"she's our mom?"

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a/n chapter 4! here you go

Alex' pov:
I found Emma after exploring the town and meeting some nice people. she explained how she thinks Regina dislikes her, I kept quiet while she spoke about her. Emma decided we should stay the night, I decided she should stay a week, she agreed thank god, I like this town. We found a bed and breakfast around the back of Granny's Dinner. We walked in and the older lady from the counter earlier was there, and Ruby! they were arguing, until Ruby noticed we were here. "Alex, hey" she said smiling. "hey Ruby, can we have a room?" I asked. "a room?" the older woman asked then rushed behind the desk and got a room key, when a man walked in.

both the other two women in the room went silent. "Mr Gold here's the rent" the older woman said giving him an envelope. "thank you, you two are new in town right?" the man asked. "yes" we both said in sync.  "one room or two?" the older woman asked. "just one" Emma said as we turned back to face her. we could get two rooms, as much as i've taken a liking to this town, im scared to go in a room myself. "one with two single beds if you have one" I asked. "what are your names?" she asked. "Alexandra" I smiled "and Emma" my sister finished. "what lovely names" Mr Gold said. "thank you" Emma and I both said awkwardly, the man then left. "he owns this place?" I asked. "he owns the whole town" Ruby said. "here you go" she gave us a room. "i'm Granny, how long will you both be staying?" she asked. "a week" I smiled. "just a week" Emma clarified. we got our key and found our room.

"I want this bed!" I said flopping into it. "okay six year old" she said laughing and sitting on her bed. "you know that girl downstairs?" Emma asked. "yep, I met her at the dinner she's nice" I smiled. "can we please talk about Henry's curse Em?" I asked, it's fascinating to me. "what? that he thinks time is frozen and everyone here is a storybook character but they forgot. The only true thing about his theory is that Regina is the Evil Queen" Emma said. I rolled my eyes and she gave me a questioning look. "she doesn't seem so evil to me" I shrugged my shoulders. "no" Emma gasped. "what?" I asked. "you like her" she stood off the bed. "no. I cant like a woman I just met" I said trying not to blush.

I don't 'like her' I might have a bit of a crush on her. there's a difference, but crush or liking, Emma doesn't need to know. We both got into bed and I went on my phone for a while then we both decided to sleep. "night Em" I smiled at her before facing the other way. "night Al" she replied.

The next morning I heard a ding from outside. I fluttered my eyes to get used to the light, before standing up and looking out the window. "hey Em, the saviours are helping move time again" I joked. she just hummed in response still half asleep. then there was a knock on our door. "get it" Emma said rubbing her eyes to help herself wake up. I rolled my eyes and opened the door to see the mayor. great.

I quickly put my hands through my hair to make it not look as bushy as it normally does in a morning, people get bed hair but i get BAD bed hair. "hello Madam Mayor, how may I help you?" I asked. "hello Alex, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do i'm here to speak to your sister" she said and then I turned behind the door and Emma got up and spoke to Regina while I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I could hear them make sly remarks at each other which made me giggle. I then came out of the bathroom and Regina looked me in the eye. "an apple?" she offered. a pretty lady? offering me food? that's a way to win my heart over. I walked over and picked one up. "thank you" I smiled. "no problem" she gave a half smile back, that's the first time i've seen her smile or even put on some softer expression, it was cute.

My sister then shut the door on Regina and looked at me crossing her arms. "what?" I asked crossing my arms too. "thank you" she mimicked me. I just pushed her arm.

I got ready way before Emma, I don't know how, all she had to do was brush her hair, so I left to go to Granny's first. When I arrived I saw Henry sat at a booth, he smiled and waved at me when I walked in, I decided to go and sit with him "hey buddy" I smiled. "I knew you two decided to stay!" he exclaimed. "how did you know that?" I asked. "the clock!" he smiled. "oh of course" I nodded my head while saying that. "what drink you got there?" I asked. "hot coco with cinnamon" he smiled taking a sip. "really? Em and I love hot coco with cinnamon on" I smiled, i've never met anyone else who likes it.

My sister then walked in and I pointed to her, Henry turned and ushered Ruby over, "one hot coco with cinnamon on it for her" he whispered pointing at my sister as she sat at the barstools. she then went to Graham thinking he gave it to her, but then she noticed us two. "i should have known" she said. "walk me to school" Henry asked. He stood up and looked at me. "both of you?" he asked me. "course buddy" I replied

Henry got his book out on the way there and showed us the page I showed Emma before we crashed the car. "look there's you two! your blankets with your names" he explained, I looked at Emma "that is a crazy coincidence kid" she said. "we need a name for the what we talk about here" he said. "operation cobra!" he exclaimed. "that's a good name buddy" I said as we reached his school. "Alex can I tell you something?" he asked me. "sure you can bud" I said kneeling to his height so he could say it in my ear. "make Emma believe" he said. "i'll try my best" I smiled at him. he then ran in and I stood up. I turned around to see Emma talking to a woman. "this is my sister, Alexandra" she introduced me. "you can call me Alex, and who are you?" I asked. "i'm Mary-Margret, i'm Henry's teacher" she smiled at me, she looks like the sweetest woman on earth. "it's nice to meet you Mary-Margret" I smiled. "he thinks i'm Snow White" Mary-Margret told Emma and I, referring to Henry's book. we both were a bit taken aback as Henry has told us that our mother, was Snow White.

"who does he think you two are?" she asked us. "oh we're not in the book" Emma lied. "well, have a great day both of you, I hope to see you two again" she said turning to go to her class. "she's our mom?" I asked. "shut up" Emma laughed.

Once we reached school Henr

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