10:The morning after the Party

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Ho-Jin's P.O.V

When I woke up the next morning, my head was still aching, and my stomach didn't feel so good, after all the drinking I did yesterday.

Jungkook was cuddling me in his sleep I chuckled lightly thinking of what happened yesterday. Yeah, I do remember things I did when drunk. Especially if it's confessing my love to someone special and kissing. I ruffled his hair. He fluttered his eyes and opened it. He smiled and cuddled further.

"Ho-Jin Hyung" He said sleepily.

"Kookie baby!" I said. I pulled him more towards me, and kissed him in he lips, which he reciprocated.

"I love you so much kookie-ah" I said and kissed him more.

"Aishhhh bugger, not this early in the morning" I heard Felix behind me.

I almost forgot that we three were sharing the nest. But again it was my nest.

I turned to face Felix. "Seriously Hyung, get some space" he said, in a sleepy tone.

"Mr. Lee Yongbok" I said. "Whose house is this?"

"Ummm... Yours"

"And whose nest is this?"

"But we're shari-"

"Whose is it??"


"Right, so you are telling me what I should/shouldn't do in my house, in my nest?"

"But Hyung-"

"-On the other hand, why don't you give us some space" I told him. "Out of the nest"

"Hyung I'm slee-"

"Out, out!" I used my magic to pull him out.

"Hyungggg" Felix said irritated.

He went towards the cooking space.

"Hyung don't be so harsh on him" Jungkook said.

"Jungkookie, I'm just teaching him some manners" I told him. "And Felix, while you're there, can you make me some hangover stew?" I said. I was having a bad hangover.

"Hyungggg, I don't know how to cook!"

"Lix you are 17 you should know!!" I shouted.

"But yesterday you told me I'm 'just' 17 and tender" Felix said.

"Well what I mean is you're old enough to know how to cook! Not old enough to have sex!!"

"SEX?? WHO HAD SEX??" I heard Bangchan from the other nest wake up with a start.

"Ask your brother" I said. "I'm petty sure he would have done it had I not seen them behind the bushes"

"Felix seriously? And Hyung what were you doing behind the bush?"

"None of your business Channie" I told him.

"Also who is the guy Felix... You know"

"It was that vampire... What was his name..."

"It was Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin" Jungkook said.

Just then we heard a loud bang from under the table.

"Owww.... Did someone call me?" I looked at the table to see Hyunjin below it. He looked sleepy and was rubbing his head. He had put some sheets around to block the sunlight.


"The party was on till dawn, and it was getting bright outside. So we decided to stay here cause we can't handle the sun" Hyunjin said.

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