"get in the bug"

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a/n hiii this is so fun to write so i'm glad people are reading it!!

Alex pov:
I stormed out of Regina's house and tried to find my sister then remembered she's out somewhere with Henry, meaning I was on my own for a bit.

It was about 4:30pm so I decided to go to Granny's and get a drink. One drink turned into two, two turned into three and so on so on. "Hey Ruby, can I hAve anotheR one" I said slurring my words a little. "as much as I love a paying customer, what's got you in the mood to drink so much?" she asked me leaning over the counter. "oH noThing" I smiled at her, she giggled and went to get me my 12th drink.

I am normally really good with alcohol, and don't drink loads, but when I have nothing else to do, it makes time fly. It was now 7pm  and I was still not bored. "here you go Alex" Ruby said passing me the drink. I winked at her, and I heard the bell of the door go but I didn't look. "hey" it was the voice of my sister. "hEy eM" I said looking at her, chugging my drink down in one go. "woohhh how long have you been drinking, we're going now" she said to me. "pLeaSeeeEee" I begged her to stay, but she thanked Ruby for me, and we left.

we began walking back. "yaY I loVe walkIng" I cheered as we walked. "no, we're going in the car, you can barley walk in a straight line" she said as we crossed the road to the car. "noooOooO" I slurred. "get in the bug" she said opening the door and she shoved me in.

she then got in the drivers side and put my belt on for me. "what's made you drink?" she asked me, knowing I don't drink unless there's a reason. "NoThing" I hiccuped half way through. "was it Regina, because I swear if she said something to you" I Emma said driving. "noO don't woRry, shE jusT sAid she Didn't waNt HenRy arouNd an Ex JailbIrD" I said a tear falling down my face. "ohw Al, ignore her she's a bitch" she said seeing me get upset. "DoNt CaLL hEr A bItCh" I snapped at her. "you really like her huh?" she asked me. "Of cOurSe noT" I said as we parked outside the apartment. Emma came round and got me out the car.

"iTs nOt lIke sHE wouLd waNt me AnywAy" I said as I tried to walk up the stairs with Emma's assistance. "why's that Al?" she asked me. "oUr oWn pARenTs didn'T want Us, WhY woUld ThE HoT maYor waNt mE?" I said another tear falling down my face as Emma opened the door to the apartment.

"what's happened?" Mary-Margret asked us. "No OnE lOveS mE" I cried dramatically flopping on the floor. "she's drunk, get into bed" Emma said to Mary-Margret then to me. "whY doeSnT RegIna WaNt MeeeEe?" I winnned on the floor. "she does, i've known her most of my time in Storybrooke, she's happy around you" Mary-Margret told me helping me get up. "i HoPe So" I slurred as Emma and Mary-Margret helped me into the bed, and that's the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.

a/n idk how I feel about this chapter but it will get better!!

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