13: The childhood

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A/n: I have mentioned it already and I'm mentioning it again, this story is based a lot on Indian Mythology (History tbh) and will have a lot of mentions of our Gods and mantras and  everything.

Plus I have been binge-watching Mahabharat (Star Plus one) the whole month and drawn a lot of inspiration from there.

5 years after the birth

The twins were standing on top of a cliff, with their parents, Seo-jung and Ha-neul. Ho-jin took some dried leaves in his hand and burned them by producing fire.

"Here boys, you should just flap your wings like this and jump off, you'll start to fly" Seo-jung said, flying and showing his kids.

"Like this?" Hojin flapped his wings, and jumped, but was unable to fly.

Jimin laughed "No Ho-jin like this" he flapped his wings and jumped, but landed back on land. Hojin laughed at Jimin.

"Just jump off the cliff and flap your wings" Seo-jung said.

Jimin looked down from the cliff.

"No no no Appa no, I don't wanna die" Jimin started to cry.

Hojin looked down. He too started to cry. "No appa, I'm scared" he said.

"Face your fear boys, otherwise you'll never learn" Ha-neul said.

The twins looked below and gulped.

Ha-neul shook her head and looked at her husband.

Do it he signed at her Just do it

Ha-neul nodded, and gave Ho-jin a push and he fell down the cliff.

"Eomma noooo" Ho-jin said and closed his eyes. His survival instinct kicked in and he flapped his wings vigorously. Suddenly he wasn't falling anymore, he opened his eyes to see him flying on his own.

"I'm flying!! Eomma! Appa! Look at me!!" Hojin said gliding in the air. "Jimin see, I can fly" He showed his tongue to Jimin.

"Jin-nie, don't be rude to your brother" His father scolded him.

"See, Hojin is flying, your turn now Min-nie!" Ha-neul said. "Jump!"

Jimin looked down and still felt to scared.

"I guess that's the only way" Ha-neul muttered to herself and pushed Jimin.

Like Ho-jin, he too shouted, closed his eyes, and flapped his wings. And started to fly.

"Haha! See Ho-jin! You're not the only one who can fly" Jimin said making a face at Ho-jin.

Ha-neul also flew off the ground. Both Seo-jung and Ha-neul maintained close proximity with their sons, so that they could catch them in case they lost their balance.

"Father-in-law would've been so happy to see them fly! He must be smiling from heaven" Haneul said.

"We should send the news to Chun-seok and Mi-jin" Seo-jung told Ha-neul. "They'll be so happy." He almost called a bird to deliver the message but was stopped by Ha-neul.

"No wait, let's give them a surprise, it's almost time for their second egg to hatch anyways, we can all fly to Australia, they'll be surprised to see us, and the boys flying on their own! Bangchan will be so happy to see his big brothers, and we will get to see the hatching too!" She said.

3 years later, age- 8

"Eomma can I lower my hands? Or change my feet?" Jimin asked.

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