24: Destiny

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After a few trials, Hojin and Jungkook were finally done fixing the tyre.

"We're done let's go boys... boys?? BOYS??" Ho-jin looked around and panicked when he couldn't find the boys.

"Where are they?" Jungkook looked worried. He turned on his flashlight.

"JUNGWON! JAEHYUN!" Hojin called out.

"Hyung, over here" Jungkook called Hojin and showed him the footprints.

"D-did they go t-to the f-f-forest?" Hojin said.

"Let's follow" Jungkook pulled Hojin, who had managed to take Jungwon's bow and arrows. They followed the footprints.

"This leads to the magical portion of the forest" Hojin was worried. "They're unarmed! There are so many dangerous beasts there!"

They reached a portion were the footprints dissappeared.

"Where did the footprints go?" Jungkook asked. "JUNGWON! JUNGWON" He shouted."JAEHYUN!"

"WONNIE! HYUNNIE!" Hojin shouted

"Where are they?" Jungkook said in a shaky voice.

Hojin heard some ruffles behind the bush.

"Who's it!" He got the bow and arrow ready.

The bush ruffled a few more times and someone popped out.

"HOBI!" Hojin put down his weapon.

"Ho-ho-hojin!!" Hobi shouted. He had a bow over his shoulder and two dead rabbits in his hand.

Ho-jin hugged Hobi.

"Ho-jin, what brings you here?" Hoseok asked. "You look worried!" He said.

"I can't find my sons" Hojin said.

"Hobi Hyung, have you seen two boys? They look exactly like each other, they're about 15" Jungkook said.

"No I haven't" Hoseok said.

"Where are they!" Hojin was frustrated. "JAEHYUN! JUNGWON!"

"Ho-jin, Jungkook, come with me" Hobi said.

"But Hobi"

"Come to my cave, Bogum's there, with Taehyung, he might be able to get a clue" he said pulling Jungkook.

"Hobi slower! I can't walk this fast with these goddamn legs!" Ho-jin followed him. He felt something odd about the forest. Sure he could feel nostalgia of the purple leaves, the smell. But it felt really empty.

"Where are everyone?" Hojin asked. "It's been sixteen years since I left, but I sure remember there used to be lots of satyrs and elves and nymphs playing about" he said.

Hobi sighed. "Days are getting darker" he said.

"What happened?" They arrived at the came.

"Jagiya!!! What took you so long!!" Ho-jin heard a voice. It sounded a bit higher pitched. "HOJIN!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!"

"TAEHYUNG!!!" Hojin said and rushed and hugged him.

Taehyung flashed his smile. "How did you come here all of a sudden?" He asked.

Ho-jin turned grim. "Our boys are missing" he said.

"Speaking of it, where's Bogum?" Hobi asked.

"You were taking so long! He went looking for you!" Taehyung said. "You know how it's been lately! What if..." Taehyung teared up.

"Seriously, what happened? Why is the forest so empty?" Hojin asked.

"Quite a lot" Hoseok said. "There's a dark wizard, Sehun, he's taken over the forest" he said.

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