Chapter 12: Change of plans.

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                                                         Zanyla Ayaire Wright's POV

The ride to the club with Xan was more comfortable than I expected. We listened to the music as he gave me subtle directions. Now were at 'Club Lockout' meeting with the owner to be sure everything will be perfect. "Ms. Nyla, right?" a handsome dark skin man with icy grills spoke towering over Xan and I as we sat. "Just Nyla. This is Xander." I smiled as we stood. "DeMarrcus, you can call me Demarr. follow me." he said as he shook both of our hands. 

Demarr led us down a dim hallway and up a flight of stairs. I didn't even realize the building was two story. "Have a seat." he says pulling another chair around for Xan and sitting behind his desk. "Now, Nyla do you know your flyers for this party has reached thousands? Every section has been completely bought out. You're an extremely popular person." He explained flashing a million-dollar smile. "I wouldn't say that I just have a lot of connections." I spoke smiling back to him. "Baby that's what this business is all about! Connections. Who you know and who knows you."  he said sitting back in his chair. 

" I guess." I said not really seeing where he's headed. "I have a proposition for you Nyla. If you can find a liquor vendor that is cheaper than the one, I have now.... I would like for you to be my party planner." he paused. "You'll mainly work from Thursday to Sunday putting together fliers for parties, renting out sections, keeping our following and foot traffic up, and bottle services and shit. You also get some perks of course you and some friends get in free on the days you don't work. And the days you do your friends can get in for free up to 4 only, and free booths when they're not reserved." He spoke as I took in the info. " can I think about it?" I asked. "Of course. Here take my card call me or stop by when you make up your mind." he said handing me the club's card, "Thank you. It was nice to meet you we'll see you in a few." I said as Xan and I stood. "Pleasure's all mine. I'll walk you guys out." He stated as he opened the door to escort us back to the front. Shaking our hands again as we departed.

I took a deep breath as Xan and got into the car. "Where to now?" he asked. "To get her cake from Tyler."   "Was you even listening to him?" Xan asked once I got the car into motion. "Not really." "Nyla what's wrong with you?" Xan asked again. 

"You still upset about what joe said?" He asked. "Kinda... not really." I said confused. "Zanyla." he stifled soft yet strongly. "It's just he do that shit all the time... it's annoying. And every time he does, I start to notice the little shit. " I spoke irritated all over again. "Look, your brother only wants what's best for you. He your big brother the first man in your life. Your first protector. Just because you've grown aint gone make him stop protecting you." he spoke. "It's not about him protecting me Xan. It's about him respecting me and my choices. Being by my side no matter right or wrong. I don't need a lecture telling me how bad I fucked something up. I'm not a delicate flower so I don't need protection... sometimes I just need a hug and somebody to tell me that everything will be alright... even when it won't." he took a moment I could tell he's actually listening and absorbing all that I'm saying. "Is that why you upset?" he questioned as his phone rings. He reached into his pocket, glanced at it, then declined it.  

"Well, no, Reese called me afterwards mackin' and shit, but he knew it was corny. But then he asked if he could see me, I told him I gotta get Corda's party ready. He literally yelled 'well let me know when you're free.' And hung up in my face." I spoke taking a glance at him only to see a mug. "What?" I asked. "Nothing... but Joe didn't lie. The nigga sweet." He said shaking his head as His phone rang again. This time he picked it up. "Hello? Everything alright?" he spoke with a sudden urgency. "Man, what's going on? Is she alright?" He demanded to whoever's on the phone. I turn his way now concerned. "Okay I'll be on my way." he spoke monotonal before hanging up.

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