Chapter 1; bitch are you okay?

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                                                                                 Za'Nyla Ayaire Wright

                                                                                May 5th, 5:40 pm 

Two seconds off the plane i can already feel the jet lag flow into my body. As I'm walking through the airport, I see not one familiar face. the first thing I could think is 'them bitches forgot me.'

"Nyny" my baby cousin said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hey." I said flashing her a slight smile.  "Hey cousin you, okay?" She asked with a concerned look. That question seems to piss me off more and more each time. When you mother passes away people act as if that's the only question in the world am I okay. Bitch are you okay? "No." I spoke. "I know that was stupid I'm sorry." She said as she went for a hug. At first, I wasn't gonna hug back but I couldn't deny how much I had missed her.

"Let's get the hell out of here. I know you tired ." She said and grabbed two of my many bags. "As fuck." I said and sighed. "Where my auntie at?" I asked looking around as we walked out of the airport. "She still at work." She said. "She still bending over backwards for that job I see." I rolled my eyes. "Girl, you know her."

When we got to the car I was met by my cousin Andy and I'm guessing his friend. Andy wasted no time as soon as he seen us him and his friend grabbed my bags and threw them in the trunk. "We missed you nyny "Andy said as he hugged me tight. Since we were kids Andy has always been very emotional. We thought he was a girl when unity brought him home. This nigga had a long ass chili bowl and would not come from behind her.

We said our hello's he introduced his friend as Jah, and we were in the car headed to the house.

Once we got to the house I settled into the guest room. Now Cordaye ,Andy , Jah, and I are sitting in the living room . "Bitch so you saying you saying in order for you to date a girl she has to ask you out?" Cordae asked . "You got damn right." He said and nodded his head once. "You sassy as fuck."  she said. We all laughed except Jah. "Oh that tickled ya coochie hairs huh?" He said looking around. We laughed even harder. "Fuck is a sassy anyways?" Andy asked.

"Shid Jahdeh." Cordaye replied. "Bitch!" I laughed . He mugged the fuck out of us and replied " but when ya sit there and think of a dude yall expect him to ask you out right?" He asked looking directly at corda. "Yeah but that's me don't be like me ." She said with a serious face. Everybody busted out laughing once again.

"Why in the hot fire fuck is my door open ?" My auntie hollered closing it on her way in .I smiled she looks just like her they're basically twins born in separate years.

"Sorry ma Jah didn't close it." Andy said. Jah raised his arms in confusion, and replied "i apologize Ms.Unity. " Even though it was Andy. "Both of ya asses finna be paying my electric." She stated.

"Hey auntie baby. How you doing ?" She asked as i stood up to greet her. "Trying." I replied . We hugged for a few then let each other go. Tears at the brim of both our eyes. "So beautiful just like your mama. She'd be proud of you y'know." She said wiping her tears that were attempting to fall.

I lightly smile. 'I doubt it' I thought and sat back down.

"Where yo twin at jahdeh?" Unity asked. "He had to go pick that li girl up" Jah replied. Unity rolled her eyes. "he's a twin?" I whispered to corda who's sitting next to me on the couch.

"Girl hell nah she just being funny. Him and xan always together." She replied . "Fuck is xan?" I asked referring to us having mutual nicknames. "Bitch you don't remember xan? ya used to be close as kids when you and jo would come down."

"Xan?" I whispered trying to remember. She snickered "The short ass little boy with them thick ass magnifying glasses".  "Bitch the one that had them fat ass chihuahua's?" I hollered and we busted out laughing "unhun." My auntie said shooting us that "no you didn't" look.

"Sorry auntyyy." I said laughing. "I can tell you now y'all get that shit from ya daddies." She spoke. "I don't know that nigga." Me, Unity, and Jah laughed. I guess corda and Andy didn't find that too amusing.

After a while of chit chat, I decided to go my room. I showered and did the essential night routine and set in my thoughts until I drifted off.

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