17: New Life

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Ho-jin woke up to find himself in a not-very-known place. He looked around.

He was sitting in something that looked like a rest-house. Jungkook was laying right beside him, leaning onto him.

Ho-jin tried spreading his wings.
He couldn't feel anything.

On panic, he pushed Jungkook away, who woke up frantically and saw Hojin feeling his back.

Hojin then stared at Jungkook.

"D-do you k-know me? Do you know who am I to you?" He asked. Jungkook's heart sank.

"Ho- Ho-jin Hyung!! It's me..." Jungkook said. "Do you not remem-" before he could complete, Ho-jin engulfed him in a hug. He was sobbing.

"Atleast they didn't remove your memory, Jungkook" he cried. "But... But my wings" He cried more.

"I'm sorry Hyung..." Jungkook hugged Ho-jin.

Ho-jin sobbed more. "I tried to stay strong in the court, but it's not easy to just loose my powers and everything to do with the forest " He cried.

Jungkook hugged him waiting for him to calm down.

Which took quite a long time, but he eventually did. "I don't even know where we are" Hojin said.

"Wait... I know this place!" Jungkook said looking around. "This road is on the way to Seoul!" He said. "Where I live"

"How far is it from here?" Ho-jin said.

"A few kilometres" Jungkook said.

Ho-jin chuckled nervous. "A few kilometres?" He said. "I've never walked longer than 50 meters" He said.

"Who said we're gonna walk? I bet we can get a cab" Jungkook said, looking at the road for a cab.

"Yeah, right!" Hojin said, also looking at the road. "There's one!" He said.

"That's not a cab, it's a truck!" Jungkook said.

"Oooh... So trucks are those metal transport thingys?" Ho-jin said. "There's another 'Truck' thing coming"

"Now that's a cab!" Jungkook said stopping it. "To Gwangjin, please"

"Okay, get in" the cab driver said and Jungkook got in, followed by a confused Hojin.

Ho-jin looked around the car. "It's so small and suffocating in here..." He whispered.

"I guess you've never been in a car before" Jungkook whispered, taking out his phone.

Which was dead. But it was the small amount of money he carried on the phone cover that he required.

Ho-jin was confused. He had known that the metal things were used as a vehicle, or wahan by humans. And he had an idea that the paper things were probably the currency. But why was Jungkook paying the person handling the vehicle? Did Shiva pay his Nandi too? Did Vishnu pay his Garud?

Finally they arrived at an appartment complex and got out of the car. Jungkook's appartment was on the 3rd floor.

"So Kookie why did you pay that guy? He didn't give you anything" Hojin asked Jungkook.

"He gave us the ride... That's why" Jungkook said. "Ho-jin Hyung, didn't you say you know everything about 'humans'?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do!" Hojin said "Just wanted to be sure"

They arrived at the third floor, Jungkook took a key from under a flowerpot. "Thank God it's still here" he said and took the key off the plastic cover he had put on to avoid rust.

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