Chapter 20: Knowing Nyla. Pt1.

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Alexander Lamonti Greene P.O.V 

August 3rd, 5 pm.

After lunch last week Nyla and Corda just stopped talking completely. Nyla hasn't been talking to anyone lately, not even Niva. Everything was fine at first till Corda kept yelling across the coffee table at her after she told her to leave her alone or she was gone slap her. Next thing you know Nyla hopped up off the couch slapped her and sat back down to finish her loaded baked potato.  Jah and I just sat and stared shocked by how loud the slap was, and the fact that she wasn't playing. While Andi continued to eat his plate not looking up one time. Like this was something he was used to.  All five of us sat there in silence for a few until Corda got up and stormed out. 

Now as we sit at Nyla and Corda house...once again everybody's quiet. Now it's just me, Andi, and Corda, Jah stayed home not wanting to deal with the tension. Niva's been working overtime to ensure she gets her practice license soon, so we haven't seen much of her. And I'm guessing Nyla's at work since I didn't see her car once I got home. 

"So..." I trailed off as I could feel my boredom kick in. "We just gone sit here in silence?" I asked looking at the both of them. "What is there to talk about?" Corda responded as she sat and picked at her fingernails. "Let's talk about what happened the other day." Andi started. "What about it?" she asked throwing her shoulder

"Why did you continue to trigger her?" He asked looking at her as she continued picking at her nails. She shrugs her shoulders not looking up once. "No, we not doing that. Cause after the whole thing  you went to Niva about everything and antagonized Nyla. Like she didnt tell you that she wasn't in the mood for it. So why did you continue?" he argued with her.  "Why am I expected to conform to Nyla's attitude? She is not the queen o-" she starts before Andi happily cuts her off.

"Because you were wrong Cordaye. That's why. Nyla aint never did you no wrong and you know good and well you was damn wrong." Andi yelled letting his frustration with Corda out. "And you gone apologize. Or I'm gone tell mama the whole story so she can get on your ass." Andi said walking into the kitchen. " I'm not apologizing for shit. I'm the one got slapped the fuck. And you can get out of my kitchen too." she said rolling her eyes at him. Her watching every move he makes inside the kitchen. Andi laughs "That's my fucking point Cordaye. You wouldn't have room to say your kitchen if it wasn't for Nyla. Aint even your kitchen it's all Nyla's even the room you sleep in. All this shit say Za'Nyla Ayaire Wright." he  said standing in the kitchen slurping an Orange crush. "The fuck." Corda says taken aback. 

Attempting to get up charging for Andi, I stood up pushing her back on the couch. "Girl sit your ass down." I told her before sitting back down in my seat. Andi still stood in the kitchen now on his phone. "She ain't gone give a fuck until Nyla get tired of hiding out in her own home and put her ass out. I can't wait for the day." He said scrolling through his phone still.

 "Oh wouldn't you love to see that white man." she spat. "Corda it was lame when we were kids, its lame now. You're problem is you're spoiled. Unlike the majority of us you've never been through shit and the moment you do you're gonna be looking for somebody to lean on and will have nobody. And it's through your own actions cause we both know this not the first time. But that's okay mama gone talk to you." He stated looking dead at her as she looks as if she has to concentrate on her nails. His phone began to ring as he put it on speaker for everyone to hear. 

"Ma hello." He said into his phone. "Andi you a bitch." Corda yelled getting up. "Untuhhhn I know good and well you not using that kind of language while I'm on this phone Cordaye. Have you lost your goddamn mind?" I heard miss Unity yelling through the phone. "Mama I didn't know you was on the-" She starts but doesn't get too far before Unity cuts her off. "That's not what I asked you Cordaye. You know what...what the fuck do y'all want?" she asked already agitated. "Are you at work ma? We can talk about it later if you are, I don't wanna stress you." Andi asked her and Corda rolls her eyes. "No what is it Andi?" she asked. You could see the look of nervousness flash across Corda's face. She knew she was wrong, for everything leading up to that slap. 

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