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Sixteen and engaged.

Juliet never saw that coming. But boy, did she love it.

Every time she passed George in the halls he'd mutter Juliet Weasley under his breath in the most smug way. Due to this, they had to tell Fred because his animagus hearing also picked up on it. But they couldn't keep secrets from Fred anyways.

The only other two people that knew were Astoria and Draco. But Juliet never kept secrets from them.

"Engaged? How bonkers are you?" Draco looked at her, dumbfounded.

Juliet and her Slytherins hadn't met up in a few weeks due to Umbridge's patrols. She had plenty to update them on.

"Yup. Its not that crazy if you think about it, though. I'll be seventeen in January, George will be eighteen in April. I already know i'm going to mark him and thats basically wolf-marriage. So its not a big deal."

"When is it then? I'm peeved i won't be able to attend!" Astoria pouted.

Juliet quietly laughed. "No clue. I won't be attending my seventh year. If he still wants it... i plan on marking him once school is out. But I kinda want to be married to him first. Is that wrong?"

Astoria's pout turned into a kind smile. One that always left a sparkle in Draco's eyes. "I think its sweet. Muggle marriage or wizarding marriage is the real question."

"Also have no clue. I want a small wedding, like at a courthouse. If we have a grand wizarding marriage then it'll go all over the tabloids and George will become a target. Especially since i plan on taking over the pack."

Draco leaned back in his chair, tossing up the green apple in his hand a few times. "Anyone you even look at will be a target after Greyback is dead. The Dark Lord will come for you. Be prepared."

Juliet turned her head to Draco, a smirk on her face. Wandlessly and wordlessly she accioed Draco's apple into her hand and took a healthy bite out of it. "I'm always prepared. Have been since the my ex-godfather threw me into a statue."

"Oi! My apple!" Draco got up from his seat, darting after her. Juliet laughed as he chased her around the Astronomy Tower.

They chased for quite a while. A boy and a hybrid. Until it wasn't quite a...boy anymore.

It was a fucking white cat.

The cat jumped up onto Juliet's shoulders, clawing into her. She shouted, dropping the apple. "MOTHER OF—" She looked down to the floor to see the cat scurrying for his apple.

Once in his sharp teeth, he shifted back into that of Draco Malfoy, grinning with the apple still between his lips. "I win."

Juliet stood in complete shock. Astoria was giggling.

"I thought you were going to wait until the next Full, Draco?" Astoria said behind a laugh.

"Now seemed like a better opportunity." Draco shrugged, chewing his apple.

"YOU—ANIMAGUS—SINCE FUCKING WHEN?!" Juliet yelled, pointing an accusing finger at the boy.

He snickered. "Few weeks ago. You gave us that book, remember? We were gonna go through it step by step with you... but i got impatient. Time was right. Wanted to be one before the Hols."

He was right. They'd had a plan to walk Draco through becoming an Animagus as a way to escape Malfoy Manor. Sirius always said Padfoot was his escape, his way to quiet a busy mind. Draco needed that.

"Well, thats not all either." Draco looked over to Astoria and raised an eyebrow. "Go on, darling."

Astoria lightly blushed at the nickname. Juliet rolled her eyes. It had been like this for months. Back and forth of pet names and blushing.

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