19- Honeymoon!

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I'm sorry for this super late update my writer block was so bad.

It was finally the day of their marriage.

They'd decided to have a really small one. The only people present were Jungkook's parents, Jinyoung, Namjoon and a few of Jungkook's friends from work.

Hojin couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Jungkook in the Red hanbok approaching him with nothing but love visible in his eyes.

Jungkook himself couldn't keep his eyes off Hojin, who was wearing a Blue hanbok.

They said their vows and kissed.

"Let's all raise a toast to the married couple!" Jinyoung said and everyone raised their glass and started to feast.

"I'd advice you to drink wisely, Maejae" Jinyoung said, seeing Hojin take his third glass of wine. "You too, Jungkook"

Jungkook and Hojin looked at him confused.

"We know it's your big day and all" Jungkook's mom fumbled in her bag and took out and envelope and gave it to them. "You have a flight to Hokkaido tomorrow"

"A WHAT??" Both Jungkook and Hojin shouted.

"A flight to Hokkaido" Jinyoung said. "Our wedding gift"

"R... Really?" Jungkook said.

"You didn't have to do that" Ho-jin said.

"No no, Everyone deserves a Honeymoon!" Jungkook's dad said, sternly.

"Thank you Appa but-"

"- but stay? Don't worry we got that covered" Jungkook's friend Mingyu said and handed him and envelope. "Here's your hotel and check-in details, we've already paid for the rooms" he said.

"Also, you caught chicken pox" Namjoon said, holding a certificate, signed "Dr. Kim Namjoon"


The next day, Hojin and Jungkook set off for their Honeymoon.

"You'll be fine in the plane right?" Jungkook asked Hojin

"Ofcourse! The sky is literally my domain." Ho-jin replied.

However, once the flight started he felt really qeasy.

"This is sooooo not like flying!" He said.

"Haven't you been on an aeroplane? That's what you told Hyung!"

"I have been ON one, not INSIDE one" Hojin said. "It is soothing to rest on top of Aeroplanes when you've been flying for a long time. Just gotta avoid it when it's gonna hit a building" he said. "It's different inside, it's boring and suffocating and..." He didn't have to say anything, he just picked up the sickness bag.

"And sickening" Jungkook said.

They finally reached Hokkaido. Hojin felt a bit sick on the first day so they decided to take rest, but the rest of the two weeks were amazing.

The hotel was right on top of Mt. Hakodate, and gave a breathtaking view of the city. They also got soveigners from the shops.

They roamed to the blue pond and the different parks.

The hotel they were staying at had a nice terrace with large longue chairs. Hojin and Jungkook went there many times at night to watch the stars.

"The night sky beautiful, isn't it?" Jungkook said, as they were watching the stars one night. Well, Jungkook was. Hojin was more interested in watching his husband, who looked so beautiful with his moonkissed face.

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