I didn't say it back

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One month later


Not much has happened in the last month, I've been hanging out with Ansu, Torre and Pedri. Pedri and I have been good recently, we're friends, good actually. He even tries to encourage me to go on dates and stuff, even though I don't want to.

And me and Gavi are pretty good, we talk like usual and we're friends again. Even though I want so much more from him.

BUT tonight Pedri Ansu and Torre convinced me to come to the club with the team, and Mikky and Sira ofc. So right now I'm putting on my red short dress. And went down the stairs. '' Wow Moon you look beautiful'' Pedri said and gave me a hug. '' Beautiful is an understatement'' Ansu said and Torre agreed.

When we went into the club the smell of alcohol caught me and before I sat down I went to grab a drink, when I finally got it I went to the table and greeted everyone and I sat down with Torre on my left, Ansu on my right and Mikky and Sira in front of me. We all just chatted from time to time, Ansu had his arm around my shoulders and we got some glances from some guys on the team, but he always does that it's really normal and everyone who knows our friendship knows that too.

After a while and a lot of drinks we went out to the dance floor. I danced with Torre, my arms were around his neck and he was more behind my back, our body's weren't close so it was nothing like that. After a while Pedri took over and we danced, which brought back a lot of memories and made me a little sad. I tried to find Gavi in the crowd and when I did he looked really pissed at me and Pedro.

I can't with this guy, we solve everything and he tells me we're better off as friends but everytime I'm close to a guy he gets all mad. Pedri seem to notice what I'm looking at because he bows down and whispers in my ear: '' He will come around, and if not, believe me he is losing the best girl he could ever get'' I looked up at Pedri and hugged him tight '' Thank you Pepi, it means alot that you understand''

I love my relationship with Pedri right now, he is the most supportive person in my life. He is there everytime I'm sad, he gets me to eat, he is by my side every time I feel like I wanna give up AND he basically makes me tell him about all my '' Gavi drama'' as we call it. Even though I don't want to because that's his best friend. But he has moved on though, he and Maria are absolutely into each other. BUT when I look after Gavi again I see something I really don't wanna see. He is making out with some random chick. I felt the tairs burning in my eyes and I let go of Pedri and ran towards the exit. OFC they are making out right in front of it '' Hey move asshole '' I scream at them. Pablo looks up and his face immediately turns sad. '' Luna I-'' he tried to talk but I cut him off. '' I said move, I'm heading home Pablo'' then I ran out, but ofc he had to follow me. '' Don't do that, please Luna let me talk'' He said and *I only thought of one thing. '' Seriously Pablo, it's fine we're just -'' He cut me off. '' Say friends I dare you Luna.'' He said really determined. I stayed quiet for a little while. '' THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE WE PABLO?? Tell me I really like to know, listen, yes I said we shouldn't keep going because Pedri is your best friend, then after some weeks he ENCOURAGED me to be with you because all he wanted was for us to be happy. When I try to solve things with you, you are telling me that we are better off as friends, my heart breaks. BUT that's what you wanted so I accepted that. But everytime Torre hugs me or kisses my cheek you burn with anger, everytime I'm falling asleep on Ansu's shoulder you get mad, everytime I'm even close to Pedri you get fucking mad. Same goddamn shit everytime something involves Jude, Jao, Jamal and every guy I know. And still when you make out with some random girl I can't even bring myself to be mad, gosh I'm such a fool'' I said now crying. He looked at me shocked. '' What do you mean that you can't even bring yourself to be mad?'' He asked, I hesitated before I answered him.

'' Because I fucking love you Pablo way to much. ALL I want is for you to be happy, and if you're happy without me then I'm willy too let you go.'' I said with tears still running down my cheeks. He didn't respond so I turned around and started to walk. I heard some screams. Which I assume were Pedri screaming at Pablo. I sat down by the beach. I love the beach and the ocean so much, it brings me hope, all my anxiety disappears and makes me so calm. I haven't been by the ocean in a long time. Soon I felt someone hugging me, I didn't even have to look at the person, I felt who it was. Ansu, my best friend. We sat there in silence for a long time, I cried and cried into my friend's shoulder. He didn't say anything, and he knew that he didn't have too.


'' Because I fucking love you Pablo way to much. ALL I want is for you to be happy, and if your happy without me then I'm willy too let you go.'' I was speechless of what she just told me. I was like paralyzed. I couldn't answer her, and she just turned around and walked away. It broke my heart to see her broken. I broke her. I heard Pedri scream but I didn't hear a word. I was still paralyzed. What the hell did I just do? Did I lose her ? The spark in her eyes, the one that I've always admired, the spark that made me want to stare into her eyes for hours was gone. I made that spark go away, I saw it disappear, I broke her, I seriously did. I couldn't even focus on Pedri until he slapped the back of my head.

'' GAVI ARE YOU EVEN FUCKING LISTENING TO ME??'' He literally screamed in my ear. I just looked him dead serious in the eye '' I didn't say it back'' Was all I could get out before falling onto my knees and breaking down in tears. I felt Pedri hugging me tight, and we sat like that for a long time.

A/N→ I've looked through the comments and I think I know what to do.

But I'm thinking of writing another story at the same time as this one

so I was thinking of a story about Pedri, would you guys read it?


Unconditional Love // Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now