25: Hojin's back.

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In the mountain

Jungwon woke up to find himself in an unknown place. "Where am I?" He said.

"Hey,! You're up!"

Jungwon looked around to see a man calling him. "Who are you?" He asked. He turned to see Jaehyun beside him. "Hyunnie, Hyunnie, wake up!!" He shook him.

Jaehyun stirred.

"Hyunnie, wake up! Wake up!" He shouted. Jaehyun got up and looked around. He freaked out seeing himself in an unknown place.

"W-where?" He said. "Where is Jaehyun!" He looked at Jungwon. "Where?" He asked with tears brimming.

Jungwon hugged him. "J-jaehyun is s-s-scared" Jaehyun said.

"Who's Jaehyun?" Jimin asked looking at them.

"Ooh he's Jaehyun" Jungwon said pointing at Jaehyun. "And I'm his twin Jungwon" he said. "And you are?"

"Well, my name's Jim-"

"OH MY GOD THEY'RE SO COOL!" Jungwon noticed Jimin's wings that had been tied up behind him. "They look so realistic!!" He said.

"They are real!" Jimin said.

"Really?" Jungwon exclaimed inspecting the wings. "So the fact about this forest being magical is real!!" He exclaimed.

"This forest is full of diffrent beings" Jimin said.

"Are you a fairy?" Jungwon asked.

"Yeah, my name's Jimin btw and I'm a decendant of Garu-"

"WOWWW! JAEHYUN LOOK, HE'S A FAIRY!" Jungwon told Jaehyun. "See, your drawing was correct!"

"What drawing?" Jimin asked.

"Well actually one time in class the teacher asked us to draw a fairy" Jungwon said. "And Jaehyun drew a fantastic picture of a boy with large eagle wings!" He said. "But he got a C grade"

"Why, was the draw-"

"And he's an AMAZING artist!" Jungwon said. "Just look!" He pointed to Jaehyun who had started to draw with a pebble on the soft ground to calm his nerves. "But he got a C cause he drew 'wrong'" Jungwon said. "Apparently he had to draw a small girl with cute butterfly wings"

"What? Has she even seen a fairy?" Jimin exclaimed.

"Exactly! Appa was sooo mad that he went to the school!"


"So what you're saying, Mrs. Lim, is that you gave my son a C grade when his drawing is as good as an art Major??" Ho-jin shouted at the teacher in the staffroom. Jungkook was staring at him.

"But sir... He drew wrong" Mrs. Lim said.

"What's wrong in this picture?"

"Well, I told the kids to draw a fairy, not an eagle-man."

"And this IS a Fairy!"

"It's not"

Hojin clenched his fists. "Mrs. Lim, have you ever seen a fairy?" He asked.

Mrs. Lim scoffed.

"Please answer me, have you ever seen a fairy" Ho-jin said.

"Fairies aren't real" Mrs. Lim laughed.

"Who said they aren't!" Ho-jin shouted.

"You believe in all these" Mrs. Lim snorked and eyed Hojin from head to toe. "At this age"

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