Chapter 13: I want 'em all fired.

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|| Alexander Lamonti Greene|| 5:00 pm

The attorney and I settled into the nurse's break room. she pulled up and extra chair on another side for Wanda to sit in. "So, before Ms. Wanda gets back, I already got my assistant to fill out everything on the way here. But I have to be sure, do you want to sue?" she asked as she straightened out the papers from her file. "Yes." I spoke. 

"Great, once we get that footage, we'll know what we're dealing with here." she spoke. "So, like, what is the process of this whole ordeal?" I asked. "So as of now depending on what the camera shows us, most likely we can get you a great settlement so we won't have to take it to court though I don't even think we will have to simply based on the actions of Wanda and the video recording I heard you have. Here is my number I'll need to see that recording send me a copy." she said sliding her card across the round lunch table we sat at. 

I typed her number in and sent in the video I had recorded while in my mother's room and by the desk. After I sent the video Jah walks in "Chocolate got the tape.". 

I stood and followed Jah as Ms. Wilcox followed behind. "Mr. Greene... are you sure you would like to see this?" she asked once we got to the surveillance room. 

I looked at Jah and he nodded once telling me to go ahead. "Want me to go with you?" Jah asked and I nodded to him this time.  

If nobody know Jah does, he know what I been through. We been with each other for 15 years. I aint have much other family really none, and neither did Jah. His mama died when he was 8 years old, she overdosed off crack. He never blamed her for being a drug addict, but he did blame his daddy. He blamed him for making her fall head over hills for him, dragging her through the mud with all his bullshit, he blamed him for giving her the first bump, and he definitely blamed him when he found her laying in her bed. Him and his daddy didn't have a bond even before then. He never respected his daddy even as a kid, Jah always had this understanding to him.  

So when he was in the car with his dad as he made his deals, he was never clueless as to what was going down hell he'd been introduced to substances since 3. He vowed to never be like his father mostly his anger and unaccountability. His dad beat his mother for hours, then supply her to make her happy. I like to think God designed our struggles and put us into a place where we'd find each other. Ever since I met him, I've had a friend, a therapist, a best friend, and brother all in one.

"I appreciate you Jah for real. W mans." I said as I hung my head. "Chin up brother it's just a trial know that." he said as he pat my back slight nudging me. I nodded and pushed through the door. As we stood by the computer chocolate gives me a sympathetic glance then presses play on the footage. 

As we look at the video I see a few familiar nurses, including Wanda and Dan, who were in the room earlier. as it continues it shows Dan Wanda and an unfamiliar nurse, taking my mom down the stairs in her chair, as if they don't have ramps. "Thats Dan. There is Wanda. And that is Priscilla. They also are never supposed to transfer a patient like that." Chocolate spoke once they gotten to the fifth step. Dan at the top pushing the chair, Wanda at the bottom of the chair preparing her hands as if they could've scooped her up, Priscilla standing in the middle to the right of the chair. My mother as they drag her down each step bouncing with the force. I could feel my anger rising each time her head bobs. The next step you can see Dan slip down which cause the effect of my mother to roll ahead down another step with no one bracing the chair as she tipped over to left and laid there. 

After seeing her lay like that I don't know I just flipped. I knocked all that shit over pulling papers over the floor knocking over the filing cabinet inside. "Come on man." Jah said managing to drag me out of the room beofre i got to the computer. As he's trying to get me to get back to the front by the desk, Wanda is walking this way with the report papers. "Bitch I should drag you by that thin ass hair down them fucking steps." I said as I try to push past Jah wiping the tears now free flowing. He pushes me until we make it down the other direction and out of the emergency exit. "Nigga get some air and calm down." he hollered. "Man this shit" I started but couldn't finish before punching nothing but sold brick. "Fuck."  I yelled out in pain. My shit definitely finna be broke.

"What happen- What you do to your hand?" Nyla asked as she and Corda ran up to us grabbing my hand that I smashed. I didn't want them to see this shit. "I'm good bro." I said snatching my hand back from her flexing it to get use to the throbbing. She backed away and stood over to the side as she bit her nails. 

The exit door opened yet again. This time attorney Wilcox stood in the frame. "I understand this is a difficult situation for you, but you cannot act the way you just did. That was completely unacceptable and could have been handled different. I asked if you could do this... you told me you could. So, handle your emotions, you're going to be sitting in a room with them when their lawyer gets here. Can you handle that, Alexander?" Attorney Wilcox spoke. It pissed me off but it's nothing I don't need to hear. I took a deep breath. "Yes, I can." I reassured. "I will not have nonsense during this case. Go about this in an adult manner... I can tell your smart you're just going through a tuff time. But there are no excuses to an officer just doing his job." she said making sure I'm following her. "I understand." I nodded. "I'll come get you when they're here."

After 30 minutes of waiting outside I looked at the time to see 6:17. Then look to Nyla to see her still biting her nails. "Um... I'm gonna go. Xan you can ride with Jah, right? Great." she spoke walking off before anyone could say anything. "I'll go check on her." Corda said smiling weakly and leaving. "It's time." Ms. Wilcox said opening the door for me. 

Once we made it back to the break room there was a short blading white man with glasses, Dan, Wanda, their manager Amanda, and the short Mexican lady on the footage. "Hi I'm Attorney Michael Savada." The short man said shaking Wilcox's hand then mine. "Attorney Wilcox. This is Mr. Greene." she spoke. "Xander I really want to apologize for the absolute disregard that occurred here." Amanda said as she stood behind the short man. "I want all three of them fired." I spoke nonchalantly whilst pointing to them. "Weve already got the settlement typed up if you'd have a look for us." The short man spoke again. I sat and looked over it with my lawyer. "You three are excused clear your things and leave your IDs with Chocolate at the front desk. And detectives want to speak with you Ms. Wanda."

After sitting down with the attorneys and Amanda we came up with a settlement of $75,000. At first it was 30,000 which I would've settled for but my attorney made them go big or go to court.

30 minutes later we were done with everything, they gave me copies of our settled agreement and said everything would be directly deposited to my account. 

Jah was already waiting in the car talking to Corda. "You coming over tonight?" he loudly whispered to her. "Yes Jahdeh." she said sliding out of the front seat for me to get in. "Beat me there don't meet me." "You'll let Nyla know? Byeee." she hollered sliding into her car once I nodded. 

After rolling up to the crib I dapped up jah and thanked him for the ride. I walked up the complex's staircase leading to my apartment. I contemplated before finally knocking on the door of Nyla and Corda's apartment.  "who is it?" Nyla yelled. "Xander." I yelled back. She slowly unlocked the door. "Damn you didn't wanna let me in?" I asked once the door swung open. "I thought about it." she shrugged as i looked her from head to toe then sliding past her through the door. She wore a satin 2 piece with a tank and some shorts looking good as fuck.

" I just wanted to apologize to you about all of that... so yeah I apologize." I said feeling nervous out of nowhere. "It's okay I should've given you your space." she spoke softly looking for my eyes which I glued to the floor to stop them from going where they wanted to. I sighed scratching my neck out of things to say yet wanting to say more. I know for sure i don't want to be alone, but I definitely don't think this is a good idea. "Do you want space now?" she asked me this time her eyes now searching the room then I knew she didn't want to be alone either. "No." "Wanna watch a movie?" "sounds good." 


It is suicide prevention month. I just want everybody who's reading to know no matter what your struggle is... you are not alone. You deserve happiness, unconditional love, light, and prosperity. You deserve to take up space in this world and YOU MATTER!! 

A little love and joy can go a long way be kind because you never know what people go through. And i hope you get through whatever you're going through and know that this is not the end of the road you WILL SUCCEED and you WILL make it just keep trying AND NEVER GIVE UP.

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