𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘋𝘢𝘵𝘦

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The letter from Cedric started a beautiful relationship between the two. First, it started with small meetups to study. Through the rest of February if Juliet wasn't planning or executing a prank with the twins, she was with Cedric.

Edith was ecstatic when Juliet told her that Cedric had asked her on a date to Hogsmeade in March. Though Remus was the opposite of excited.

"He's two years older than her!" Remus argued.

"Love, I'm older than you. Plus, two years is nothing." Edith rolled her eyes as she fixed up Juliet's hair in front of a vanity.

"But she's only fifteen. Far too young to be dating."

Edith gave Remus a look. "I lost my virginity at fifteen. And had my first kiss at 14. Her going on a first date is nothing."

Juliet snorted. "Which virginity?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Pandora. Good bird that one was." Edith answered, making Remus groan again.

"Who was your first kiss? Don't think you've ever told me."

"Oh lord." Remus sighed.

"Padfoot. Caught me under a mistletoe. James and Remus chased him around the Manor for two hours." Edith finished off her hair, having curled it and put it in a lovely ponytail with some wisps hanging out. "Like it?"

Juliet smiled. "Love it. Just gotta keep away from the twins for a bit. Forge and Gred had those mischievous looks on their faces. Suspect they're gonna prank Cedric."

"Good lads." Remus said under his breath, then getting pinched in the shoulder by Edith.

Juliet stood, straightening out her dress. It was a simple short floral dress, tights and boots on underneath. On top she wore a leather jacket that Sirius had given her for Christmas. She would have gone without it but she wanted to cover up some scars that lingered on her arms from the recent months of transformations. She was never ashamed of them but that doesn't mean she liked them. "You can complain all you want Papa, but you have to admit I look good."

"You look beautiful, ci bach. That's the issue. He's a teenage boy." Remus crossed his arms.

"Cedric is a gentleman, Papa. I'll be fine. I'll snag you some chocolate from Honeydukes." She leaned up and kissed Remus' cheek, same to her mother, and same to the small bump that housed her growing sibling.

"Have fun, gaol beag." Edith smiled as Juliet walked out of their chambers happily. She looked back up to Remus' still angry face. "She'll be fine, A Leannan."

He huffed. "I know. Still don't like it. Moony doesn't either. Bugger won't shut up."

Edith let out a small laugh and stepped in front of him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, his hands going instinctively to her hips. "If it's a distraction you need, I'm sure I can fill your time."

She sure knew how to distract Remus, that was for sure. She knew it worked the moment his eyes went dark. "What about the papers you had to grade?" He whispered, leaning down to kiss her neck.

"Did it last night." She leaned her neck to the side to allow him more access.

"Works for me." He growled into her neck, leaning down and hooking his hands under her thighs to hoist her up around his waist.

She giggled as he walked her over to their bed, throwing her back onto the mattress.


Juliet met up with Cedric at the entrance to Hogsmeade. He had on dressier clothes but nothing to fancy but he definitely looked good.

𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘉𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝄂︎☽︎𝄃︎ 𝘎𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘰 𝘌𝘳𝘢Where stories live. Discover now