23: Jungkook's secret

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Hojin was at a convience store shopping for things he needed at home. Mostly just ramen and biscuits as he hated other "full of preservatives packaged food that can be made at home." He went to grab the only pack of butter cookies, but at the same time, another hand reached for it.

"Can I have this?" Hojin said, turning towards the guy. He was wearing a hoodie although it was super hot outside.

"It's my husband's favourite!" The guy said.

"My son loves this, and no other biscuits."

"Well actually I don't co- HOJIN!!!" The guy exclaimed as soon as he turned to Ho-jin.

Hojin stared at him. "TAEHYUNG!" He almost couldn't recognise him with the hoodie and without the jewels and tattoos. They hugged.

"How have you been?" Hojin asked.

"I've been good, and you?"

"Not bad either" Hojin broke from the hug.

"Shall we catch up on some chicken and beer?"

"Sure, I know of a place"

Soon enough, they were sitting in a fried chicken place, with some spicy chicken wings and a can of beer each, talking about the forest

"I miss Jimin" Hojin said "I miss everything."

"It was very unfortunate"

"It was. I got my boys, though, that makes it better"

"How are your kids, BTW?"

"They're amazing" Hojin took out his phone and started showing Taehyung their pictures.

"They look exact Xerox copy of each other." Tae said "Who is this one? Holding a trophy and bow?"

"That's Jungwon, he's one of the top archers in the province" Hojin said. "Plans to make it to national team"

"That's amazing, he's just like his Uncle"

"Yeah right, Jimin would love to meet him" Ho-jin showed him another photo of his kid holding a trophy and a painting.

"Oooh, he paints too?" Taehyung asked.

"That's Jaehyun, the other one" Hojin said. "And he's an amazing painter" Ho-jin said and started showing Taehyung his paintings.

"He loves Religious history?"

"He's obsessed with it." Hojin said.

"That's cute" Taehyung said. "One more can?" He asked.

"Not really, actually I need to leave in a while" Hojin said. "The boys will be coming back from school anytime"

"Ooh, okay!" Taehyung said. They hugged. "Take care, Ho-jin!" Taehyung said.

"You too Taehyung" Ho-jin said. "And thanks for the buttercookies"

"You're welcome, your little boy needs it more" Taehyung said.

Timeskip 4 yrs later

A small crowd had gathered outside Incheon airport. The crowd was not really big as archery was not a really popular sport.

"They're here, team Korea is here!" The small but enthusiastic crowd cheered. "They won so many medals!"

"That's the coach!" Someone said pointing at the coach.

"And that guy is the youngest in the team, the Maknae!" A guy said. "Jeon Jungwon, he's just 15!"

"Damnn and he won 5 gold medals already!" A teenage girl said. Jungwon was scanning the crowd, the girl waved at him and he waved back. "OMG HE WAVED HE WAVED!" She said.

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