Chapter 26: Just some crackhead.

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August 8th, 11 am

Zanyla Ayaire Wright's P.O.V.

I wake up to my alarm going off for work. I look at the time and wince when I see how late I am. A message came through from Sasha as soon as i thought about it. I had forgot about orientation with Dahlilah.

'Hey babe I see you haven't made it in, hope everything's okay with you! Take the day off though Ill handle the orientation for you. Won't be too much longer till your taking over anyways! xoxo' 

I lightly smile before texting her back. 'Hey sash, I am so sorry I was so wrapped up in my stuff I had forgot all about it. Thank you so much though! Please let me know if you need anything I'll be there in a hurry!' After sending the text I got a call from Corda. 'hello' I say picking up. 'Hey you left the door open?' she asks. 'Girl my dumbass, yeah I left it open last night. I forgot I'm sorry.' I say mentally punching myself for being so selfish. 'It's okay. Everything's still here.. including your car. Who took you to work?' she questions. 

'I'm not at work Corda.' I say as a sleeping Xan stirred in his sleep still lying on top of me with one hand cupping my titty. 'Where you at?" she yelled. 'Mind your-' I started. "ZaNyla." Xan groaned. 'oop! Xan and Nyla is laid up.' Corda gasped. 'Alright Corda I gotta go.' I tried whispering. 'Wait' she yelled. 'What girl shit?' I ask trying to hurry so he can get all his sleep. 'I called you to be messy about your damn auntie.' she stated. 'Girl you remember she had a so called date girl?' she asks. 'Yeah not too long ago. Why?'  

'Bitch he so handsome. Like a light skin Idris Elba bitch.' she said. 'Okay I know that's right!' I said excited for my auntie. She an amazing woman who deserves the world. 'How they meet?' I ask. 'Through a dating app, girl they was on the phone 24/7. It's not a moment where she wasn't on facetime with him. So she wasn't worried about getting catfished.' she spoke. 'Girl she went on the date last night girl why that man got 17 kids with 9 different baby mommas.' she said as my eyes nearly popped out the socket. 'Bitch your lying???" I question. 'Bitch look at what I sent you.' she said as a few picture flash across my screen. I put her on speaker phone so I could look at the pictures. 'Girl that's not even the shit that got me.' she says as I click on our messages. As I pull up the pictures I gasp as I see a man sitting at a table with two kids surrounding as they posed for pictures.

Xander took my other hand throwing it onto his back as I sat scrolling through the pictures. 'Bitch you would think those are pictures from like a family event or something right.. wrong bitch he brought two with him.' she yelled through the phone. 'Then bitch he gone say he left his wallet at home.' she continued. 'bitch no way.' I say in utter disbelief. 'Yes he got my mama so fucked up.' she laughs. 'But what you doing? I need to go by there and check on her later.' she spoke. 'Nothing at all. what you doing?" i ask her. 'Nothing girl me and Jah sitting here just looking at each other.' 

Xan sat up and took a look around his room. "What's wrong?" I ask him. "I'm starving." he said getting up walking to the bathroom. "Fat ass." I laugh to myself as I get out of bed ,with my phone in my hand, going into his kitchen. I open the freezer and fridge to see what I could cook. His fridge is very organized, with ingredients that's too fancy for me. He has different sauces lining the door ranging from his ketchup to balsamic vinegar. "Oh my god this man is sick." I laugh to myself shaking my head. 'Who sick?' Corda asks. 'your friend, girl he got all these sauces along the door in alphabet order mind you. His fridge is so damn neat, I almost feel trashy.' I say with a laugh. His fruits and veggies are all at the bottom ,while his milk and other drinks lie neatly in rows on the middle shelf, and some meal preps at the top for when he goes and has lunch with his mom. 

The freezer is stocked with way more than enough meat for Xan alone. 'This nigga got Wagyu.' I say to Corda as he walks out the bathroom into the kitchen with me. "What you doing?" Xan asked walking up behind me.

"I was finna make you some breakfast, but now I'm scared you may be a serial killer." I laugh as he wraps his arms around me. 'His ugly ah might just be one..' Corda said. "What I do?" he laughs. "Look at this. This is crazy." We laugh as I point to the fridge. "No it's not I just like to have my food organized so I know exactly what I'm doing." he explained. "Oh is that why the sauce in alphabetical order. 'Be fucking for real.' Corda laughed on the line. "Bro my biggest hater." Xan laughs hanging up in Corda's face. 

"You gone make me some breakfast for real?" Xan asked happily. "Lamonti I always make  you some breakfast." I laugh as I pulled eggs and bacon out of the fridge. "oou you gone give me a run for my money." he smiled kissing my forehead, giving me butterflies. Now that I think about it I've never been kissed on my forehead before, I like it. 

|Alexander Lamonti Greene's P.O.V|

As I grab the speaker from out of the restroom, there's a knock on the door. "I just know that's Corda." Nyla laughed. "Open it for me." I yell from the bathroom. I heard the door open. "Bitch- oh hi I'm sorry." Nyla started. "That's okay pretty lady. I'm looking for Junior.. does he stay here?" I heard a man ask. A sense of nostalgia hit like a ton of bricks as apart of my past stood at the door. "Yo what the fuck are you doing here?" I ask him pulling Nyla behind me. 

"I know you don't want to see me, son. I just want to talk to you.. y'know about all the stuff I put you and your mama through." he spoke as I look at him dumbfounded. "You must have fried your fucking braincells with all that crack. Are you fucking serious?" I yelled as my fist clenched to my sides.  "Junior, I know I messed up man, I fuck up too man I'm human." He explains.  "A fuck up is when you accidently forgot your kid at a store or sum shit. Nigga 15 years ago you beat a lady so bad..." I started, remembering all of the days I spent wrapping and unwrapping my moms bandages. "You beat her so bad she forgot, she forgot who's caused her all this pain, she forgot who loves her, she forgot how to fucking eat. Nigga do that sound like A fuck up to you?" I berated.

Once again he's claiming to be clean while still shaking and scratching. "I understand what you're saying, son. I really do, but you gotta understand I was fucked up.. alright. I was so high off meth.. I couldn't think about what I was doing.. I was only worried about my next fi-" Before he could finish I had him jacked up against a wall. "Are you really trying to justify beating my fucking mother? You think I give a fuck about who you are, Alexander?" I ask him coldly, looking dead in his eyes. "Don't be mad at my truth. I was high out of my mind I couldn't understand-" He started to explain again. My next move I didn't think about it, I threw my fist and it connected right to his jaw. "Xander!" Nyla yells as Alexander and I went blow for blow. "Stop! Please stop!" Nyla yells again as I rush him making us both fall onto the ground.  

Alex groans in pain from the impact on his back. I stand back up slowly as my breath catches from the sharp pain.  "Aye Xan, come on man he not even worth all this." Jah says as him and Corda emerge from next door at Nyla's house as Nyla stood between the two of us.

"Nah he good you a man right? Ain't that what you told my mama bitch? 'She a woman so take it like one.' right?" I yelled as tears strew down my face as Nyla tried her hardest to keep us apart. He had opened too many scars now to turn back. "He's just throwing a tantrum right now. He'll be alright." he waved it off, wiping the blood from his nose. "Move back." I said pushing Nyla out of the way. Not realizing how hard I pushed, she fell back into the concrete wall. "Bitch you trippin' now." Jah said grabbing Nyla pulling her behind him. "Aye y'all go in the house for it be some whole other shit out here." Jah threatened. 

"I'm okay, Jah." Nyla replies still shaken up. "Nyla I apologize I truly was not thinking straight-" I tried to explain. "Like father, like son huh. They say... you turn into what you run from." Alex said struggling to get up from the ground. "Xander ain't nothing like you Alex, never have been never will be." Jah said nudging him towards the stairs. "We still need to talk. All you have to do is listen."

"Aye get the fuck away from my house. I told you before at 16 years old you not my father. Still to this day you just some crackhead." I told Alexander. "And don't come round here no more, ain't no redemption. Fuck you." I told him coldly as I walk back into the house and close the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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