Chapter 7: Drunk uno!!

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Zanyla's P.O.V.

July 8th, 10:00pm

We literally just started playing drunk uno and Andy and Xan are drunk. "Cause y'all keep tryna play me or sum." Xan slurred mugging. "So, you drunk?" I laughed at Xan. "You know what Nyla pull 10 and take three shots." Xan said slamming a blank wild card on the table. "Yeah, definitely the fuck not." I spoke.

"Zanyla take them shots bro." he slurred again. "Alexander no. I hate patron." I said staring at him. "Oh, I got some crown too." Jah said running to the kitchen. he opened the freezer and pulled out small bottle of crown peach. "Oh yeah I can work with this got my own lih bottle and everything okayyy I feel special." I spoke.

I opened the bottle and poured me a small shot. "Uhuh think bigger bitch." Cordaye said. "Damn bro, get out my mouth." I laughed. I finished taking my shots then pulled my cards. Next is Corda's turn. Corda laid down 3 skips, skipping Jah, Xander, and Greeneyes. "SHOTSSS all three of ya!" corda hollered and slid the patron to Niva first (greeneyes), then to Xander, last Jah.

" Andy, you fucked up?" Jah asked. "Hell nah I'm up." Andy said wobbling up. "yessirrr my boy get uppp!" Xander said clapping him up. We all laughed.

"Hold on y'all." I said as my phone rang. I answered walking into the living room to sit on the couch. My brother facetimed me.

"Hey Bubba, you okay?" I asked. "I'm good. You?" he replied. "Yes, I'm okay." I spoke. "Andy hurry yo bitch ass up." I heard jah holler. "Aye bitch I'm thinking!" Andy hollered back. I laughed at their stupidity. "Where you at?" he asked. "I'm with Corda." I said. "I said where not who." he said with his eyebrows raised.

"shid that's where I'm at, with Corda." I said as he began to piss me off. "Alright where corda then?" he asked. "Corda come here before yo cousin piss me off." I yelled to her. "Jojooo." she sang as I put her into the camera. "Hey Corda. Where yall at?" he asked again. I shook my head at him, get out of my business dude.

"We at my friend house." she said smiling. "Shid what kind of friend?" jo mugged. "Man say, we grown it don't even matter what kind of friend." she spoke waiving her hand. Jah walked in being nosey. "Who is that?" jo asked. "Thats jah." I said turning the camera again to put jah in. "My nigga dehdeh." he said laughing. "Wassup jo what you been up to man?" Jah spoke grabbing my phone. "No he didn't." I spoke confused as to what gives him the audacity.

"shid nothing up here getting ready for my baby man." he spoke excitedly. "Oh shit. Naww man you a pops now?" jah said smiling. One thing about Jo, he doesn't trust many people at all, but I can tell him and jah were great friends before we left.

"Yeah man I'm having a girl, think we gone name her dream." he said smiling. "That's beautiful man." jah said smiling.

"Yeah man. What you been up to aint heard from you lil niggas?" my brother spoke. "shid on to big shit. Started working in construction bout a year ago working on a architecture degree now." he said. "Thats wassup man ya doing ya shit down there. I'm proud of yall man. I hear lil Xan done got head Chef at that bougee ass restaurant." he speculated. "Hell yeah! My nigga tryna get his own now." jah smiled like a proud father. "He is so handsome." Corda sighed sitting beside me, watching as Jo and Jah chopped it up.

"Where that lil ass nigga Andy at?" Jo said. "Not too much on my brother Josiah." (Jo-sy-yah) Corda said. "They right here hold on." Jah said walking my phone into the dining room and handing it off. He walked back into the living room and sat next to Cordaye. "Spend the night with me." he spoke in her ear and wrapping his arms around her waist. "I gotta take Nyla home." she spoke softly. This bitch aint neverrr, she know she sound like pop smoke. "I'll see if Xan can take her." he responded.

"He drunk aint it?" I responded. "He can drive though my nigga certified." he replied. "I quite don't care what he is..." I said back. I got off of the couch and walked back into the dining room. Andy and Niva tonging each other down. "Andy, are you going home?" I asked standing beside the table. "Nuuh I'm going back to Niva's." he said breaking them apart. "Why you still got my phone Alexander?" I spoke walking to stand beside him. "I was on the phone with your brother Zanyla." he stated.

"He hung up?" i asked. "Yeah, he said his baby moms was calling." he responded handing m. "Alright y'all we finna dip." Andy said as they gathered their things.

We all said our goodbyes as they walked out the door. "Xan i need you to take Nyla home." Cordaye spoke once the door had closed. She didn't want Andy to know she was staying the night. "Where you going?" he asked her. "No where." she responded. He side eyed her and Jah. "Ahhhhhh you do too much. Take my cousin home damn." Corda said laughing.


Sorry for the wait I been going through ittt!

Anyways... What do you think of this Chapter?

Do you think Corda and Jah gone have a "happy ending" lol?

Nyla and Xan in a car together again let's see how that goes...

Josiah Carter Wright-

January 5th-28 years old

January 5th-28 years old

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