7:The Prince of Vampires

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Ho-Jin and Jimin looked really happy seeing those two Fairys. They went and hugged them.

"What a pleasant surprise boys!" Hojin said.

"I know so unexpected!" Jimin said

"We're just in time for your Birthday hehe" The cuter guy said.

"Oooh and by the way, Happy Birthday in advance Hyung!" The more mature looking guy handed him a bag.

"We got Kangaroo meat!" The cute freckled guy said again.

I don't think I'll get used to the weird eating habits of the forest people.

"Omo thank you so much!" Hojin said and hugged the freckled guy.

"Who is he BTW" The guy said pointing at me.

"Oooh meet Jungkook, one of our new friends, he's a human." Hojin pulled me to them.

"Jungkook, they're our Cousins from Australia."

"I'm Felix" The freckled guy with deep voice said.

"I'm Bangchan" The other guy said. "Hyung, we got you guys some platycakes too"

"Platycakes?" I asked.

"Aaaah Jungkook, you see Platypus is the only animal in the world that can both lay eggs, and gives milk!" Jimin said.

"So in this cake, we use both platypus milk, and platypus eggs, with sugar, flour and chocolates!" Bangchan said.

I'm now sure I'm never getting used to their food habits.

They all went inside talking and I followed them.

"Why don't you guys just be a bit open about your unicorns? Sure humans won't think that a horse with a horn is unnatural" Felix said.

"Yeah Hyung, they don't even question our Platypus!! Why will they actually question a unicorn!!!" Bangchan continued.

They kept talking about all the Australian creatures. And I just went out. I don't think anyone even noticed.

After I went out, I heard some noise some place away from the tree. My curiosity got best of me and I went there. I'm so glad Ho-Jin got me crutches so I didn't need anyone's help.

I went a bit deeper.

But then someone pushed me. My crutches fell down.

"Shibal??" I mutterred and looked around.

"Ooooh damn, look who we have here!" A creature came out in view. He looked like a wood elf.

"He looks like a human" Another elf came out. He directed some fruits towards me at such speed it hurt and I got bruises.

"What's a human doing here??" A female elf came out. She directed some stones towards me.

"Aaaaaa, stop it!" I said.

"You know what? You aren't supposed to be here!" One of the boys again used his magic to make the branches hit me.

They kept hitting me with their magic. Now I knew why the other creatures hated the wood elves.

"Filthy humans, you deserve this!" One of them again said.

"MICHYEOSS-OH??" Some stones flew and hit all three of those elves.

I then saw Hojin flying towards them. With his claws he scratchched one of them.

"Aaaahhhh, stop it!" That elf shouted.

"Then leave him the fuck alone" He shouted.

"Damnnnn" the girl elf shouted and Ho-Jin again directed some stones right at her face. "Aaah, ok ok, we'll go" she said and all three elves left.

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