"why thank you"

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a/n i'm trying to add in as much from the normal storyline as I can so bare with me haha!

Alex pov:
we've been here 2 ish days and Emma has already got herself arrested. I was at Granny's dinner talking with Ruby when I got a call from Emma telling me to come to the Sheriff's station. "I don't have that kind of money just in cash!" I exclaimed. "and i'm sorry Graham but shes got arrested for something she did even do, you need to get better evidence that what people tell you" I said to the sheriff. "it's okay" Henry comes running in before Graham can answer and Mary-Margret, the woman from this morning came in a few steps behind him.

"Miss Blanchard is here to bail you out!" he exclaims. "really?" Emma asks her. "yes, Henry likes you and i'm happy he's found someone to make him happier, we wouldn't want you staying in jail now would we?" she says. "take these off please sheriff" Emma says lifting her wrists up with the handcuffs on. "I have somewhere to go" she says and storms out. I look at Mary-Margret and say "thank you, i'll play you back once I have the money in cash" she just smiled. "now little man, don't you need to go home?" I asked Henry. "probably" he said. He took my hand and we walked to his house.

the walk was a comfortable silence, then henry asked "have you gotten anything else on operation cobra?" "not yet buddy, i'm trying" I smiled. he's the cutest little man ever. "is your mom home?" I asked. "yep!" he smiled. as we get to the front gate, Emma comes storming out. "woooohhh Em, what's up with you" I asked. "i'll tell you later" she said walking away. I looked at Henry and he looked a bit sad. "she sometimes has these moments let's call them, she goes all huffy, maybe you got it wrong and she's an ogre, not a princess" I laughed and he laughed a little too. "come on the bud let's get you inside" I smiled and took him to the front door. I knocked and then Regina came out. she looked as beautiful as always, a little annoyed though, actually a lot annoyed, she did not look pleased by any means.

"how may I help you Miss Swan?" she asked me, then noticed Henry. "thank you for bringing my son home" she said blankly, emphasising on the my. "your welcome" I smiled trying to brush off her rudeness, and suspected my sister had something to do with it. I patted Henry on the back and he went in. "you look like you could use a drink" I said to the mayor, hope that was t a wrong move. "I do" she said, sort of relaxing and not being as stiff. "would you like to join me for some apple cider?" she offered. wow I won't say no to that. "sounds good" I said she moved out of the way of the door and I walked in.

I looked around what i'm guessing was the foyer, it was beautiful. "follow me" she said and I did as she said. we entered her kitchen and she said "take a seat" I smiled and sat down on one side of the island. "you have a beautiful home" I said. she smiled, like a genuine smile! "why thank you" she then put her smirk back on, god don't blush don't blush. She turned around and poured a glass of cider for herself and some for me, she then sat opposite me. I took a sip and smiled at her. "i'm guessing my sister came to see you" I asked. she rolled her eyes "yes she did"

"what did she do?" I asked, then taking another sip of the cider. "cut down my apple tree" she said bitterly. "she can be a bitch" I said giggling a little. she smiled softly at my giggles. "so how long are you and your delightful sister staying in town for?" she asked me. "a week I think, it's a lovely town" I smiled. "well, it'll stay lovely provided your sister keeps her hands off of my son" she said taking a sip of her cider. "she really means no harm, she just wants to make sure Henry has a good life here" I explained. she just stayed quiet. I got a ping on my phone and I looked. it was Emma

that bitch has got us kicked out! aplenty there's a 'no felons' and there 'accomplices' rule for public housing. we're in the car tonight sis

"who is it may I ask?" she said putting her glass out of her hand. "my sister, she says we been kicked out of the b&b" I said looking up at Regina blank faced. "i best be going" I got up off the seat. "wait Alex-" I cut her off, "i'm sorry madam mayor but I need to help my sister to try and find us a place to stay tonight" I said putting on a smile. "thank you for the cider" I said then left.

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