8:Gods and Queens

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Hojin's P.O.V

I can't believe that it took me so long to realise that I was in love with Jungkook.

Ever since I saw him, I had the urge to protect him and be with him all the time. And he just made me feel so different. His Boba eyes. I found myself lost in them so many times.

And Taehyung was right. I was never this protective of anyone. Not my twin Jimin, not my favourite cousins Felix and Bangchan, not my best friend Hoseok, not Namjoon, another human I came across few years ago. Not even my now ex-girlfriend Lisa.

How stupid was I to not realise that I was in love with Jungkook.

But again, I can't really fall in love with a human. The jungle has strict rules about humans. Cause our world is a secret from the Humans. And falling for them and marrying them, is strictly not allowed. Otherwise you'll regret it.

I've seen how it ended for Jimin. He must have thought I don't notice. But I've heard him sob so many times at night. Missing him.

Maybe one of the reason why I was ignoring my feelings for Jungkook was because I don't want to end up like him.

I'm in a big dilemma right now. I honestly want to just confess to Jungkook how I feel about him, but again I don't want to end up like Jimin did.

Ever since I came back from Hobi's after accidentally admitting the facts that I love him, I've been stuck in these thoughts.

I mean I want him. I know he wants me. But the rules of the jungle are such. Humans and magical creatures like us.

I think the best option is to just ignore my feelings. Though I really don't want to.

I had been sitting on one of the trees in the jungle, deeply thinking about this. I was making loops from the branches and leaves and stones with my magic. And conjouring butterflies and letting them fly from my hand. I tend to do that a lot when I'm stressed.

From a distance, I heard a beautiful tune. It was coming from a flute. I don't know what got me, but I flew down from the tree and followed the tune. Something in me told me to follow the sound by foot.

I walked to where the sound was coming from. I had to walk a good distance. But I was determined to reach the source.

I reached a thick bush and the sound was coming from the other side. I pushed the bush.

I couldn't believe the sight in front of my eyes. I instantly fell to my knees. I couldn't believe I was actually seeing him. I fell on my knees.

It didn't take me a second to recognise him. I may have never seen him before, but he was there for me all the time.

I recognised him even though he was wearing normal jeans and top, and not traditional clothes, neither was he adorned with jewels.

No one else could play the flute so beautifully as him.

"Lord Krishna" I mumbled. My eyes was filled with tears. Never in my wildest dream had I imagined I would be seeing him with my own two eyes.

Those most beautiful eyes in the world. The beautiful dark complexion of his skin. The peacock feather adorned beautifully on his head. It all felt so surreal.

I waited for him to stop playing the flute. After he stopped, he looked at me and smiled.

"Park Ho-Jin, am I right?" He said.

"Lord Krishna..." I was rendered speechless. I bowed down and touched his feet.

"Stand up boy" He said. I slowly stood up. I still looked up at him as he was about half a feet taller than me.

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