas were chosen.
The Guardian Deities of the Islands - A description book with photos of the Guardian Deities. I kept this in mind, I do need to meet two more of them and I hope they can truly help.
The Legendary Pokemon and the Tapu - An interesting book. This mentions a legendary Pokemon, battling the Tapus. It just doesnt give information on what Pokemon the Legendary is, frustratingly.

There was nothing on the shelves. The only interesting books were talking about the Tapu's and how the Kahuna's had been chosen. I sighed in frustration and sat down at the table with my head in my hands, when I noticed a book had been left on the table, open. Looking around, no one looked remotely interested in it, so I pulled it closer to me, and looked at the cover.

There was no cover. Interesting.

I read the first page, to try and understand what this book was about. A beast, that came from a hole in the sky, to devour the sun?? This must be fiction. There is no way this was real all of the lines were rhyming with one another, but it had me intrigued. Even the Kings and the Tapu's had lost to this beast. But this light-stealing beast, it had lost to a new pair of beasts, one of the sun and one of the moon, creating an heir. This struck me. Was Nebby the heir? I continued to skewer through the book, when I was hit by the names, of the sun beast and the moon beast. Solgaleo and Lunala. To summon these beasts, I needed two flutes.

"Enjoying that book?" A faint whisper came from behind me, startling me. I didnt hear any footsteps. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump! I'm Acerola, the Ghost type trial captain!"

 "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump! I'm Acerola, the Ghost type trial captain!"

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I was faced with a small girl, shorter than me. She had bright purple hair, with an amulet tied in. Her clothes seemed ragged, yet oddly fashionable.

"Hi! Sorry were you reading this?" I apologised, offering to give her the book back.

"What book?" She questioned, I was about to point at the book, when I noticed, it had disappeared from the table. I shook my head, I must have been imagining things.

Serena and Ash approached, I had no idea what those two have been doing this last half an hour, but by the look on Ash's face, he seemed worn out. He was most likely training, as he has a gym battle approaching soon.

"Serena! Good luck on your island challenge, I'll see you soon!" The creepy girl chirped, skipping past us with no sound in her movement at all, and disappearing around the corner.

"Who was she, and how did she know my name?" Serena stated, looking slightly horrified.

"Wierd..." Ash trailed.

I looked back at the table where the book was, still not there. It seemed too real, it cannot have been in my head. But what had stuck in my head, was Solgaleo, Lunala, and the flutes. To me, that seemed like my priority for my journey now.

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