"she's hot"

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a/n so 3 people have read my last chapter :) thanks guys and please leave comments it gives me motivation

Alex's pov:
so now we're on the road, i'm in the passengers seat while Emma is driving, and Henry is in the back behind Emma. "what ya reading there buddy?" I asked turning to face him. "you should know, your in it!" he exclaimed. "I am?" I questioned. "yep, and Emma" he said as if I was meant to know that. "okay who am I in this book?" I asked. "your princess Alexandra, and Emma is a princess too! your only babies though" he explains. "really?" I smiled at his imagination. "is this it kid?" Emma asked Henry, making me turn around and seeing a sign saying 'welcome to Storybrooke'

"yep" he said closing his book and looking out the window. We slowly started driving through the streets of this unknown town. "these people are all in the curse" Henry said bluntly. "what curse bud?" I asked. "the one the Evil Queen cast, everyone here are storybook characters, even you two!" he smiles. "really, well I need to take you back to your storybook mother, where is your house?" Emma asked looking at him through the rearview mirror. "42th not gonna tell you street" He smiles all cocky. "okay smarty pants, let's ask this man" Emma said pulling up and getting out the car to speak to the man walking over, Henry then jumped out to speak to. They talked for a while before the man pointed somewhere and they both got back into the car. "your the mayors kid?" she asked as Henry put his seatbelt back on, he just shrugged his shoulders and I giggled.

We then started driving again until we reached a big house and Emma parked outside it. "you live here?" she asked. "mhm" he hummed in response. We all got out the car and Henry walked in front of my sister and I. The front door flew open and a gorgeous brunette woman came running out. she had her hair parted perfectly, and she had the biggest look of sorry on her face, id ever seen. "Henry!" she exclaimed before hugging the boy. ohh she must be his mother. "who are you two?" The woman said looking up at us, before Emma or I could reply Henry said, "she's my real mom!" pointing at Emma then running into his house.

The brunette woman turned to face us once again, "your Henry's birth mother?" she asked. "yes, that would be me, the kid came to find me, and I thought I would bring him home" she explained. "well i'm glad he's home" she said, "but who are you?" she asked looking directly at me. I waited and just stared at her, her eyes looking into my eyes. I was practically in a trance, until Emma nudged me. "oh I'm Alex" I said trying not to blush of embarrassment. then she smirked, she could tell I was nervous. "hello to you too, Alex" she said still smirking at me. no no no, I could feel myself blushing, I just looked down as Emma said "we best be going, i'm glad the kids home safe" Then we left.

I opened my side of the car and sat in and put my belt on. "go on then" Emma said looking at me, while putting her seatbelt on. "go on what?" I asked confused, still amazed at the woman I just saw. "say what you were thinking" she said trying not to laugh. "thinking about what?" I tried to figure out what she was going on about. "about her" she said. oh, I hate having a twin sometimes, she knows me too well. "she's hot" I said and we both started laughing as we drove off out of Storybrooke.

Just as we had crossed the Leaving Storybrooke sign, I could a glimpse of something on the back seat. I turned to see Henry's book. "Em, we're gonna have to go back" I said reaching and putting the book in my lap. "that kid" she said shaking her dead laughing. "you better get yourself ready if we have to see the mayor again" Emma said to me. "oh get lost I wasn't that bad" I said wiping the little bit of dust off the book. "yes you were" she laughed, as we turned around and entered the back into the town of Storybrooke

a/n I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! it's obviously not got into meeting many characters yet but it will in the next chapter or so!

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