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a/n it seems like more people read the first few chapters and less read the newer ones so if your here thanks for reading!!

Alex pov:
I woke up to birds chirping, wow I feel like i'm in a fairytale, normally I wake up from Emma's snoring. I looked around and remembered I was in Regina's room. I then realised, our legs were intertwined, her hand was on my back, my head was on her chest and my hand was on the back of her neck. I can't move or i'll wake her up, but I don't want her to wake up and feel awkward we're like this. I just take a moment to notice how beautiful she is. her eyes then flutter, so I look away instantly. "it's rude to stare you know" she said in a raspy morning voice. could she get any hotter?

"I wasn't staring" I said resting my head in her neck. "wow we were cozy last night" she said looking at us, then rubbing her eyes with her free hand. I just giggled, and to my surprise she made her grip on me tighter, hugging me closer to her. she must like me, we're cuddling in bed! no it's just a thing close friends do. "mhmm I need to get up soon" she groaned. she moved her hand off my back, which is when I realised my back wasn't fully covered, I was only in my bra. I must have been to warm in the night and just taken it off. Regina realised I was unaware my top was off and she then wrapped her arms around me hugging me.

"we're good friends right?" She smirked at me. she's like a mind reader. "yeah course, yet I don't think even best friends cuddle in bed when one of them is in a bra" I said putting my leg over her body like she did to me last night. "true" she smiled. "MOM WHERE IS MY BAG??" I heard someone shout from downstairs. "oh that's Henry" she said. "I best help him" she said, her raspy voice wearing off. I was saddened by this, and as always Regina noticed. "okay 2 more minutes" she said hugging me again, her hand on my back fiddling with my bra clip. Henry then shouted again and Regina rolled her eyes. "two moments" she said, letting go of me and getting out of the bed, and leaving the room. I heard her and Henry talking for a few minutes, then she walked back in.

She walked straight to her on-suit, and began brushing her hair. "I have a meeting at 10" she sighed. "I can walk you" I smiled at her. "i'd like that" she replied walking to her wardrobe. "Henry's quiet" I said realising the shuffling out had ended. "he's gone to play wakamole, I doubt he's actually there, he'll be with your sister" she said rolling her eyes. Regina then picked out a blazer and matching pants and a white shirt. I expected her to walk into her on-suit, or ask me to cover my eyes but no, she just turned around so her back was facing me and got changed. I have never blushed so hard in my entire life. There was a mirror on the left side of the room and the way it was angled I could see the front of her, I only looked for a second but of course my luck she was looking back at me, so it looked like I was staring.

once she finished getting ready she smirked at me turning around. she then walked to her chest of draws and picked out a skirt and a shirt and gave it to me. "I noticed you've had the same clothes on since you've got here, Miss Swan" she said. "back to Miss Swan are we?" I asked her getting up. "perhaps" she said walking into the on-suit to do her makeup. I began to get changed into the outfit she game me. It was a maroon skirt and a white shirt. the skirt was quite long, I don't think i've ever wore a long skirt in my life, so I of course rolled it up. I could feel Regina's eyes on me most of the time I was getting changed, she knew I could see her looking, but she didn't care.

once I was finished I walked out of her room and back into the guest room to grab my phone i had left the night before. It was still freezing, what did Henry do to the heating? I got my phone and walked back to Regina's room and sat on the bed, while she was getting ready. I saw I had a few messages from Emma and 2 from an unknown number the ones from Emma read

had a good night?
I'm having breakfast with Henry and Mary-Margret
I gave Mary-Margret your number she's going to message you something

I then clicked off the messages and went onto the unknown number, which I now knew was Mary-Margret the messages said

hi Alex, it's Mary-Margret, Emma gave me your number. I knew you wanted to start classroom assistance, so if you would like you can start on Monday and work in my classroom
meet your sister and I at Granny's at 9:45

I then looked at the time it was 9:39. "crap" I said under my breath. "what's wrong?" Regina asked me walking into her room. "I gotta go, I need to go to Granny's" I said. "Granny's?" Regina asked me. "to see my sister and Mary-Margret" I smiled at her. "okay, i'll see you later" she hugged me. "goodbye my queen" I said about to walk out of her room, when she said "Alex" I turned around. "we should do this again sometime" she smiled. i'm pretty sure she's said that before. "good plan" I said scribbling my number into the notebook on her nightstand. "message me"

a/n sorry I said this chapter would be longer but it's not much longer. also sorry for any grammar mistakes, I try not to but If I do excuse me :)


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