𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘢𝘴𝘬

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According to the entire Hufflepuff house's robes. They all made buttons that say Potter Stinks in the favor of Cedric. They didn't dare make any buttons against Juliet in fear of the girl herself.

She'd already threatened a few fifth years because they made fun of Harry. Juliet's wolf senses were off the fucking hook. Her wolf longed for her mate, meanwhile Juliet herself longed for Cedric.

Her and Cedric spent quite a few days in the library researching dragons, along with sending multiple letters back and forth to Charlie in Romania. Juliet made sure Romulus, her personal owl, had plenty of treats for his constant work.

Speaking of the task, Juliet and Harry had devised a plan. While Juliet could fly on her own, Harry could accio his firebolt that Sirius had gifted him last year if needed.

The twins were growing in worry over the first task after she'd told them about the dragons. Juliet didn't even look remotely worried for herself, moreso for Cedric and Harry. Juliet, as a magical creature herself, would have some sway with the dragons. The two boys were simply wizards with far to much false information regarding Dragons, which Juliet worked night and day to get them to see the better side of the scaled creatures.

When it came to the morning of the first task, Juliet and Cedric all but stumbled into breakfast. The boys hair, which was usually combed to perfection, was messed to high hell. Juliet looked thoroughly flushed, with a yellow and gray tie around her neck. Cedric had on a gold and red tie, getting odd looks as he sat down at his respective table.

Juliet used the twins shoulders to lower herself onto the bench. When she was sat down, the entire table having gone silent at the obvious display, Juliet simply saluted everyone. "Lads, Mione."

Hermione's jaw was on the floor. "Juliet Lupin-Féinics! You did not!"

Juliet cleared her throat, picking up her gold utensils. "I don't know what your talking about, Mione." A slightly smug grin was on the girls face.

"Jules," George started.

"Letty," Fred said.

"You have a Hufflepuff tie on." George leaned on his elbow, jealousy eyeballing the tie around her neck.

Juliet's eyes widened, quickly looking down to the tie around her neck. "Damnit!" She dropped her utensils and tugged at the tie, looking up to the Hufflepuff table where Cedric seemed to also just now notice their swapped ties.

"Oh i am so owling Sirius." Harry looked mildly disgusted.

Juliet glared at Harry. "Go ahead. He'll congratulate me."

"....i'm lost." Ron finally spoke up.

Fred rolled his eyes, prying his eyes away from Juliet. "She slept with Cedric." He said, bitterness on his tongue.

Juliet noticed his tone, but chose to ignore it. "Might die in this tournament. Wasn't about to die a virgin."

George completely shut himself in. He knew it would happen eventually, still didn't make the fact that the girl he was in love with was completely enamored with another man.

"Juliet! Your sixteen!" Hermione looked absolutely shell shocked.

Juliet set Cedric's tie in her pocket, she'd give it back to him later. "Don't be a prude, Mione. My Mum lost her virginity at 15. Slept through half of Gryffindor tower by 17. I'm not far off. Plus, helps with the anger issues as i've recently found out."

"But pretty boy Diggory? Really?" Fred commented.

Oh you've done it now, Freddie. George thought as he picked at his breakfast, suddenly not hungry.

𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘉𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝄂︎☽︎𝄃︎ 𝘎𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘰 𝘌𝘳𝘢Where stories live. Discover now