Chapter 10: Home sweet home.

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|Za' Nyla Ayaire Wright P.O.V|

1 week later.

2:45 pm

Joe had to come down to help me move in about a week ago, he also brought my car down here. My first two weeks at the salon was a smash. in the entire two weeks I had gotten 11 clients and made 4,500$ easy. She also gave me weekends off. Once me and corda moved into the apartment, we made sure to get beds and a tv for the living room. Now we are waiting on the delivery people to drop off our couches and end tables, so we left Jo at the house while we made a Walmart run to grab kitchen appliances.

"ooo Nyla look at this air fryer." Corda said pointing to a nice silverplated air fryer that costs 209.22. "No." is all i responded with. We been in this store for an hour looking for stuff for the kitchen and she just been pointing at random shit. Right now, we got a blender, a purple rug for the bathroom, another mat for the door, spatulas and those big ass spoons, a PS5 cause I like to play GTA, and napkins and tissue. Me and Corda also got some tv's for our rooms. Corda got herself a 65 in while I got a 50. I'll mostly be watching tv in the living room anyways.

"Call and see if the boys want to come over and hang with jo." I told Corda. "Housewarming party you said." she spoke eagerly pulling her phone out to call. "XanXann what y'all doing?" she said while raising the camera putting both of us in the shot. "Finna piss me off already." he said. "You always got them panties in a bunch. But don't hang up cause I know you bout to. Jo in town and Nyla want ya to come over for a lil housewarming party. So, bring gifts." she rushed out. "Alright we gone be there." he responded and hung up. 

"He so damn rude. Why you call him why you aint call yo man?" I asked her. "Cause he make me nervous." she said sticking her tongue out. "Awe bitch. Anyways what we doing for your birthday?" I asked her being that her birthday is literally a week away. "I want to be on a pole for my birthday. oo Can we put one in the living room matter fact?" She asked excited. "Only if we taking pole dancing classes if not there's no point."  I said wagering with her. "WE sure can bitch I know a studio we can go to tomorrow. Let's go see if they have a pole." she said about to drag me off. "Excuse me I think you dropped this." I heard a deep voice speak from behind me. "Oh shit thank you I would've been sick once we made it to the register." I said as the man handed me my card that had fallen out of my back pocket. "No problem gorgeous. I didn't catch your name." He said. "I never threw it handsome." I replied. "My apologies my name Reese." The handsome man said as he stuck his hand out to shake mines. He is too fine about 6' ft with hella tattoos. He ended up asking me for my number in which yes, I did give him my number hell he fine. 

We ended up having to go to Spencer's to find us a black pole, which we did we finna show the fuck aht for my baby birthday. Me and Andy decided we were going to throw her a big party at club Aftermath. Which won't be promoted until two days before. We know we can't keep it a surprise cause her ass would throw her own damn party that's that cancer shit. Now we are on the way to Unity's house with a backseat and trunk full of shit for our new home. Corda has to go get the rest of her clothes out of her closet and I need to get some of her good ass food. "Push this bitch pleeasee." I said out of pure hunger. My stomach been rumbling since we left the house. "Girl hush and we are literally here." she spoke turning down the music as we made our way on into the parking spot. "Who the fuck is all these peoples." I stated more than asked. It was at least 5 cars parked outside. "Thats Jah and them and my daddy." she responded throwing the car into park. We got out of the car and walked into the house. "Hey sweetheart. Why you didnt call and tell me you were moving out." A man said as we walked in. "I'm sorry daddy i forgot to let you know we were just so busy trying to get everything moved into the spot." She replied to him as she greeted him with a hug. "Auntieee." I yelled walking through the house headed to her room.

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