Chapter 17: Chemistry & Go-Karting. (From a different perspective.)

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            Cordaye Anne Williams P.O.V

"You like my cousin?" I asked smiling with my tongue at my top lip as Xander stood in my face with a little trash can for Nyla. "You like my homeboy?" he smirked. "You know so right let me go mind my business." I said getting my phone and air pods off the bed as I got ready to leave out the room. He did not have to eat me up like that, that nigga know I love me some of his homeboy. 

I decided to go ahead and get my clothes together for go-karting and my big party. I sat on the floor as I rummaged through drawers to find something fit for both clubbing and playing. "I'm finna go get ready." Jah said peeking in from my door. "Okay cool." I said keeping my eyes focused on finding something to wear. "Corda?" "What?" "You aint looked at me since earlier... wassup?" he asked me walking closer to me. "Nothing." I said shaking my head without looking at him. "Then look at me." he said gently. 

I took a deep breath before breaking my intense focus on clothing. "Yes?" I asked with an ingenuine smile. "We good?" he asked throwing his arms up. "What is we Jah?" I asked him frustrated with the fact that there has never been a 'we'. He looked at me with confusion before walking over to me pulling me off the floor. "What you mean what is we? What you got going we was just cool this morning?" he said looking in my eyes. "I'm cool, just go get ready." I said shrugging him off as I resumed my search for clothes. "Cordaye, stop acting like a kid and say what's on your mind." he said I can tell he's getting frustrated by the way he started to squint his eyes. "I'm cool." I said walking into my closet. "Man I'm not finna beg you to say how you feel." he spoke still standing in the same spot. 

"You didn't have to come in here in the first place." I shrugged picking up small pieces of clothes. I kept switching the hangers around until I found my all-black Chanel romper. "What the fuck? what is wrong with you?" Jah said coming into the closet snatching the hanger out of my hand as I stood there looking dumb. "I just said nothing." I said mugging him. "I don't give- Corda." he said taking a deep breath. "What is wrong with you?" he said boxing me in the closet trapping me against the wall between his arms. "I think we should just stop this whole little thing before somebody gets hurt. Agreed great. See you later." I said going under his arm. 

He grabbed my elbow snatching me back against the wall. "Am I hurting you or something?" he asked looking into my eyes. "Jah..." I hesitated. "Just answer the question. Am I hurting you?" he said more serious than I've ever seen him. "Jah... can we talk about this tomorrow I just want to have a good birthday." I said sighing. "If you tell me how I'm hurting you I can fix it Cc." "I just don't wanna be another girl you fuck." I said to him. He twisted his face up into the most disgusted look. 

"I aint never treated you like no hoe now you saying you just another girl I fuck?" he squinted at me. "that's how I-" I started. " That shit is not fair. You so stuck in your own world its sick as fuck Corda. I asked you to go on a date at 8 no you gotta study. I ask you to go for lunch, you can't cause you gotta tend to your professor. And I don't say shit cause I understand you doing what you love, and I respect that I love that for you. But for you to sit in my face and say another girl I'm fucking is crazy. I even asked to take you out for brunch Corda what did you say? No, you said no. So yeah, you damn right I'm telling you how to feel you not the only person in this shit." 

"You obviously don't want a date... so what do you want?"  he said looking me in my eyes as I felt the tears roll down my face. Completely shook at the facts he's laid out. He's right I've blown him off multiple times. Its my fault we do nothing but have sex, when I go to his house it's late because I was studying, and I barely answer his calls during the day because of class.

"Alright Corda. You let me know what you want, and I'll just jump right on board. You let me know when you have time for me. how about that." he said emphasizing the 'you' as he walked out slamming my bedroom door behind him. 

7:00 pm 

"Hello, my name is Danni thanks for coming to mark's go karting and arcade!" "Will all be go-karting?" the attendant Danni asked. "All except for two." Xan told her. I smiled looking over at them. I love them together; they always check on each other I think it's because their lives were damn near the same.  

"I can get you guys started over here." Danni smiled walking us to the track and giving us the guidelines along the way. She got everyone into a kart and double-checked seatbelts as we got them fastened. "Is everybody ready?" Danni asked as we nodded our heads. "Hell yeah." Andi screamed. Like he just knew he was gonna win he can't even drive like what, I literally do not know how he got his license. 

We all started lining up, side by side at the start line. "And........ GO." Danni stated as the toy starter gun went off. I rushed out from the line getting ahead of everybody. "Ahhhh yall suck." I yelled to them. "yall definitely suck." Jah said as he went zooming past me. I stepped on the gas some more as Niva stuck close behind me, with Andi all the way at the back.

Still failing to catch up the front of his kart I hit the back of it trying to knock him off course. "Nuuh stop cheating." he laughed as we made one round around the track with him still in the lead. "How the fuck are yall ahead?" Niva yelled as made her first round a little after me and Jah. "Nah fuck that I got this bootleg ass go-kart." Andi yelled as we laughed. "Two more rounds and we'll determine the winner." She stated as Jah and I made it to the other side. I'm inching closer and closer to him. I pressed down harder on the gas now in the same place as Jah. " You still not winning." he said flashing his sexy smile. We both kept inching closer each time. He bumped the side of my go-kart and damn near knocked my ass off then busted out laughing on his way to the start line again. I got back on the right track and started up again right before Niva came through speeding. As Jah made his way back to the other side of the track me and Niva passed start at this point i give up shid he done already won. 

Were now at the other side Niva and I. Then Jah pulled up back at the starter liine. "And we have a winnnerrrr!" Another lady yelled as Jah sat in his kart waiting for the rest of us. "Y'all suck!" he said as we all rolled up beside him. "No, you're a cheater. I was this close, but you hit me asshole." I said as I climbed out of my kart. I know he's still mad at me cause he didnt even respond nor help me out the kart. "I'm mad as fuck that kart was going two fucking miles per hour" Andi said scratching his head. "Andi you go two miles per hour." I said laughing I've never met a motherfucka that go as slow as he goes and still get in a wreck every month. 

"You mad at me Jah?" I asked as we all made our way off the track. "Yeah, still pretty mad." he replied as he continued to walk. Babyyyyy that hurt my lil feelings I damn near cried. 

"Where Xan and Nyla go?" Andi asked as we got to the arcade area. "Fat asses probably eating." 

"I still don't understand how Jah won he can't drive either." Andi said. 

"Y'all suck. All y'all suck and you niggas is mad cause ya can't drive." Jah said as we came around the rail from the track. "You're mad loud and for no reason. How y'all let this nigga win?" Nyla said as Xan laughed at her.

"You a hater Nyla. Can't stand to see a black man win man." He said shaking his head while the others laughed. 

"And that's why both of yall backs is big as the sun." Jah said and I laughed. 

"Aint nothing big back here but this ass." Nyla replied. 

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