Love them both

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It's been a week since everything happened. Me and Pedri have gotten close again, he basically won't leave my side. Jude and Ansu told him how bad I was doing for 2 whole years. So yeah, now I have Pedri with me everywhere, like seriously he does not leave my side, he brings me to training, comes to my place afterwards and spends the night. But ngl I kind of like when he acts like this, all protective boyfriend stuff. But now he's kinda afraid of touching me. Not like he doesn't touch me at all, it's just like he is so careful, afraid of going too far. And it kinda annoys me. I mean, I would have pulled away if it was too hard for me. But anyways, right now I'm in Pedro's car, claming on to Jude. Yep. We are leaving him off at the airport. I don't want him to leave. I feel complete with Jude by my side, and when we're apart it feels like a hole in my heart that only he can fill up. And the hole is getting bigger and bigger science now Jude is leaving. Ney isn't here. Pedri, Ansu and Raph are of course important to me. But no one, and I mean no one can be like Jude and Neymar in my eyes, not even my own dad. They have been taking care of me like a sister and a child for as long as I can remember. So Jude leaving, yeah that hurts. Jude is leaving the car and I start to follow him but he pushes me back.

'' Nope, you stay here, go in the front seat with Pedri and drive home'' He said and I was shocked. '' What no, I'm waving you off'' I already have tears in my eyes. '' No that's gonna hurt you more love, I'll see you soon I promise you'' He says and pulls me into a real bear hug. '' I love you Judith'' I say, totally crying. '' I love you too Moon, I'll see you soon'' And with that Jude kisses my forehead and leaves, and I'm in the backseat of my boyfriend's car, crying my eyes out. PERFECT. Just fucking perfect. Pedri doesn't say anything, he just drives off and parks in an alley, and he jumps back to me hugging me tight. '' He'll be back mi amore, your brother will be back te lo prometo, te lo prometo'' he says to comfort me, and to be honest. In his arms I'll always be happy. I snuggle into Pedri's chest and try to calm down. He keeps striking my heart whispering'' te lo prometo'' in my ear. He kisses my hair and I look up at him. '' I love you Pedro'' I say with a smile. '' And I love you '' And with that I kiss him. Harder than I used to and I can feel that he is surprised. But he kissed me back, and it turned into a whole makeout session. He is careful about where he puts his hands, one on my waist and one on my lower back. He moves the hand on my waist back and forth, but the one on my lower back is still. And I appreciate that, even though sometimes I actually want more. We both pull apart and smile and he kisses my forehead. And I get a text. I look at my phone and I can feel Pedri is too.

Gav 🧡

Hey, I know leaving Jude must be hard for you, I'll always be here for you Moon if you need to talk, te lo prometo 🧡

I can feel Pedri clapping his jaw together in anger

but if I don't answer it will be weird.


Hey, thanks Gav, rlly appreciate that 💙

Blue heart, that's our code for '' I'm with Pedri''

I haven't met Pablo that much this week, about 2 times after I told him that I love him too. And those two times we've barely been talking, except for when he got to know everything, we talked a little but Pedri was there too, ofc. We have been texting all week though, just about stuff that doesn't matter really. But I don't want Pedri to know because I don't want him and Pablo in a fight again. I just need to know what this feeling I have with Pablo truly is.

'' You guys have been texting a lot reasonly, you even changed his name on your phone'' Pedri says with jealousy in his tone.

Yeah, he got to know everything too Pedri, he's worried about a friend, you would have done the same in his position.

'' Yeah I guess that's true''

And with that we drove to Pedri's practise, and I was still so caught up about Jude leaving that I didn't realize someone was talking to me. '' Hey , HELLO LUNA '' Pedri screams in my ear. Oh shit what Pedro. '' I've been trying to talk to you for 3 minutes'' He said, this time worried. '' Sorry, got lost in my thoughts what did you say?'' I asked a little embarrassed science the whole team was listening, including my dad. '' I'm gonna shower here today, team dinner following with? We will go home and change then leave '' Yeah yeah ofc I said following to the locker rooms and walk past the toilets alone and I get dragged in. I let out a little scream before someone covered my mouth, I looked to the side terrified and I saw Gav. He lets go of my mouth and I start to talk '' WHAT THE FUCK GA– SHHHHHH he cuts me of.

Oh right sorry, what the fuck Gav I whispered this time. '' Hey we need to talk, without Pedri, but he wont leave your side, he's showering so there is about 15 minutes before he's done'' Gavi says fast. '' Listen Moon, last week you confessed that you love me, and I did too, but you're still with Pepi. I get it you are confused. ButI need to know if I'm supposed to fight for you or let go'' Gavi almost cried.

'' Listen Gav, I do love you I really do, and being near you makes my whole body swirls, and when you touch me or look at me I feel something I really do. But I love Pedri too, and I can put words to my feelings for him. You on the other hand, I don't know yet, it's hard, I've never felt like this before and I need time.'' I simply say, feeling like an as toward Pedri. '' I-'' Gave don't have the time to finish his sentence before we both panicked. '' Damn it Pablo hurry up'' ITS PEDRI ITS FUVKING PEDRI. '' Hold up Pedri'' Gav says in total panic. I took up my phone and wrote to Ansu fast.


ANSU quickly get Pedri away from the toilet, In here with Gav. NOT like you think. Explain it all later but get him away.

Ansu 🧡

I'm on it Moon , don't worry.

Gavi looks at me confused and soon we hear Ansu

'' Hey Pedri fast come on Ferran is standing in his boxers singing I kissed a girl''

OMG I'M COMING Pedri says laughing like an idiot.

Me and Pablo got out fast as hell and then he asked me '' Did you tell Ansu?''

Yeah I did. He already knows everything, he won't tell a soul.'' Yeah ok'' Gavi peeked a kiss on my nose then ran into the locker room. Gosh that was way too close to death.

A/N→ WOW. Luna is doing Pedri dirt. And Pablo? wow your best friends girl.


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