"I have to go"

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a/n i'm a little bored so if you have any questions for me please ask away :)

Alex pov:
I woke up to Emma's snoring, no different to in the car sadly. I put on my new clothes I found out the back of the car, put my hair into dutch braids and walked into the kitchen. "morning Alex" Mary-Margret said to me with a big smile. "morning" I said sitting in front of her on a stool while she was busy doing something. "are you still coming in today?" she asked. "yep, i'm excited" I said as she passed me a plate of pancakes and fruit. "wooohhh if I knew I was getting fed here I would have came sooner" Mary-Margret and I laughed. There was then a knock at the door, I went to open it as Mary-Margret was in the kitchen cleaning up after making breakfast.

It was Henry. "hey bud" I said hugging him as he walked in. "hi Henry what are you doing here?" Mary-Margret asked him. "I was hoping Emma would walk me to school" He smiled. "well that depends if she wakes up" I said giggling. "i'll go try wake her" I got up off my seat and went into mine and Emma's room. "get up" I said sitting next to her. "whaaa whyyyy?" she complained. "Henry wants you to take him to school, don't be dick" I got up and left back to the kitchen, to find Henry had ate the breakfast Mary-Margret had made for me, I sat next to him.

"does your mother not feed you at home buddy?" I asked giggling. "she does, I'm just hungry" he said taking another bite of the mango, when Emma walked in. "if I told you I was dying you still wouldn't have gotten up for another hour!!" I exclaimed at my sister. she really did care for Henry. "let's get you to school kid" Emma said, then she and Henry left. "when do we go?" I asked Mary-Margret. "in about 5 minutes, can you drive?" she asked me. "yep, I can take us in the bug" I said taking a bite out of the one pancake Henry left. "bug?" she asked. "yep, it's mine and Emma's car" I said.

"you share a car?" she asked surprised. "we couldn't afford two" I laughed it off, but the story behind the car is a story for another day. "do you want to get your things and we can get going?" Mary-Margret asked me. "oki doki" I replied and walked to my room, I picked up my phone and car keys. When I came back to the kitchen Mary-Margret and I left. she seemed to like the bug, when we got there I parked in the teachers parking lot and we made our way to her classroom. Mary-Margret let the students in and they took their seats. "you may notice we have a familiar face in the classroom today, Miss Swan came with us on our trip last week, and from now she will be helping in our class so I want everyone to treat her with respect and kindness as you all do me" Miss Blanchard said to the class, they all smiled at me which melted my heart.

The task we were on all day was bird houses, I was expecting algebra and all that, so i'm not complaining. I was walking around helping students. I went to two students called Miley and Lacey. "hey girls how are you two getting on?" I asked them, kneeling next to them. "good, could you help me glue this on Miss Swan?" Miley asked me. "is it true your Henry's aunt?" Lacey asked me while I glued on the roof of Miley's birdhouse. "I sure am" I said making sure it was definitely stuck on. "he says your a twin!" Miley exclaimed. "yep, my twin sister Emma" I told them. "do you do everything together?" Lacey asked me. "well most things, we've pretty much always lived together, we share some clothes and we always help each other" I told the two interested girls. "cool!!" they said together.

I then got up and went over to Henry, he wasn't talking to anybody. "hey buddy, need help with your birdhouse?" I asked him. "nope" he said resting his head on his fist. "what's up?" I asked kneeling down next to him. "Emma still doesn't believe" he sighed. "she will don't worry buddy, cheer up, otherwise the bird won't have a home" I told him, as I got up and walked back to the desk. "Mary-Margret is it alright if I go to the bathroom real quick?" I asked her. "yes of course, the teachers toilets are just up the hall and on your left" she smiled at me. I thanked her and walked to the toilets, I walked into a cubicle and pulled out my phone, I had a message of an unknown number, I pressed onto it.

hey drinks at mine tonight? x

I knew it was Regina. SHE PUT A KISS ON THE END. Friends put kisses on the end i'm just dramatic.

sounds good, my queen x

I replied, then walked back to the classroom to help with the birdhouses. The day flew by and it ended just as soon as it started. I decided to take Henry home, if I was going that way I may aswell have dropped him off. I went to knock on the door when Henry just ran in and I followed. I saw Regina was nowhere in sight, oh that might not have been her message?

"sorry I'm late, I had something else, I was up to at work" A voice behind me said I turned to see Regina! yay

"shall we?" she asked taking my arm and we walked to the kitchen and sat in our stools we always sit on. "so how was your day?" she asked me. "good, I started working at the school" I told her as she poured me a glass of her cider. "mom i'm going out!!" Henry shouted before shutting the door. I could see Regina's face drop. "why does your sister so desperately want to take my son away from me?" Regina said sitting down.

"she doesn-" I started but Regina cut me off. "message your sister and ask what she's doing"

"okay" I said getting my phone out and I messaged her

hey Em, what are you up to?

I waited about two to three minutes then she answered

out doing some finding, with Henry, he's tagged along, what about you?

Regina stood up, walked around and looked at the message. "point proven" she said sitting down sighing. "why does your sister never want to settle anywhere, and now she wants to settle here?" she asked me taking a big chug of her drink. "she's settled in places before" I said, but Regina snapped. "the only place she's settled in was for two years, the both of you did, in Tallahassee" she said.

we don't talk about Tallahassee. "you didn't bring Tallahassee up in front of her did you?" I asked worried. "of course I did why?" she asked confused at why I was so bothered. "it's a sore subject, for the both of us, but mainly Em" I said to her looking down, knowing my sister will be sad for the rest of the day. "did she really have Henry in jail?" she asked me. I was shocked, why was she asking all this. "is this a hang out or a full blown interrogation?" I asked laughing awkwardly. "I wouldn't want my son around an ex jailbird" Regina said.

this disgusted me. "I have to go" I said picking up my phone. "Alex wait-" I cut her off this time.

"I was in jail too, and she's my sister, stop talking trash about her" I said, I downed my glass of cider and left.

a/n first argument?? how are we feeling ahaha, hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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