6:Hard Feelings

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Jungkook's POV

Looks like I was totally wrong about my feelings for Ho-Jin.

I mean why did I feel so bad when these mermen told me about Lisa being Ho-Jin's girlfriend? Why was I finding it difficult to stop my tears?

"Jungkook Hyung, Jungkook Hyung!" Seungmin was calling me.

"Yeah?" I said holding back my tears.

"I said any plans for Jimin and Ho-Jin Hyung's Birthday? It's in a few days"

I don't know how am I supposed to know of any plans when I don't even know when their birthday is. Or who they're dating and all.

"I'll... I'll go ask Jimin!" I told them, I took my crutch and walked away from them. I didn't want to stay near anyone at the moment.

I came near a tree, and broke down.I had tried telling myself otherwise till now. But now I was sure.

I'm falling for Hojin.

I started crying. I felt stupid. Stupid for falling for someone I met two days ago. Stupid for not realising Hojin was only being helpful and it was nothing special though it felt so when he saved me from the Kappa, healed my wounds, and took care of me. And when he cuddled me while sleeping. I sobbed more hugging myself.

"Jungkook? What happened?" I looked up and saw Jimin.

"No...n... nothing!"

"Why are you crying?"

"Nothing... Nothing!"

"Is it about Hojin? And that girlfriend of his?"

I just stayed quiet.

He came and held my hand. "So it is?"

"Jimin Hyung... How do you..."

"Well actually, I was guessing that you like him... The way you blush whenever you're around him"

Was I really that obvious? Jimin put his arms around me.

"I realised I did like him after I found out about his... his... relationship" I started crying again.


"I mean that Lisa girl..."

"Well they're just dating, not in a relationship, I would say" He said.


"Honestly speaking, I don't think they love each other at all" Jimin said.

"But then why are they-"

"Ho-Jin for one, might seem smart in other aspects, but when it comes to love and relationship, he's stupid!"


"Yeah, well he honestly has never been in love, so he doesn't know how it is like. And he only had a small infatuation on Lisa, but he dated her anyways, but I don't think he really loves her"

"And Lisa?"

"Lisa?" Jimin chuckled "She just wants popularity among her friends, you know 'The one who's dating a fairy', you already saw how mermaids are kinda crazy over fairies right?"

"Hyung if you're telling me this to make me feel better..."

"About that... I actually wanted to warn you not to get your hopes too high. Thing is, even if, by chance, Hojin likes you, I really don't know if he'll date or anything" Jimin said

"Oh... Ok... Ok" I couldn't stop my tears at all.

"In this forest... There's one strict rule" Jimin said, in a choking voice. "You can't... Fall in love with... A human" he looked sad too.

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