9:The Party

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Jungkook's P.O.V

It's really just been like 10 days since I came to the Soop, but it feels really long after so much that has happened.

And looks like I'll be here for quite sometime. I mean Hojin told me to specifically stay for his Birthday, which was just a few days away. October 13th, to be exact.

Within a little more than week after that was Diwali. Ho-Jin and Jimin were telling me if I would like to stay for that too, and honestly I really want to see what it will be like cause I've never celebrated Diwali before.

My ankle is almost healed now- pretty fast but that's what the fairy's healing power is.

Felix was badly injured after the Griffin encounter and broke his wing, but today morning Ho-Jin was telling him he'll be able to fly again in a few days.

"And one more thing, don't ever fly towards a ferocious creature unarmed" he had scolded the younger too.

The poor boy was getting scolded by all his hyungs ever since that day for going towards the Griffin unarmed.

The Aussie cousins are great too, and I'm more closer to Bangchan cause we're of the same age, though he seems more mature.

About Ho-Jin?

I'm only falling for him more and more. He's the main reason I don't want to leave this place. I don't want to leave him.

He's still very caring and protective of me, even more than before, and many times when we sit together he just casually slips his hand to mine and holds it. A few times he'd tried to tell me something, but everytime he gets either interrupted or he starts sluttering.

I honestly want to again confess to him, cause he seems to like me back but I'm scared if he is still just being nice. And I don't want to make things between us worse. It was very hard last time when we both were not talking much after my first confession.

I had been sitting on the bed, reading Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. And Felix was sitting on the other bed reading Heroes of Olympus-The Mark of Athena. Yeah the twins were huge fans of Rick Riordan and they had almost all his books. Bangchan was sitting on the dining chair and solving some sodoku.

Suddenly the door opened.

"WHATSSS UPPPPPPP...... People who dont live here!!!" It was that werewolf,Jackson Wang.

"We are gonna be living here for about a month now" Bangchan said.

"I know that but where are the house owners? The twins?" He asked.

"I dunno must be just outside" Felix said.

Ho-Jin's P.O.V

I was sitting on the top branches on our tree. It's really nice there, you get a good view of the jungle, no one to disturb and a good place for some alone time to relax.

After sometime, Jimin came and sat beside me.

"Ho-Jin, when are you going to confess to him?" He asked. "At this rate Prince Jin will confess to Lord Yoongi before you" He chuckled. You see it's not very secret that Jin is in love with the Lord. But he's never confessed in so many centuries.

"Confess what to whom?" I asked. I'd never told him about my feelings for Jungkook. The only ones who knew were Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Jungkook, that you love him!"

"Jimin how do yo-"

"Ho-Jin!! We've been together since birth, no nine months before that! I know you inside out!" He chuckled. "And I know that you're in love with Jungkook"

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