Picking Berries

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Sorry I haven't been uploading, i kinda forgot about my story after going on holiday and getting a new phone. But now I have finished USUM and I have decided to include the key bits of it into a sequel that I have plans for.

Serena's POV

I woke up with a start. Must have been a nightmare again. I looked around the room, expecting to see Lillie in the bed next to me, but the bed was empty. Pushing off the bed sheet, I slowly stood up and opened the curtains. It was light out, so I decided to go for a walk.

I made my way over to the Malasada cafe for breakfast, because I can't be bothered to cook. I bought a Big Malasada and sat down at a table.

"Serena!" A familiar voice shouted across the cafe. I was quite embarrassed so I sunk in my chair. I looked around to see who called my name, and saw Luna running towards me. "Where's Ash and Lillie?" She asked, a bit saddened by the fact I was on my own, so I shrugged.

"We broke up." Those words pained me to say, but I had to tell her. She put her hand over her mouth and sat opposite me.

"What, so your travelling on your own?" I nodded. "No your not. I'm joining you. My gym badges can wait. Your trials are more important."


Luna's POV

I dragged Serena down Dividing Peak
Tunnel and across route 8 when I had an idea. "How many Pokemon do you have?" I asked her.

"Three, why?"

"Follow me." I led her to a pile of berries underneath a tree. "Pick these up. One by one."

She slowly did so, first an Oran Berry, and put it in her backpack. Then a Pecha Berry, and did the same thing. And finally she picked up a Cheri Berry.

As soon as the Cheri Berry left the pile, a blue claw shot out of the pile to grab the berry back. Serena jumped back in shock, letting the claw regain the berry. "You brought me here to catch this Pokemon didn't you?" Serena asked. I nodded, smiling at her.

"Try again. It's a good Pokemon." I told her. She hesitantly grabbed the same Cheri Berry and yanked it away from the pile. The Pokemon the claw belonged to now jumped out of the pile and stood in a battle stance. It was a Crabrawler. "It wants to battle!"

Serena nodded, pulled out a Pokeball and threw it at the ground and Shiinotic appeared from it.
"Brawla!" The Crabrawler yelled.


Serena's POV

Shiinotic stood facing the Crabrawler. I remember the one Hala had and how powerful it was. "Shiinotic, weaken it with Strength Sap!" I yelled.  Vines burst from the ground and absorbed energy from the Crabrawler. It broke free but looked drained. The crab scuttled up to Shiinotic and punched it, not doing much damage.
"Brawl..." Crabrawler panted.

Now is my chance. I grab a Pokeball and throw it towards the Crabrawler. 1 shake, two shakes, three shakes. Ding! "I caught a Pokemon!" I shouted.

"Nice. Now, how about you test your new partners strength in a battle and return that smile?" Luna asked me.

I shrugged and grabbed the pokeball Crabrawler was caught in. I threw it out as Luna threw out her Pokemon. It turned out to be her Dartrix. "All right Crabrawler, how about we battle this Dartrix?" The Crabrawler ignored me and instantly went to Power-Up Punch the Dartrix. "No, wait! i didnt order a command!" I shouted to it. It ignored me once more. 

"If Serena can't control Crabrawler, why don't we teach him a lesson?" Luna said. "Use Pluck!" Luna's Dartrix listened to her and slammed its beak into Crabrawler. That must have annoyed Crabrawler as he started to drag his fist back. He threw it forward, spinning it. That move must have been Dizzy Punch as Dartrix got up with swirls in its eyes. "No, Dartrix! Use Ominous wind." Dartrix tried to use Ominous Wind but it sent the Ominous Wind in the wrong direction, hitting itself.

Crabrawler saw Dartrix was confused and took the chance to use a Power-Up Punch on it, knocking out Dartrix. "OK, That Crabrawler is too strong." Luna mumbled, returning Dartrix. I did the same with Crabrawler, disappointed. 

"I'm so sorry, Luna. I dont understand why he doesn't listen to me." I started. She put her hand up and smiled at me. 

"Don't worry! it happens all the time to trainers. He'll listen to you in no time. There's no reason why you shouldn't, as you're an amazing trainer. Ask any of your other Pokemon." I looked down at Shiinotic, Braixen, and Grubbin's Pokeballs and smiled. Luna was right. The other three loved me to bits, it doesn't matter what Crabrawler thinks.

We continued walking, as we arrived at a PokeCentre. "I think I might send Crabrawler to Professor Sycamore's lab with my other Pokemon." I told her.

"Don't do that! You can't bond with him if you send him away!" Luna warned me. Once again, she was right. I sighed and stepped away from the PC, putting Crabrawler's Pokeball on my belt. "Tomorrow, we are going to attempt Mallow's trial, and complete it, right?"

I sighed again. There was no stopping Luna, she's too stubborn, but in a supportive way.

As we arrived at our room in the hotel, I flopped onto my bed, releasing my Pokemon except for Crabrawler. Then it clicked. Luna's plan worked. I hadn't thought about Ash or Lillie all day!

The thought of Ash brought tears to my eyes once more as I buried my head into my pillow. I must have disturbed all my Pokemon, as three figures jumped onto my bed with me.

"Grub grub!" One figure chirped, rubbing his head against mine. I looked up to see Grubbin's glistening red shell shining in the dark. Next to him, were Braixen and Shiinotic, who were both looking worried for me.

"Thanks guys. You know what? Why don't you stay on my bed for tonight?"

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