11: The Werewolf

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A/n I forgot to mention but the Centaur's cave is not like a normal cave, it feels more like a house with electricity, rooms, furnitures and windows.

3rd person P.O.V

"Hojin, don't cry, don't cry it's okay" Jackson Wang was consoling Hojin.

"Yeah Hojin, don't cry so much" Jimin put his arms around Ho-Jin.

"How....h...how?? W...w...why??" Ho-Jin cried. "HOW COULD IT HAPPEN??" He was in tears.

"Ho-Jin Hyung calm down" Jungkook said. He hugged him and pecked his lips. "Winning and Losing are just parts of a game!"

"B... B... But this was probably Neymar's last W... World Cup" Ho-Jin cried. "H... How... How can Brazil loose!!" He leaned onto Jungkook's shoulder and cried.

Hoseok happily put the coins he won in his pocket. "I'm glad I trusted Livaković!" He smirked.

"And we're glad we trusted you!!" Taehyung hugged Hoseok. Bogum also hugged him.

"They were the finalists last World Cup, so yeah they won!" Yeonjun and Soobin celebrated.

"Team Croatia yayyyy" Taehyun jumped on the table and started dancing.

"Don't jump on the table you'll fall!" Jonghyun pulled Taehyun back down.

"Dang!! I can't believe Brazil lost!!" Kai banged the table.

"I know right, how can they!!" Taemin said.

"You know what? I really want some blood now" Kai said. "It's a pity Ho-Jin won't allow us to drink his boyfriend's blood"

"I think some animal blood should do" Taemin said.

"Wanna go out and look for some?" Kai said.


"We'll be back" Kai said, as he stood up holding Taemin's hands.

"I think it's better not to" Hyunjin said, playing with Felix's hair who was seated on his lap. Due to lack of space, obviously.

"Why? It's night time, we should be fine."

"Ummm... isn't it a full moon night?" Hyunjin said, pointing to the window.

"IT'S A WHAT??" The duo looked outside the high window to see a full moon shining.

"Full moon ni-" Hyunjin froze.

"Hold on, does that mean-" Felix said.


Everyone turned to them. Ho-Jin was standing a bit away from Jackson, who was curled up and had already begun to grow in size, and was growing fangs and long claws.He was growling.

Ho-Jin started panicking and looked around.

Kai pointed towards the window, showing the full moon. "We didn't know either" He said.

"Owwwwwwww" The werewolf howled, now completely transformed.

He ran randomly towards the nearest person, Jimin.

"Aieeeeee" Jimin flapped his wings very violently, creating a strong wind, and took off.

"My plants!!!" Taehyung shouted, seeing his plants ruined.

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