Chapter 19: Late night conversations.

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July 24, 3:37am                                                Za'Nyla P.O.V.

"Whew shit my feet hurt." I said as soon as I made it through the door of me and Cordaye's two bedroom apartment. Everybody still behind me in search for their keys. I plopped onto my sofa unzipping my boots. "Help me." I said as Xander plopped down taking the seat next to me. He yanked my leg pulling on the boot. "Damn you being funny?" I asked with an offensive look. "You ungrateful too." he mumbled getting one boot off then the next. 

"Speaking of ungrateful. Imma call Corda in the morning to see what she got going on. But we finna head out love yall." Andy said as he and Niva collected their things. "Bye love yall." Niva said. "Love yall. Be safe let me know when yall  make it home." I said not bothering to lock the door being Jah and Xan were still here. Jah sat next to me on the couch while Xan laid back with his arm threw over his eyes.  "Be honest she with a nigga?" Jah asked looking dead in my eyes. "I honestly don't know Jah. All she was saying is a friend from middle school. And she didn't use he nor she. You really care about her huh?" I said feeling bad for him.  "Man... I been loving that girl since 10th grade." he said sliding his palm down his face in frustration. 

"I'm sorry. I know she can be a little selfish, but i also know that she cares for you." I spoke sympathetically. Normally I would stay out of it, but i know how genuine Jah is. He nodded his head as a call came through his phone. "Wassup?" he spoke. "Who you with?" he asked. "That's not what I asked you." he continued. I'm guessing Cordaye decided to call. "Alright." he said hanging the phone up. 

"Alright yall I'm finna head out. Y'all work tomorrow?" He spoke standing off the sofa. "I'm off all weekend. And we aint gone play like that wasn't Corda." I said. "It was." He laughed. "She going to your house?" I asked him. "Yeah she say she already there. Xan you work nigga?" "nah I'm off." Xan said as he sat up. "You good ?" Jah asked him. He just nodded. "Alright y'all." He said on his way out the door. "Byeee be safe." I said going to my bedroom to get out of this dress. I threw on some pajamas after deciding to shower in the morning. 

"You sure you okay Xan?" I said walking back into the living room after grabbing my blanket. "Yeah I'm good. Why y'all keep asking me that?" he asked throwing his head back on the couch. "Cause your energy is off nigga. You wanna talk about it?" I asked him. He was quiet for a while till he sat forward. "I just be thinking." he shook his head. "about..." I dragged. "My mama." he sighed picking up one of the bottles from the club. "No sir." I said stopping him from taking a shot as he mugged me. "You don't need that, it's real easy to find something to ease the pain. It's not easy to stop easing it though. You want to talk about it?" I asked sitting next to him. 

"Not really...but maybe I need to." he said sitting back throwing his arm back over his eyes. "Okay...I'm here when you're ready." I said getting comfortable turning the tv on. Going straight to 'A Different World' making sure the volume is not too high. "Her birthday's in a few weeks. She turning 68... and she don't even remember it. I can't do shit about it and it's fucking killing me." he said. I could hear his voice cracking. Her dementia got worse after they dropped her.  I couldn't imagine being in his shoes, how hard he has it having to see his mother like this. "And I seen my dad." he said ,as I gasped a little, finally removing his arm and lifting his head. "Yeah... walking down Drove St beat up. Probably owe somebody some money." he said so low it was almost a whisper. 

"Just know that she loves you Xan, and she wouldn't want you stressing about what you can't do. You are an amazing son and you do everything that you can for both of them. Instead of putting so much focus on their lives, better yours Xan. Stop focusing on things you had no control over. You were a kid when everything happened, hell you didn't even know what a drug was then. The most you can do Xan is be there for him if or when he decides he wants help. But you have to know Xan you're an amazing friend, a wonderful son, and a great man. Okay?" I said softly wiping some tears that fell down his face. "I don't like you bro." he sniffled with a laugh. "Rude self." I said laughing with him. "I hate this emotional shit." he said shaking his head. "Well, that's what makes us human. Nothing wrong with emotions." I smiled to him. He smiled back "shut up." he said hugging me nuzzling my hair. "You mess up this good swoop Alexander imma fuck you up." I said pointing to him as he laughed squeezing me with his arm he still had around me. 

"Oh goodness I hate these computers. Where is that button?" I heard Whitley complain. I remember this episode. It's the one where Whitley kisses Dwayne by 'accident'.  "Alright calm down." Dwayne said to her. "I cant do all that work all over again." Whitley screamed as Dwayne tries calming her. "Whitley it's probably just a glitch in the disk let me see." He reassured. "Please make it come back please." "There." He smiled to her. "Oh Dwayne thank you." she said kissing him as the audience recording went wild. "I... didn't mean that." 

"Well how the fuck she gone kiss him and say she didn't mean that. What is this?" he asked me as I snuggled into him. I don't care this nigga is warm okay. "A different world." I laughed pulling my cover up to my face. I line to go to sleep. 

Hours later...  

"Well, Good morning to y'all." Corda said poking me. I turned my head to look at her and Jah squinting from the piece of sun shining through the curtain. "Morning." I said closing my eyes . "Y'all had a great night I see." she laughed. I tried to move and couldn't, now remembering  Xan and I falling asleep watching 'A different world'. We ended up just laying down. "Xan let me get up." I said embarrassed as fuck. "girl lay down." he smacked his teeth as Corda finally decided to get out my face and go in the kitchen. 

"Boy let me up." I said moving his arms. He groaned opening his eyes to mug me. He so handsome even with drool on the side of his face. I got up going to my bathroom starting my shower making sure it's nice and hot. Before hopping in the shower I found some clothes to wear around the house since I won't be going anywhere today. 

About 30 minutes later i get out of the shower and wipe the mirror before applying my moisturizer and brushing my teeth. After finishing my routine I left out of my room and back into the living room. "Good Morning guyss!" I smiled. Everybody still here now surrounding the tv as more of 'A Different World' played now in season 3 episode seven one of my favorite episodes the one where Dwayne told Whitley about his feelings for her. I sat back down on the couch as far away from Xander as possible. I just don't have time for any confusion on my behalf and anybody else's. "One of y'all gone cook or..." Corda said scratching her throat. "Girl you can't get shit from me right now." I said looking at her. 

"so rude." She said rolling her eyes. "No baby you don't want to talk about who and what is rude." I said rolling my eyes and folding my arms as Jah clutched his pearls. I'll cuss both they ass out. "Do we have a problem Nyla?" she asked rolling her neck. "I don't think it's best I say it right now cause you gone piss me off." I said watching her fold her arms now. "I don't give a damn about you being pissed off ZaNyla." she said balling her face up. "Bitch- I don't give a fuck if you give a damn. I didn't ask you to." I said mugging her. "Both of yall acting like brats and for no reason. Y'all grown sitting up here with yall arms folded acting like toddlers. Shut y'all ass up." Xander said getting up and grabbing his keys. "I'm finna go cook leave that bullshit here if y'all aint gone talk like adults." he said looking at us. 

Bitch gagged . "That's a grown man i tell you." Jah said like a proud daddy.

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