Chapter 23: The pregnancy & the shop.

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"Nyla.." she says. "Nyla please say something?" she pleads with tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry... How far along are you?" I say snapping out of it. "I don't know.. I have an appointment coming up next week to find out." she sniffled. "Corda... What are you gonna do?" I asked. I'm not too good with situations like this hell I'm finna cry with her. "I don't know. I cant go to this appointment. I just don't know what to do." she cries harder. 

"Calm down everything will be okay. Alright? I'll go with you, it's nothing." I said scooting closer to cuddle her. "Does Jah know?" I ask her automatically knowing he's the daddy she so in love with him. 

"I don't know how to tell him. Oh I'm sickkkk." she cried. "It's okay. It's all gonna be okay." I comforted as she laid her crying head on my shoulder.

7:00 am       August 4th

"Get yo extra large ass off me." I said pushing Corda's legs off me. We fell asleep on the couch as she cried. "Shut the fuck up." she grumbled throwing her leg over the couch as I got up. I walk to my bathroom to turn my shower on. Then into my room to find something to wear for work and see my schedule for today. I pull out my laptop  I have three heads today first one is at 9 and is a silk press that should take an hour, a traditional sew in at 12 which'll probably take two hours depending on how much hair, and a retwist and style ,which is one hour tops, will be at 3. 

I put my laptop back inside my work bag then focus on clothing deciding to go with an all black long sleeve body suit. I lay the suit on my bed with my undergarments and perfume for the day. 

Then strutted off to the shower. 

-30 minutes later- 

"Shoes, phone, bag." I say to myself. Mentally checking my list off as I get ready. Grabbing all of my things I move them to the kitchen before getting my cup of coffee ready. Two splenda's a dash of honey and hazelnut creamer, delicious. Once I have everything together, I head out the door. 

7:40 am 

As I get to the salon I notice the lights are not on. Normally Sash would have them on setting up shop for the day. "Sash?" I yell as I walk in. I went ahead and set the appointment scheduling area up since things have been pretty rough for her. Sasha told me last month she had been battling with breast cancer for a while. In which she had defeated once before, but it came back tougher this time around. I went through the shop doing the things she would have done by now. Turning on lights, sweeping the stations, and answering a few phone calls for product and scheduling. 

"Sash everything okay?" I ask as I knock on her office door. "Yeah come in." I heard her say. "Hey Sash! How's everything?" I said excited to see her. "I went ahead and got everything set up for you. You okay?" I ask her sitting in the chair across from her desk.  Sasha's golden brown skin has become pale, and her once luscious dark brown hair has become frail due to loads of chemo. "Oh Nyla I'm so glad you're here this early I need to talk to you." she said putting her hand out for me to hold. 

"Okay, Is everything alright?" I asked her. She took a moment staring into thought. "Right now... I'm as good as I'll get." she nodded with a smile as if I am the one who needs comfort. "Now as you know. I have no children, but in the past few months you've been here I've felt blessed. You have been much more than an employee. Youve been a friend, a therapist, a comedian, and a huge help to me." she explains voice cracking as she went on. "Sash what's-" I started. "Just listen girl shit. Soon I will no longer be here.. I know I know just listen to me please." she said as I tried to protest her words. "I will not be here soon, the doctor gave me 2 months tops.  And I want to ask something of you." she said hesitantly. 

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