"did my plan work?"

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a/n thank you to the people commenting on this story it gives me motivation

also make sure to check out my Jennifer Lawrence one shots on my profile :)

Alex pov:
I was a little behind Regina and Henry, as they were trying to get to their car, so I yelled a little. "Regina!"

they both turned around and Henry ran up to me and hugged me, I then looked up at Regina. "I thought with the whole John Doe thing we could go to the park?" I suggested. To which Henry grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the park. Regina laughed a little then followed.

once we made it to the park Regina and I sat on a bench while Henry went and played. "so, about this morni-" I started, but Regina cut me off. "I liked it" she smiled at me, resting her chin on her fist. that was not what I was expecting. I blushed a little, which brought out her smirk, before she said "and clearly you did too"

I rolled my eyes jokingly and shouted to Henry "need me to push you on the swing buddy?" he shouted yes in response and ran to the swing. I began pushing him. "did my plan work?" he asked. "what plan?" I asked confused. "to get you and my mom together!" he exclaimed like it was very obvious. "Henry!" I laughed. "I don't think your mom likes me like that, and it shouldn't be your concern" I told him. "she does and it is" he said back. I just laughed along.

We spent almost all day at the park, switching between chatting with Regina, playing with Henry, watching the pair play, or just talking all together. It began to get darker and Henry ran off saying he wanted to go find Archie to tell him something, Regina didn't seem too happy about it, but I don't think she wanted to shout at Henry in-front of me. Regina and I slowly started walking back to her house. we were quite close together when she grabbed my hand, and intertwined our fingers. I looked at her and just just smirked "do you ever have a different expression on your face, or is it always a smirk?" I asked her as we neared her home. "you should have met the old me" she said. "and what was the old you like?" I asked. "she was brutal, evil you could say, but she was very flirty, always smirking and I would say overall pretty badass" she told me. "what happened to her? the old you?" I asked. "i'm trying to move away from her, start a new in Storybrooke" she smiled at me as we reached her front door.

"would you like to come in?" she asked. "i'm afraid i'm meeting my sister at Granny's although that offer does sound tempting" I smiled at her. "no problem, i'll see you around Swan" she says before entering her home and shutting the door. It was now dark and I was making my way to Granny's. When I was about to go in Emma shouted behind me "Al!" I turned around and walked to her. "i'm thinking about taking up Mary-Margaret's offer" she said. "on the spare room?" I asked excited. "yeah" she said and I practically jumped into her arms, as much as I loved my sister and we would be sharing a bed, if Mary-Margret lets us stay, sharing a car with her is like hell on Earth.

We found ourselves outside Mary-Margaret's apartment trying to decide who was going to knock until I got bored. "i'll knock" I told Emma, and that I did. I knocked on the door and within a minute the door was opened and we were greeted by the face of Mary-Margret. "hi ladies" she smiled at us. "go on then Emma" I said to her. "I-" I cut her off laughing. "WE were wondering if the offer was still open about us sharing your spare room?" I asked knowing my sister was far to awkward to ask. "of course" Mary-Margret says and opens the door so we can walk in. "do you not have your things?" she asked us.

"no they're in the car, we'll get them tomorrow" Emma told her as we all sat around the table.


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