14: Training

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I swear this is the last chapter talking about the past.

The training camp was located near the lake.

They met the main teacher, Athish. Hojin noticed that he had a large scar in his forehead, and even his hands and feet had scars that looked newly healed. He gave them a talk about what they'll learn, and also made it clear that he wouldn't tolerate any indiscipline or mischief.

He also introduced them to Mi-ra, a tree Nymph who looked after the food and all around, and helped him. "While you're here, she's basically like your mother" He said.

Ho-jin and Jimin had just gotten outside his shack when a boy, who looked slightly older than them, introduced himself.

"HELLO!! ANNYEONGHASAEYO!!" He said. "I like your wings" He started inspecting Hojin's wings.

He introduced himself as Jackson Wang and decided to show them around. They also met a Centaur, Jung Hoseok who tagged along with them.

"This is the practice arena, here you can practice your skills!" Jackson said, showing them an open ground with tables full of weapons and some archer targets and wood statutes and stuffs.

"I love archery, I'm one of the best archers here" Hoseok said, pulling a bow and arrow. "I'm a centaur afterall, I was born for it" he said shooting the arrow. The arrow hit the smallest circle, near the bull's eye.

"You sure about that?" Jimin pulled his bow, took an arrow and shot the arrow. It hit exactly at the bull's eye. "I plan to learn divine weapons now" He said.

They showed them the study shack, where some elves were walking around with books, and there were bookshelves around.

Hojin was inspecting a book on astronomy and moving about when he bumped with someone.

"Sorry" Hojin said.

"Can't you see?" The boy said. He had green eyes and hair, and was really handsome, and looked about Hojin's age. He scanned Ho-jin from top to bottom. "Bird boy" He eyerolled.

"I said I'm sorry!" Hojin said.

"You dropped my books!" The boy said angrily. "Make use of those eyes God has given you"

Ho-jin picked up the books and handed it back to the elf. "Here you go. And besides" Hoijin inspected the boys hair and clothes with his sharp eagle eyes. "There's dandruff on your scalp and mites on your clothes, take care of that first" Hojin said, sending people around them into fits of laughter.

He moved out before the elf made a move.

They went to the dining hall, where the kids sat on the floor and ate at a low table. They had a nice dish of Bibimbab, made by Mira herself, she also gave the kids warm milk to wash it down.

And the it was time for Bed.

Hojin and Jimin inspected the bed. It was totally different from the nest they usually slept at home.

"Ho-jin, how shall we sleep here?" Jimin said.

"I don't know, it looks so uncomfortable" Hojin layed on one of the bed, surely it was not made for someone with wings. He looked around and got an idea.

"Jimin, let's get the twigs and branches and make a nest! Remember we helped our parents make nests once, let's do it like that!" Hojin said.

They got into making the nest after that. They would go to a nearby tree, gather it's branches, and make the nests, using both their hands and beak.

Athish came to inspect what they were doing.

Hojin saw him. "Ssaem actually we can't sleep in these type of beds" He said rather awkwardly.

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