Bugged Out

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Ash's POV

We were walking back to the hotel with Gladion, as apparently he wanted to talk with us. We had just beat Team Skull, and tomorrow, Serena was going to start her second trial. "The reason I wanted to talk to you three is because Team Skull are after all three of you." I looked between Serena and Lillie, who were also confused.

"Why? What have we done?" Serena asked. I had a faint idea why, I wasn't to sure.

"Because you've meddled in their plans to steal Nebby. Their boss wants it, as it is valuable." Gladion told us. My theory was proven, but how did he know all this stuff?

"How did you know?" I asked him. He looked taken aback.

"Oh umm... I have an acquaintance who is spying on them for me. I nodded, accepting the reason. "I've gotta go. See you soon." He said to us. We all waved bye as he pulled his hood up and put his hands in his pockets.

Serena's POV

We were almost at the hotel, when a loud screech made us all jump. I looked around for the source to see a bug Pokemon half sticking out of the ground.

"Rotom, what's this Pokemon?" I asked the Dex.
"Woah! This is a Grubbin... but the one in my database is a different color!" Rotom buzzed. "This must be a shiny!"

The Larva Pokemon
Shiny Version


Its strong jaw enables it to scrape trees and slurp out the sap. It normally lives underground.




A shiny Pokemon? Ash wouldn't mind, as he has Noctowl, right? I was about to ask him when I heard a scream. I looked over to Lillie, who was hiding behind a tree. "You remind me of one of my first friends..." Ash stated. He's already told me the story of Misty, and how she couldn't stand his Caterpie or Heracross. "Serena, want to catch this? I already have four Pokemon plus I have a shiny Noctowl." My heart jumped and nodded.

"Morelull! Help me catch this Pokemon please!" I said as I released Morelull from its Pokeball.

"Use Flash, to blind it!" Morelull's mushroom started to glow white as no-one could see. The light faded away as Grubbin was jumping around Morelull. He was so fast, Morelull couldn't keep up and was hit multiple times. "No! Dazzling Gleam." Morelull started to glow pink and the light made Grubbin flinch in pain.

"Grub!" It yelled as it charged towards Morelull. This must was X-scissor, as it's claws were glowing green. Morelull jumped over and used absorb, making Grubbin yell again. The bug pushed through the pain and started to form a ball of electricity in between it's claws. The spark launched toward Morelull, who was hit in the stem, knocking her over. Morelull slowly got up and stared at Grubbin. She used another absorb without my command, but this one looked more powerful. This was Mega Drain.

"Nice! Let's try that again." Morelull absorbed all of Grubbin's life, and knocked it unconsious. I reached for a free Pokeball and threw it. One shake. Two shakes. Three shakes. Ding! "I caught a Grubbin!"
"Morelull!" Morelull also cheered.

"Great catch! But now we've lost Lillie." Ash told me. U know noticed she wasn't with us and shouted her name.


Lillie's POV

I was lost. I shouldn't have split up from Serena and Ash, but because that Grubbin scared me, I ran off. I noticed that in the distance, was two people, so I ran up to them.

"Hi! Do you know where the Tide Song hotel is?" I asked them.

"Huh? Oh yeah. We're staying there. Come with us." The boy told me. We started to walk towards the exit of the forest, when the girl stopped.

"Sorry, we didn't tell you our names. I. Sina and this is Dexio. We're assistants of Professor Sycamore of the Kalos region. Whats your name?" Kalos? Ash and Serena were there.

"My name's Lillie, but do you know an Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne?" I asked them. They both nodded.

"Yeah! We're here to meet them. The Professor wouldn't stop talking about them. Apparently Ash had a special Greninja." Dexio told me.

"Lillie!" I heard Ash shout. I turned my head to see Ash and Serena running towards me. "Huh? Who are these Two?" He asked.

"We're Dexio and Sina. Assistants of Professor Sycamore, and you are?"

"I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and this is my girlfriend, Serena Yvonne." I noticed Serena blush at Ash's comment but tried to hide it.

"Good. Sycamore sent us to look for you. I presume you were part of the Kalos Incident?" They both nodded. "Good. Sycamore told me that Zygarde Cells have been scattered around Alola, and wants you to collect them." Sina stated.


Serena's POV

We were just told that Professor Sycamore wants us to go around Alola collecting Zygarde Cells. We Probably won't have enough time, as the Alolan League starts in two months. Dexio reached out of his bag, and pulled out a wierd looking device.

"I'm sorry you two, but we won't have enough time to complete this task." Ash told them.

"That's Ok. Apparently there is this really strong trainer from Kalos also journeying around Alola. You know them too well. If you give this cube to them, they will probably take this off you." Dexio told him. Ash nodded, and accepted the Cube.

We watched the two assistants walk off, as Ash put the Cube in his bag. "So who do you think this 'strong trainer we know' is?" I asked him.

"I don't know, maybe Astrid, as Sawyer or Alain would have told me if they came to Alola. It can't be Shauna, Tierno or Trevor, as they all travel together." He shrugged. "I guess we'll meet them when the time comes."

"Yeah, now can we get back to the hotel? I'm still a bit freaked out by that Grubbin." Lillie rushed. Ash smiled as he nodded at me, indicating to let Grubbin out.

I grabbed my Pokeball, and silently allowed grubbin out.
"Grub?" He asked. I looked over to Lillie, who was running off, screaming.

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