Chapter 8: New beginnings.

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                                                                  |Za 'Nyla Ayaire Wright|

By the time I made it home last night it was 2 o'clock in the morning I didn't even wanna go in anymore I hate walking into somebody else's home at any time of night. I Felt so disrespectful as I walked up the stairs into my bedroom.  I stared at the mess I had made while finding an outfit and decided to straighten up before doing my nightly routine. 

I got in the shower washing my body with dove's cucumber body wash at least 3 times. After stepping out of the shower I washed my face with her turmeric soap bar. After throwing on my silk pajamas, I scrolled on TikTok until I fell asleep.

May 9th 12 pm.

I was woken up by my phone ringing loudly. I looked at the caller ID to see it was Cordaye. 

"Cousinnnn get up I'm on my way to you." She spoke excitedly. "mmkay." I muttered and hung up the phone. I laid in bed for about five more minutes before I decided to finally get up. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, and let my loose curls flow freely since i ad pressed it a few days ago. 

I then went to get dressed throwing on a grey bodycon dress, some grey fluff slides, and black Chanel purse. Not forgetting to spray my Dior addict on. I had forgotten we were going by Sasha's spot to see if I can get a booth. After getting myself together I was met on the porch by Corda. She locked the door and we slid into her car and sped off. 

"Soo..." I said smiling and turning myself in her direction in reference to her spending the night with Jah.  "Bitch don't start." she spoke smiling from ear to ear. "Aint no don't start I wanna know everything." I said back. "babeh that man right there a eatahhhh." she yelled hype as fuck. 

"I know that's fucking rightttt." I exclaimed. "Bitch at first we was just chilling once yall left we made us a little bit of the leftovers we sitting in his bed chomping down bitch. I had turned on Baddies west while we ate girl, he was tuned the fuck in. But once we had got tired of that he turned the tv off and we was on our way to sleep-" she stopped mid-sentence to scream. 

"The fuck." I whispered to myself. "I turned over laying on his chest and he was like gimme a kiss. And one thang about ittt imma give that nigga a kiss. So, girl we kissing and shit then he started rubbing on Big Birtha. Bitch every ounce of respect I had for myself went right on out the window." she said as she parked the car in a parking spot being the shop was only two blocks away from the house.

"Bitch." I said cackling at her stupidity. "So, girl he flipped me over and had my damn ankles by my ears. It was honestly a leg shaking experience for me." she said smiling like a damn maniac. "ooo bitch talking bout some you don't want to talk about it bitch sound like you had a blast to me." I said happy. I love to hear about other people sex lives. I've always been too scared so I'm still a virgin at this big age. "What happened with you and Xan though?" She asked side eyeing me with a wide smile. I mugged her in confusion "Girl no ma'am. He only took me home cause you wanted to be with your man. That's it that's all." I said crossing my arms. "Well I think y'all would be cute, both of ya just mean as fuck." she said and rolling her eyes. "That aint got nothing to do with me baby I'm smoking my cigarette." I responded patting my head to relieve my itch. Cordaye busted out laughing. "Hoe stay off TikTok." 

Me and Corda wrapped our conversation up stepping out of the car and going into the salon. It was actually quite nice. It has a spacious waiting area that's connected with the appointment area, behind the appointment area is all of the booths. There are four chairs lined up on each side each has vanities behind them also plenty of space to store appliances. "Hey Cordaye how can I help you ladies?" Sasha said smiling at both me and Corda. "Hey Sash, you remember Nyla my aunt's daughter, right?" Cordaye asked her. Sasha's one of Unity's friends so she'd remember me through Heaven. Sasha glanced at me one second with confusion and the other with sorrow.

"Yes of course. How have you been baby?" she spoke as she came around the corner to hug me. "I'm okay." I responded. She held the hug for a few minutes, but she never said anything about her. She just asked her one question and hugged me, then continued on with our business. It kinda felt like she could relate to what was going through my head. 

"How can I help y'all today?" she asked again with a light but very pleasant smile. "I wanted to see if I could get a booth here. I'm not asking for a handout, I have talent." I spoke knowing people would think that giving the situation and this being my mother's hometown. Sasha smiled again and nodded her head. "You got your license?" she asked me. "Yes. I'm working on getting certified with locs at this moment as well." I responded. "You got pictures miss Nyla?" she asked. "I sure do miss Sasha." I said pulling out my phone. 

Once I showed her my pictures and she made sure I was certified, she told me 'Come back tomorrow I'll give you a chair but that's if costumers go to your booth. 9AM don't be late.' I respect her a lot I think imma like working with her. 

"Whew okay, that's one of three down." I spoke to myself out loud once we got into the car. "What else you need done?" she asked as she crank the engine and began to drive. "I'm waiting on my car Jo took it to be drove down here by that company auntie gave us yesterday. Then I need to go apartment searching." I had been saving money since I got my first job at 14 and started doing hair as my side hustle. Which brought her in at least 5k a month with doing locs and wigs alone. I has about 32k in her savings, most is what I saved myself, but the rest is from mom's passing. 

"I think I know the perfect place for you! We can check it tomorrow if you want." Corda exclaimed. I smiled to hold back the tears that so desperately wanted to fall. I haven't been treated like this in so long I had forgotten people actually care. "Thank you, Corda, seriously. You don't know how much I really do appreciate y'all, it's just a little difficult because I don't know how to show it." I said to her to clear a piece of my conscious. "You don't have to explain nothing to me. I know where your heart is, and I know what you been through. You show your love the way you know how, and I happen to understand and love that about you. And we got you, never doubt that Nyla we are always here." Corda explained to me. 

I turned to look out the window because at this point tears were flowing. 


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