Chapter 22: Interruptions.

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Zanyla Ayaire Wright's P.O.V.


August 3rd 9:00 pm

"Good girl." he responded kissing my neck as I moaned lightly. His hands groping and massaging every part of my body as he connected our lips. Kissing me slowly he wrapped one hand around my neck while he rubbed through my tights with the other hand. "Fuck." I moaned as he began kissing my neck again this time making sure to leave small marks. "Take this off." He demanded pulling my hoodie over my head then immediately unclasping my bra. He tapped my thigh letting me know to lift up as he slid my tights downs. 

"You so fucking sexy." he groaned before trailing kisses from my neck to my chest. Licking and sucking on one nipple while he messaged and flicked the other with his hand. Dragging his hand along my body stopping once he got to my waist and pulls me to the edge of the counter. He wasted no time burying his face right into my sweet spot. "Xanderr." I hissed as he entered two fingers slowly. He groans against my clit sending chills up my spine. Licking and slurping like his last meal, Xander quickens the pace of his fingers. "mm fuck." I moaned loudly throwing my head back in pure ecstasy.  He pushes my legs close to my stomach for more access. "oh my fu- Okay Xan okayy." I pleaded as the pleasure becomes too much. "Mhm." he groans almost pushing me to my limit. I lost all self respect by this time moaning uncontrollably as he continuously thrusts his fingers in and out of me. 

"Cum for me baby." he muttered in my ear as he keeps a steady pump. 

*beep beeep beep beep beep* 

"oh shit." Xander yelled as smoke continued filling the room. He quickly pulled his fingers out of me to remove the pan of burnt beef tips off of the isle, as I quiver from pleasure. Closing my legs to ease the pain from being edged very very close. "Shit. You okay?" he asks as he fans the smoke away from the alarm. "mhm." I whimper out laying my head onto the wall to brace myself. Oh how bad I want him to continue. 

"Nyl-" he started. He didn't finish his sentence as we both heard a key being put into the door. "What the fuck man. Come on." he hurried pulling me down from the counter and pulling my pants up. "Why the fuck is the top lock locked?" Corda yelled before banging on the door. I quickly threw my hoodie on and threw the pan in the sink. Fuck how am I to explain any of this. 

As I'm emptying out the pan of beef tips Xander unlocks the top lock. "Well shit what the fuck?" she said as he opened the door. "Don't have no attitude with me." he told her returning the same ugly look she gave him. "Damn what happened to y'all cooking?" Andi said as him and Xan dapped each other up. 'I just hope he used a different hand' I thought as I bust out laughing. "What the hell wrong with her?" Andi asks as they all look at me crazy. "I'm sorry- this is fucking hilarious. I burned the beef tips. Silly me, guess you was right they was on a little too high." I said laughing so hard tears fell. "Silly you the isle was on too high?" Corda smiled a devious smile. 

"Ain't that crazy. Damn near burned the house down." I laugh on the verge of tear cause this shit is just not real. "You gots to be more careful.. around those isles they're hot girl." Corda laughed as she slid my bra that rests on the counter into her pocket. "Right?" we laughed together. "I don't know if I should be scared or laugh with em." Andi said with a fake laugh. "Alright well dinners ruined everyone." I said grabbing Corda's arm pulling her with me as we very oddly walked away from this laced ass situation. 

We walked down the hall and into my room. I pushed her in and slammed the door shut behind me. "Uh.. so I know what this looks like. But it's completely the opposite." I smiled. "Oh babe..." She started as she threw a fake pout on her face. "You must think I'm slow.. first of all both of y'all know how to cook. Out of the both of you one cooks for a living. Then there was this.." she says as she pulls my bra out of her pocket slinging it onto the bed. "That's not even the cherry on top babe. There's not even rice on the stove just burned gravy and tips. Then you got some hickeys on this side y'all too damn old. Annddd your tights are twisted." she read me for filth. 

"I am going to crawl in a very very dark holee." I said plopping in my bed. "For whattt? Girl I for one am happy you finally getting your rocks off. Just angry every dayy." she drags. "Alright now." I said mugging her. "I'm for real. Plus like the sexual tenson between y'all was mad. Was the dick good?" she asks excited. "We didn't... do that." I said widening my eyes. "Girl I thought y'all was fucking. What y'all was doing?" she asks with a confused face. "ummm..." I smiled, embarrassed to even be here right now. "ooo he a eaterrr." she said with her excitement  showing as I fold over in my bed from the humiliation. 

*knock knock* 

"Alright I'm finna go since motherfuckas burning up food now." Andi said walking in to hug us goodbye. From the corner of my eye I could see Xan standing outside of the door. Maybe this was a mistake it's just too weird.   "Bye Andi Love youuu!" Corda and I yelled as Andi made his way. "Love y'all too. Aye we finna play ball in a minute. You down?" Andi asked Xan as he stood in the frame of my bedroom door. "uhh..." He spoke quickly glancing at me. "Yeah man fuck it." he continued. 

"Bet. I'll meet you there." Andi said quickly shuffling out towards the door. "Walk me out?" Xan asked once we heard the front door open and shut. "Nigga don't need help walking out the door." Corda mumbled rolling her eyes. "Shut yo ass up." he said walking away as I tumbled off the bed mushing Corda's head in the process. "You going to jail." she yelled as I walked out of my room. 

"I promise I didn't tell her she figured it out." I said instinctively explaining myself. "I don't care who know. I aint got shit to hide, but I know you like to protect your innocent image." he said as if I offended him. "Uh it's not an image I am innocent." I said mugging him. "The way you respond to 'good girl' tell me different." he said eyeing me intently. "oop no he didn't." I said more so to myself. Gagged bitch.  

"Did I change your mind?" He asked grabbing my arm pulling me closer to him. "Ehhh it was alright." I smile as he wraps his arms around me. "Don't play with me. Had yo ass in the corner shaking and shit." he laughed making sure to smack a handful of ass before disconnecting our hug. "See you do too much. I wasn't shaking I just had to gather myself. " I said folding my arms across my chest.  "Yeah yeah yeah, You aint gotta lie." he said shaking his head laughing. "I'll make sure you cum next time ma." he muttered to me making me instantly blush. "I'll see you later?" he asked opening the door. "Mhm." I responded still hung up on 'next time'. 

"Bye Cordaye, nosey ass." He yelled looking behind me towards the hallway. "Yeah, bye girll." she sang as she came from around the corner of the hallway. "No you're sick." I say looking at her as she & Xan laughs. "That shit is not funny bro." I say chuckling myself as Xander made his way out closing the door behind him. "Sooo..." she drags while I lock the door. "Soo... what?" I ask. "Are you still mad at me?" she asks frowning. 

"Oh no I was good after I slapped you." I said throwing my hands up. "Bitch.." she said with a look of disbelief. "Damn you not even gone apologize for it?" she asks. "Oh no I don't feel bad about doing it. I will apologize for the situation going that far but not for the slap." I say sitting on the couch. "You right. I want to apologize too it was my selfishness that made the situation what it was and I'm sorry." she says following me to sit on the couch beside me. "Now can we go back to being best friends? I could really use one right now." she spoke and I could hear her voice crack. "What wrong Corda?" I asked her concerned. Giving her my undivided  attention I could see tears welding in her eyes. She took a few deep breaths as I rubbed her shoulder. "What's going on?" I say to her in a calm tone. 

"Nyla, I'm pregnant." She says as her tears finally fall. My mouth fell open from pure shock, I have no words. 

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