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The Lupins spent the first portion of the summer at the Cottage, redecorating the old nursery for her sibling who was due at the beginning of August.

This unfortunately meant that Remus and Edith couldn't go to the Quidditch World Cup. But they knew Juliet would be safe with the Weasleys.

Remus wasn't very fond of finding out the Diggory's would be going with them as well. While he had nothing against them as a family, he wasn't happy his daughter would be left with her boyfriend.

Speaking of which, Juliet never got to spend a few nights with the Diggorys. Well, that her parents knew of.

She'd sneak out every so often and fly to the Diggory household. They'd spend nights strolling about and talking. (Occasionally taking breaks to snog against a tree.)

The last half of her summer was spent at the Weasleys. Edith and Remus came along, temporarily staying with them as Edith was already a week overdue. They figured it would be easier for Molly to help with the birth if they were already at the house.

When they arrived, Charlie had just come home. He'd only be able to stay for a week but it was still something.

"NATHRACH!" Juliet yelled as she quite literally jumped out of the car as they pulled up to Ottery St. Catchpole. Yes, they had a muggle car. No, neither Juliet nor Edith could figure out how to drive the damn thing.

The Weasleys were all out in the front yard playing a small game of quidditch when they had arrived. Charlie was on the ground, sitting next to Molly when he heard the familiar nickname being yelled.

Nathrach is the Gaelic word for Dragonfly. One of her favorite Gaelic words when she was growing up. With Charlie's love for dragons, it just stuck.

He barely even got to stand up when Juliet came barreling into him, tossing herself into his arms. He laughed, his arms wrapping around her waist. "Fireball, how the hell have you managed to get even faster? I swear you crossed that field in a second." Fireball was the nickname Charlie gave her. Ironically, her favorite dragon was the Chinese Fireball. And seeing as she could create literal fireballs it just made sense.

She pulled off of him, a large smile adorning on her face. "Wolf speed! Moon is in a week."

"Ci Bach! Get back over here and help with our bags please!" Juliet heard Remus yell from down the driveway.

"Ond rydw i eisiau siarad â Charlie!" She yelled back in Welsh.

"Gallwch chi siarad ag ef yn nes ymlaen!" Remus responded.

Juliet groaned. "Don't move!" She pointed at Charlie before dashing back to the car. The twins had flown over on their brooms to help out too.

Juliet spent the week mainly talking with Charlie about Romania and Hogwarts. Along with the events that went on in the shrieking shack as well. Charlie knew just about everything about Juliet, she'd never kept a secret from him in her life. She was just about as close with him as she was to the twins.

She tried to beg him to stay longer but he had to go back to Romania. As usual, they promised to owl back and forth as much as possible.

Luckily the August full moon was just before they had to go get Harry. As Crookshanks was with Harry, Padfoot was still on the run, and Edith was far too pregnant to transform, the only company the two wolves had was one another. The twins still hadn't finished all the requirements of becoming animagi, but they were awfully close.

On August 23rd, just two days before they were set to leave for the quidditch cup, the Weasleys plus Juliet and Hermione went to 12 Privet Drive to retrieve the-boy-who-lived.

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