Part 17

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The air was damp and polluted, everyone walking around with masks to avoid being sick and whatnot. Yet Yibo could care less for it as he downed his fourth glass of alcohol with ease. "Does the alcohol help?" Li Na asked, her expression far from happy or relaxed. She did not know on how to act after the events of the past couple of weeks. Opposed to her, Yibo did not seem to be having any complicated thoughts whatsoever, making her second guess if she as just thinking too much or whatever the else

"You asked me the same thing about my cigarettes the other day. And to tell you, you won't know until you've gotten drunk." Li Na looked down, eyes glossy. "I'm... sorry for being unable to help. I suck as a lawyer." Yibo looked at the way she spoke, his expression unchanging. "It wasn't really your fault. I just got played and there was nothing you could've done about it." 

Li Na bit her lip. "But that's the thing! If I had been smarter and better at my job then I could've.... you would've..." Yibo kept silent as he continued to drink, waiting for Li Na to gather herself up. "...sorry. You just got out of jail and here I am making your day worse. I'll just stop." 

"If you feel so regretful then join me. It has never been fun to drink alone." Li Na gave the alcohol a look, her eyes glistening under the tiny broken light. She had never really drunk alcohol before, due to it being against her religion. But in Yibo's eyes that did not seem to matter, as he slowly reached his arm out and slid it behind her hair. He then took her necklace carefully off before putting it inside his pocket. "It'll be between us now." 

Li Na's eyes blinked rapidly as a hint of redness covered her cheeks. She did not feel the slightest touch as he took it off. "I... am not sure." Yibo took another glass from the side and placed it before her, now pouring the alcoholic beverage inside. "I used to believe that I would be saved if I prayed enough. But do you know what happened?" 

The latter watched as he placed the bottle aside and took out his package of smokes. "W-what?" Yibo's expression darkened, now lighting up the cigarette he had placed between his lips. "Nothing. So I saved myself. Fun story right?" 

"You may believe in what you want to believe in but... if you plan your whole life based on that belief alone, then you will never truly live life itself." His long lashes fluttered every time he blinked, now pointing his eyes at Li Na's. "We are humans. We were never good, but we aren't also bad. Your desires are a part of you. You have to enjoy them to be able to control them." 

Li Na slowly swallowed, now picking up the glass. "If you said that in front of a church... you might get bashed at." Yibo couldn't help but chuckle, to which Li Na thought was cute. "Well, then let them bash me. It's not like I ever really cared for what others think." 

Li Na smiled, shaking her head. "That I know of. But... fine. You convinced me.... I suppose it won't hurt to try." With that, it was first a sip, later a whole glass. 

It didn't pass too long before she had downed three other glasses, her droopy eyes indicating that she was already a little drunk. "So... how does it feel to be owned by someone so devilish?" Yibo raised his brows up, surprised at her directness. "That was fast. But to say... I don't think it's that bad. Now I can just keep annoying him until he breaks down." 

Li Na scoffed, her lips now pressed onto her glass. "I suppose you're having your fun. Is your plan to keep getting in jail and causing trouble?" Yibo's gaze shot up, now in thought. "I had a different idea but... that doesn't sound so bad either. After all, he signed the contract too. He has to take me out no matter the reason." The young attorney couldn't help but laugh, her eyes forming into crescent moons. "You really are as sly as a fox Wang Yibo... you really are." 

She then abruptly placed the glass on the table before leaning in to whisper. "But you know what? As devilish as that man is.... he is also so devilishly handsome is he not?" Yibo rolled his head, now arms crossed. "That's what annoys me the most about him. He looks a bit too much like Zhan. It's bothersome... really. If only his personality was half as good as his-" 

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