Chapter 25: -Management.

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August 7th, 10 pm. 

Zanyla Ayaire Wright's P.O.V

After showering, I sit on the couch thinking about the decisions I've made since coming to Georgia. Trying to decide if I've been doing the right thing. I had to send everybody home, I need time to think on life. Corda happily went with Jah and Xan is doing whatever he is doing. He probably went to her house, hell it feel like he playing both of us. I cannot keep him out of my mind, the calls replaying, the few nights we shared, the conversations, the intimacy, but mostly the way I spoke to him. 

I pull out my phone bringing up the 'ring' app to get a live view. Seeing his white and black truck outside eased my mind a little. I threw my head back onto the couch, just wanting a silent moment. I lay there for a few minutes before a notification of motion goes off on 'ring'. Instantly clicking on it, I see Xan open his door and hesitantly make his way down the stairs before the clip ends. And here goes the thinking again. If I don't talk to him now, It'll stay on my mind. I feel embarrassed, played, and yet somehow guilty. I talked to him like shit not even knowing what happened. But I can't help but wander if he's been trying to manipulate me. I think back from the very moment I came back in contact with him. 

That did nothing to help with my confusion. Since we've got into whatever the hell this is, his actions, words, and body language has all aligned. I click on the app again, now in his car I could see a small light glow inside and knew immediately he had to go smoke. Which he only does when it's too much on his mind, but he doesn't like the smell lingering in his house. I decide to stop being a bitch and go talk to him. I run to my room to grab my robe as the small shorts and bra-less tank top I have on wouldn't be idea for conversation. I walk out of the house making sure to pull my door shut behind me. We locked eyes on my way down the stairs. He unlocked the car as I made it closer to him. I pull his door handle and slide into the seat in the most awkward way.  

"Got a lot on your mind?" I ask as he takes a pull from his blunt. He nodded his head as he inhaled the smoke. "wanna talk about it?" I ask him. "I wanna talk about why you was talking to me like that." he says looking over to me. I nodded hesitantly "I talked to you like that because I wanted you to feel how I felt. I felt played, stupid to be more honest." I responded.

"For what? What did I do to make you feel stupid?" he asked, I could see the frustration in his face. "I'm sure you seen it by now." "Seen what?" he asks as he takes a long pull from his blunt before putting it out. 

"Don't play with me Alexander, you know exactly what I'm talking about." I say as I become frustrated. "I'm not finna guess what you mad at me for. Use your words like an adult." He says eyes not leaving my face for a second. He's trying to read me. "Oh I'm sure you can take a lucky guess motherfucker you don't go too long without picking your phone up." I said as I picked his phone up from atop the middle console throwing it in his lap. He started at me for a moment before grabbing my neck with a slightly tight grip. "Nyla, you only got away with the shit cause Andy was there. Stop fucking playing with me for real." he muttered to me. "Is you coo?" he asks as he moved his hand. I nodded my head slowly, trying to decide if I'm turned on or mad. 

And well I'm not mad. He watches me with low eyes as I try to gather myself. " Okay stop looking at me give me a moment."  I said turning my head away from his gaze as I try to remember what I was mad about. "Are you still with Dalilah?" I ask him turning back around to face him. "I stopped fucking that girl before you even came down Nyla. And I was never with her." he says putting emphasis on the with. "So why was she all on you at the balloon fight?" I ask not really believing nothing. "And what you mean you was never with her?" I ask. "Honestly, I just got use to it,  really I wasn't even paying attention like that. And like I said i was never with her we just used to hunch." He said as I sat back pursing my lips with a nod. 

"I ain't got shit to lie for." he says sitting his unlocked phone in my lap. "What I'm supposed to do with this?" I ask. "You asked about Delilah so you seen her calls earlier. So go through the messages." he says. I scroll through his messages seeing many different names, mostly work people, until I get to Dee.

Xander: Why you blowin me up?

Dee: I miss you. Can you come over?

Xander: Can't do that I got a situation going I told you that.

Dee: So what that gotta do with me..

Dee: I just wanna talk to you.. maybe I can relieve some of your stress

Xander: Don't call me no more we ain't got shit to talk about. - management.

Scrolling up further the conversation consist of; you up?, come over?, and Wyo?. I can't be mad that he had a past and he definitely didn't lie the conversation cuts in March, I came in May.

"You so sassy." I giggle a little too hype about the 'situation' he in. "Shid I ain't know what else to say." he chuckles. "Who you got a lil situation with?" I ask with a playful smile leaning onto the middle console. "Who you think I got a situation with? lil head ass." he smirked as he wraps his arm behind me nuzzling his head into the side of my neck. "I'm sorry I made you feel stupid." he muttered against me holding my waist tightly. "And I'm sorry I talked to you like that." I said as I rubbed the back of his neck lightly. 

"It's okay. We good?" he says lowly almost whispering. "Yes."  I could tell he was tired it's almost midnight, but I want to be under him. We both sat comfortably cuddled over his middle console in silence not wanting this moment to end. I quickly notice his breathing rhythm slow and steady, and knew he was dozing off for a moment. "You want me to let you go to bed?" I ask him lowly. "You gone come with me?" he asks as he lifts his head to plant small kisses where he laid. "I wanna cuddle with you." he says. "Come on." I said reaching for the handle. 

"Nyla.." he warns grabbing my wrist. "Sorry." I blush as he got out making his way to my side. I'm not use to this type of behavior from men, besides my brother. Nothing I couldn't get use to though.  "Thank you." I say pulling him into a hug once getting out of the car. "For what?" he asks as he wraps his arms around me. "I'll make a list for you." I laugh as we break the hug to walk up the stairs. "Wrong way. We going to my house." he says pulling me back towards him. "Damn, what's wrong with my house?" I ask, he said that real quick. "Too many people got keys to your house lil mama. We get interrupted every time." he says as I follow behind him into the house. 

"Damn, it's cold." I shiver as I walk right into his room getting comfortable as he goes into the restroom. I sit my phone on the nightstand and turn the 65' tv on flipping to Hulu. Xan comes out of the bathroom and stops dead in his tracks. "What?" I ask as he stare at me snuggled under his covers. "Who said you could get on my side?" he asks laughing. "Boy please you can go to that side for tonight." I reply. "Who? better scoot your little ass over fore' I lay on you." he said pulling the duvet back. "Smother me." I said as I lay back. He chuckles and opens my legs for him to lay between. As he lays down on my chest he wraps both arms around me.

He lifts his head to look at me. "What?" I ask getting nervous under his gaze. He leans down and peck my lips twice, then again this time he lingers. His lips are soft and warm against mine, intertwined with passion. As we fight for dominance over each other, he grabs my neck lightly as a light breathless moan escape our kiss. He pulls away from the kiss watching my face as I catch my breath. "You so fucking beautiful baby." he says placing kisses from my cheek to my neck as I moan, I frown when he stops just under my ear. He smirks ,as I blush, staring at me lose my mind over him. 

"Go to sleep fore' I fuck you up." He says as he goes back to laying down on my chest while I rub his back. "Goodnight bae." he says as he rubs the side of my stomach. "Goodnight baby." I say blushing again. 


Sorryy for the long wait I been stressinnn...  but more updates coming soon... I'm gonna try and get two more out his week but there will definitely be one coming soonnnn! ;)

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