Part 4

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One says that a heartbreak can be deadly, and Zhan didn't used to believe that. Yet there he was now, suffering from the consequences of his actions

It had been two exact weeks since the last time he had seen Yibo after having retreated weakly without giving him an explanation, or being honest about himself. The least he could've done was to make an excuse to make himself seem good, but even that thought was starting to feel bitter as time passed by. 

The only thing lingering within him from that time was the heavy feeling of regret, guilt, and the squeezing pain in his chest. Emotions could falter, yet a heartbreak could not. No matter what he did, what medication he drank, and what position he laid in, the pain would just not stop from existing. So he visited the doctor to get a proper diagnosis, only to hear him say that it was 'psychological'. That only made him think of how heavy the effects of Yibo's words had been on him, and just how much he could toy with him if he wanted to. 

It made him feel confused and conflicted, unable to disregard thinking about it until now. As he flipped through the pages of the files before him, a sudden pain struck him in his chest once more, causing him to flinch with a deep frown. So he stood from his couch and made his way to the kitchen to take some pills. Wether they helped him or not was of no matter, just the thought of a possibility was enough. 

After swallowing them he leaned against the counter, thoughtful as always. But upon hearing the notification sound, he rushed to check as though his energy had come back once more. Yet it was just Wei, spamming some emoji's after a picture he had taken of some screws and weird gadgets. And moments later, a video call request was to pop on his screen, making him raise his brow in interest. 

"Where- hey you're still at home??" Zhan scratched the back of his head before laying on the couch. "I decided to work from home today too. What's so bad about that?" Wei furrowed his brows, followed by a playful smirk. "You need air and activities to function. So, do you like my toys?" 

Zhan pushed the video bubble up before glancing at the picture he had sent once more. "Those are your toys? Where even are you?" Wei turned the camera around and showed him the view. "At the sea! Well, not exactly in the water but... just doing some work. An old friend of mine asked me to fix his fishing boat, so here I am." Zhan sighed at his productivity, finding it impressive. "Right... you're still a mechanic? Haven't seen you fix a car in a while." 

Wei turned the camera back to himself and raised his arm to show him his oily hands and biceps. "I did take a break, but these hands never get rusty! Bring me your car too sometime and I'll show you." Zhan scoffed. "Only if it breaks. Uh..... I feel really unmotivated these days... when are you free?" Wei sucked in his breath from between his teeth, looking up and mumbling as though he were counting the days. "Not today I think. Not until ten tonight at least. I do think that you should get out, and my support is eternal for that-" 

"Despite not tagging along?" Wei scrunched his brows. "You're the one who buried himself into work and didn't visit me for a whole month. Why am I the one getting brought down??" Zhan couldn't quite disagree, yet another guilt being added to his list. "Just go out on your own. It's always fun to be your own company." 

"...right, easy for you to say." Wei then gave out a laugh, feeling complimented. "So you do think I'm fun! The next time you're busy, spare yourself some time to give me a call at least." With that they bid their bye's and hung up the call. Due to Wei's eccentric and playful personality, Zhan would sometimes forget that he was a busy man too. But at least he was having fun with everything he did, enjoying his life to the fullest. Quite the opposite of Zhan, who went to the office for the obedience, and only enjoyed his time while acting. 

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