Chapter 21: Knowing Nyla. Pt.2

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Alexander Lamonti Greene Jr. Pov

August 3rd. 7:30 pm

"Don't be hanging up on my auntie." she says mugging him. "Nuuh she was being messy." Andi said shaking his head laughing. "Where you been at?" he asked her. "I asked her the same thing." I say sitting back looking at her as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Damn why is everybody in my business today?" she said sitting down on her couch beside Andi. "Cause you aint been talking to us." I responded.

"Yes I have I just been in my room more." she says looking off from me and Andi's gaze. "No you wasn't talking to all of us. You walked in i said 'Nyla?' and you kept walking. Hurt my lil heart." I said patting my heart. "Aww that poor babyyy. I'm sorry stinkyy. You want a hug?" she says getting up arms open to hug me. Andi pulled her back by her arm. "Everybody stop touching eachother. Damn you wanna hug somebody give me a hug." Andi said wrapping his arms around Nyla squeezing her. "You want one too. There we go. " He said getting up squeezing me the same. "There we go everybody's hugged. Y'all no touchy." he said waving his fingers in between me and Nyla.

"What the hell we do?" Nyla asks with her face screwed up. "Y'all didn't tell me about Jah & Corda." he said looking between the two of us. I threw my hands up in defense. "Ain't my place." i said looking at him. He looks to Nyla with his eyebrows raised. Nyla sat looking everywhere but at Andi. "Why you looking at me? I don't know nothing bout that baby." she said dismissing him with her hand. "I know both of yall know something. First of all that's your brother you know who he deal with. And you..... dick head she tell you everything even when you mad at her she running her mouth. But that's okay... I'll find out on my own." He spoke. "Okay inspector gadget." Nyla said dramatically as I snickered. "kikiki.. bitch ass." he mocked. "Damn nigga on ten today." I laughed.

"Alright I'm finna go check on my baby." Andi said skipping to the door. "I know that's muhfuckin right. You better skip." Nyla laughed as I heard the small creek of the door. "You leaving? Can I come with you?" Corda asks quietly. Andi sighed deeply before answering "Come on bro." he spoke leaving out the door. She padded to her room for a second and walked out the door behind him. 

Nyla and I sat in an awkward silence. Memories of the night I vented and she fell asleep in my arms rushed in. I've never seen her so peaceful before that night. "Why you staring at me?" she mugged a slight smile peeking through. "Cause I'm waiting for you to cook." I smiled innocently. "Xanderr, I swear since I got here you been acting like you don't cook for a living." she complained raising off the couch walking to her kitchen. "Damn I just like your cooking. You should feel honored, I only eat food cooked by myself or Unity." I responded to her following her into the kitchen. 

"You liar. So you don't even eat fast food?" Nyla said squinting her eyes at me. "Hell nah. I love food too much shit be too good shit be too seasoned." I said. Nyla busted out laughing "Shit really be too seasoned." she laughed pulling a pack of beef tips from the fridge. 

"I'm for real last time though I ate fast food was with my dad. My mama hated that shit." I spoke. "I've never heard you talk about your dad." she spoke looking at me. "Yeah, I don't talk about him much. Not really much to say." I said rubbing the back of my neck. Talking about him brings up way too many emotions for me. "Well, why not?" she asked grabbing an onion, bell pepper, and fresh garlic from the pantry. "Why you never talk about your dad?" I directing the question back to her as she grabbed a pan from the cabinet setting it on top of the stove. Making sure to turn the heat on under it. "Because I don't have one. Back to yours."  she smiled pouring a little oil on the pan then going to chop her veggies.

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